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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. DT, are you some kind of mad hyperactive genius! Nice touch with the Pe's as Blenhiems. Great job, can't wait. Salute!
  2. Lol, Dubbo, you don't want to know mate :oops: Essential kit for the commited simmer, handy if you're not a good swimmer.
  3. Klinger


    That works, nice one Dave.
  4. When you end up with an a$$ like a baboon from sitting at the computer too long.
  5. Klinger


    Does anyone know how to make icons go black,500m ? Enough to stop team killng, know who you're winging with, but still allow sneak attacks.
  6. Klinger


    Yikes, full switch. I'd love to fly without icons, as they are not too realistic. My graphs/ plane recognition, are just not good enough for that. Thanks BA.
  7. Klinger


    Where do I find Historia, Badaim? Love the historical missions, DT's "Operation Jericho" (Amiens raid) was superb. Kling
  8. Good to see you back, in the UK we're always ready to rock n roll, let the State take care of the family Deadbeat dad.
  9. Great stuff Enforcer. ~S~ to the old man.
  10. Dead on Jim, Animal (Neil) is willing and able rig wise. All we have to to is figure out how. :? (router). We are good chippies but useless with computers. Your link is gonna be a big help. I agree the comms became useless tactically, but good entertainment. Seperate blue and red for sure. Air starts for bombers, runway for fighters. It is obviously a pain to sit around for 20mins, waiting for the mission to end. With that many on, the game becomes a little different. Flip side of that is that survivers are guilt tripped into calling it. Maybe it would suit a mission oriented dogfight if more than,say, 12 pilots. Didn't experience severe warping, but I'm closer to Sged's server than many of you. Noticed Sged's comms breaking up a bit though. All that aside, its great flying with as many as possible. Klinger.
  11. Yes, well done Beebop, you blokes are all so talented! ~S~Klinger the klutz.
  12. Same here Jim, I get them for less than a quarter the amount Epson want. ~S~ Klinger.
  13. No hair = no hairdrier Compressed air it is. ~S~ Klinger
  14. Good call Delta, I tried to put more ram in last week and was similarly amazed at the dusty deposits. Is that right, that its bad to use a hoover re. static ? (used 2" paintbrush) Apparantly, 90% of household dust is dead skin. I must sit there shedding skin like an adolescent lizard. ~S~ Klinger
  15. ~S~Frior, interesting pics, thanks for posting em. Klinger
  16. Klinger

    Humour Time

    Lol. Thanks Rog, today I really needed a good laugh. Q. What do you get when you mix a pea-brain with sophisticated modern technology ? A. Klinger, trying to program his new X52. ~S~ Klinger
  17. Good going Dazza,get out of jail free
  18. Santa, Loch Ness, now this. Another bubble busted, thanks Rattler. ~S~ Klinger
  19. "Dysfunction The only consistent feature in all of your dissatisfying relationships is you." lol. And disturbingly true. :roll: ~S~ Klinger
  20. What a great story and pics. Makes you want to do something, eh Mick ? ~S~ Klinger.
  21. Yeah, great pic TopAce. Read about a guy who bolted one of those rocket motors to the roof of his car. When the cops found the wreckage, impact speed estimated at 300mph, they thought it was the result of a plane crash. lol. ~S~ Klinger.
  22. Laughing from altitude. I wouldn't worry about it. Seen it quite a bit. Lag in DM and graphs ? Donno. Most likely mechanical failure, Delta, sack that ground crew. First time I ve seen screenies where I know everyone in the shot. Brilliant. ~S~ Klinger.
  23. S~, just got registered, and wanted to this first. Thanks for inviting me Friday night. Great missions, superb fun. Good job DoubleTap for organising it, Blair, Jensen, Arsenal and Delta for taking up leadership role - tough to do with your buddies ! Cant wait till the next one. Klinger.
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