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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Ok, here's Fireman's perspective: Valiant Fireman sees tracer-fire below, and instantly dives in for the kill... [attachthumb=1] ...and thinks twice about it, but stops thinking...only slows your reaction time down... [attachthumb=2] The carnage is awesome, but never fear, intrepid protector (ok, I'll stop! I'm making myself gag....) [attachthumb=3] 1 victim already down, Andrew hopes to save Clarke. [attachthumb=4] Closing in for the kill: too bad Zekes are slow! [attachthumb=5] Too late... [attachthumb=6] But Andrew will get his revenge... [attachthumb=7] Sorry that there isn't more, Andrew. I killed the track when I croaked. I know: very selfish of me. Until next time!
  3. Oh, absolutely, mate! I'll get one up shortly...hard to find out who you are in the mess though, but I'll give it a go! I believe that you were about to pounce upon the evil villain Pope Bombs I, and downed him, yeah?
  4. I'm posting on the Warbirds of Prey server about this (rockets vs bombers).
  5. That assumes that you're successful on Zekes, BA!!
  6. Welcome, mate. Hope to seen you soon online. We often meet with a few of us late at night on Hyperlobby as well. Have a look for us! We tend to be online from around 8:00 -10:00 EDT or so
  7. I gotta get up earlier to fool you, you old dog!
  8. Hey guys, check this out: From a buddy nicked Letum on the UK Dedicated forum... Oleg has released 4.10 ! I'm not installing it until its up on the server tho. The change log is huge, but the important bits are: Fix the "mission loading" bug 4 New flyable Planes inc. B17G also some planes from Finland and Japan Ability to limit load-outs in mission editor for dogfight servers Increased power for the Mk108s Improved IL2 climb rate Hundreds of bug fixes Here's the thread link... http://www.battle-fields.com/commscentr ... hp?t=13666
  9. Oo yeah, baby! Do I make you randy?!
  10. Here's part 2: My fish goes in the water close (only way to ensure a hit before you die!). Lots of evil flak. [attachthumb=1] And the fish strikes home. 1 Destroyer gone!. BTW - last night on Zekes, Sunflower and I found out that 2 runs with 1x500kg and 2x250kg will sink a fleet carrier, whereas it takes 5-6 torpedoes... [attachthumb=2] The aftermath of flak on my plane... [attachthumb=3] Quazi scores our 2nd hit. [attachthumb=4] Sunflower entertains a guest... [attachthumb=5] Absolute carnage! [attachthumb=6] Only the tailplanes are left!! [attachthumb=7]
  12. Several of us flew together on Zekes vs Wildcats last night. Here's some pics of Sunflower, BeeBop, Quazi and I flying, attacking, and dying in formation. We did however take out 40% of their fleet! Oh, and Fireman helped us out with escort. He got 'da Pope' after Pope Bombs 1 (yes, that's his real nick) took out Clarke. Some formation shots... [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] [attachthumb=3] [attachthumb=4] Out targets [attachthumb=5] Clarke and I diving in to attack, still in formation. [attachthumb=6] The 4 of us splitting off a bit to spread the love around the fleet. [attachthumb=7] My run in [attachthumb=8] BeeBop lead, Quazi trailing. [attachthumb=9] Fish dropped. [attachthumb=10] More later...
  13. I'm afraid that I now have to rescind my previous confirmation that I'm flying Friday with the FI. Unfortunately, my spousal unit just today informed me that we're "going out to a party with her work colleagues", which she has not done much of as yet, and doesn't want to be seen as stand-offish. She's only been on salary at her research job for 8 months, and doesn't want to jeopardize it! Sorry mates: hope to fly with you late Friday on HL or on Saturday!
  14. My version, part deux... Dave and I catch sight of a smoker.. [attachthumb=1] BG and his AI wingie join us... [attachthumb=2] Parts go flying off... [attachthumb=3] He stalls out in front of me... [attachthumb=4] Daisy chain of death... [attachthumb=5] Rex loses his controls and bails out... [attachthumb=6] BG ensures that Rex is actually dead and blows his wing off... He then returns to base, steals candy from a baby, and drinks my scotch! [attachthumb=7] Safely returned to base, -E settles onto final. 1st round's on me! [attachthumb=8]
  15. Here's my version... (pardon the resolution: I resized the pics afterwards, and they degraded a bit) 1 Spitfire wing (sort of...) [attachthumb=1] Tally-ho on a single AI Tempest... [attachthumb=2] Go get the bastard... [attachthumb=3] ...good-bye elevator... [attachthumb=4] ...going down, smoking. [attachthumb=5] Next up: multiple bandits - here comes the 352nd... [attachthumb=6] Vertical downward scissors (just before partial disconnect...) [attachthumb=7] Dave and I pair up: an odd pair - P-47D and Spit IXc...but it worked! [attachthumb=8] He couldn't run, or turn! [attachthumb=9]
  16. Which side are we going to be? BG: do you need us to confirm for this, or just show up and fill spots? (may be I'll check earlier in this thread.....)
  17. Time to get onto Zekes vs Wildcats or Spits vs 109s more, guys! Forces you to navigate.
  18. In my army days (daze??) I was able to attend the Churchill Dinner in Edmonton on the invitation of my regiment's colonel.
  19. Good thing I don't live anywhere important! Time to put the aluminum foil hat on again...
  20. GOL! (guffawing out loud)
  21. I have that problem from time to time with my
  22. Very nice work, BG and Helen. Natalie and I are both very impressed.
  23. That is too cool, M8. They should have given it out in cereal boxes for the kiddies to practice on!
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