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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. 7, mate, but who's counting? UKDed for the most part is help out your mates achieve the objective. The guys on comms tend to wok together much better! You by the way had 2 by the stats count, but it is notorius for missing kills to AAA. I know we were kicking serious ass over the Japanese carrier and the Allied ships on the Normandy map. Fun flying with you too!
  2. Tough bird, my ass! The Scottish part is he can't bear to hire someone else to do it!
  3. Painless, BG's calling you.....
  4. So then, explain how I am supposed to understand Dave on comms....is there a TS filter for Scottish brogue? All I ever understand is when he says "I hate these fookin' Roossian pieces of shhite!"
  5. So, is it possible to get a Cosworth to play the "Marsailles" (sp?)
  6. Of course, you really need to see what happened after he tried to get it back together, guys.... And with the leftover parts, he built this...(doesn't it always happen?)
  7. I tend to like a more sensitive input as well, Dave. I haven't checked mine lately though. Will post later....
  8. I'm looking forward to UK3 as well, Dave. I believe that it will be similar to WarClouds in its settings. I like UK's maps better than WarClouds, as there seems to be more mission oriented maps.
  9. Had a blast on WarClouds last night, flying on comms with the usual red suspects in a flight of 4+ A-20 G's from an air-spawn, shifting targets every time we hit one. We even gathered a flight of high and mid level fighters for escort. It was a gas! If you are ever on late at night (9-11 MST), you can often find me on Zeke's & Wildcats or WarClouds WF.
  10. Comedy? Comedy? (rising inflection on the second "comedy") I was being entirely serious. I may have to pull out my church card on you lot, as I am an actual bishop (well, elder, but the Greek word can be translated both ways) so watch it! Brother Frior, I believe we have been slandered. What's the usual penance for such as young Mick over there in the corner of the pub, under that overturned table, sucking the alcohol out of used bar rags?
  11. I shall give it a look, JP. We do get Sleeman's, but being in a small city, they tend to only get the minimum fare. I'll have to try it when I go up to Edmonton.
  12. Quite right, old bean, quite right. But, seeing as we seem to be digressing from the topic of this thread, might I suggest that we continue this discussion in the abbey over a glass of the Priory's Special Reserve port? Say 7 pm'ish? I'll have the cigars ready in the humidor. A treat this time: a sweet Equadorian corona. Cheers.
  13. Wow! And from a French engine no less! Must have been programmed into the ECU.
  14. Ah, but dear brother Frior-One (isn't that a redundancy?), didn't Saint Ball Ox (c. 430 A.D.) translate that very same passage to actually read "hence from that day forward wonderous things shall be shat upon all those that habit there." (author's italics) This did indeed begin the Great Bear schism, did it not?
  15. From Friday afternoon: Situation: A5M5's vs. P-47's P-38's and F-4U's Our (Zeke's) flightpath took us directly over the US carrier, so some of our guys were bagged by naval AAA right away.
  16. Most NA beers are quite bland, IMHO. Too much pandering to the masses I guess. My favorites: Guiness (but even ours is nothing like in old Blighty) Big Rock (Calgary brewery) makes several nice ones: Grasshopper, Traditional, Honey Brown Haven't tried their McNally's or Black Amber yet: I'll give you a review.
  17. I didn't notice a difference between 4.07 and 4.071.
  18. Thanks, Sunflower!
  19. You laugh, but there is a 4.07 - 4.071 switcher! Check for it on UbiZoo. Quazi did it up!
  20. I got me an airbrush and compressor/tank from the missus last Christmas. Oh joy, oh bliss! If you're serious about modelling, it's the ONLY way to go!
  21. We tended to do pretty good against them Sat. night. Good matchup of planeset. Nice missions, BeeBop.
  22. Use a liquid mask or masking paper/tape for canopies and other items. http://www.hobbypeople.net/gallery/699810.asp http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/pac/pacmt108.htm http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/bad/bad600.htm I build my models in major sections. I'm working on a P-61 right now, and am building the fuselage, tail booms, and wings as separate constructions at the same time. I'll post some pics soon...
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