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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I didn't realize that you could program toe brakes on CH Pro pedals...I use my X45 pinkie switch right now... Gotta check that out.
  2. For me, it completely depends upon the plane. T&B in Zekes when flying early Japanese, but I switch to BnZ when I fly American or late war Japanese (Franks, Georges, etc.) If my opponent starts to T&B in a BnZ plane, though, I will go T&B. I was flying Zeke's the other night with the guys, but the map was unbalanced, so I went Red. La-7's, P-63's, Yak 9U's.
  3. Very cool! Do you fly F-16's as well, or do you just prefer the sidestick controller?
  4. A little long in the tooth? That's like saying the Sea Kings are a little unreliable! God Bless the man's family, and his friends.
  5. They'd use lard too: hard to keep the birds away....
  6. To reduce the amount of radio chatter, would it be helpful to have us use more channels? 1 channel per flight? I know you won't hear everything, but I had whispers set up to each flight leader on Saturday, and it could save us some bandwidth.
  7. Added a Me-109 G4 Trop to my works in progress (1/32 scale Monogram: very nice!) Will post pics some day; P-61 too...
  8. Welcome, August. See you in the friendly skies! Hope you don't expect anything too serious, or mind insane humour...
  9. I was working in a downtown Edmonton office a few years back, when I heard the roar of several Pratt & Whitney's nearby. Lo and behold, I see a B-17G go flying past my window (giving them a good shake, BTW), as it was giving out rides for charity. I was on the 8th floor! It was a CAF plane up for a local airshow. I can't wait for the water bomber company to begin warming up for forest fire season: they use several B-26's (former A-26A's) - nice sound, and they tend to practice low over our town!
  10. You married a bird named Merlin?
  11. Is it a 914/4, or 914/6? One of my favorite cars still, despite its unpopularity...
  12. Can't wait to fly with you again, Guitarman!
  13. Mascooleeneety? What is this? I'd better ask my wife... BTW: don't piss her off either - she's fired C7 rifle, C9 Minimi, up to C6 7.62mm GPMG, M 72 LAW antitank rockets, and trained on the Carl Gustav 84mm anti-tank recoiless gun! she's the one to be afraid of in the house!
  14. Back to the flying stuff... I came in much later last night: was watching Amazing Race with Natalie. I flew 2 missions, shot down 4 for 1 death (got jumped by 5 guys while protecting Relentov in a Betty, but I took down 3 of them before they finally killed me!) Some of us should take tracks of these sorties more often and post screenies...
  15. When you go away for a bit, how many forum posts do you need to get caught up on, 1000 or so? Must be encentive in itself to never stop flying with us nuts!
  16. Neat things I've driven... AVGP Cougar (and family) Leopard 1 Leopard 2 Ferret Coyote (Lav Recce veh.) M1 and M1A1 M-60 M-113 Lynx FV 432 Chieftain Challenger 1 M-109 A2 many various jeeps and Hummers more to come... Neat things I've fired...
  17. LOL !!! You bastard!!
  18. "Per Ardua ad Astra" RIP, aviator extraordinaire.
  19. Same here, mate. Sorry to see you not fly with us anymore for awhile, but you're always welcome to visit! Nice flying with you , and hope to see you around soon! BTW: do you have the same problems on HL as you did with our SEOW with the 352nd?
  20. Geez, you're up early, and dare I say, you're up wierd!
  21. What'dya mean why are we confused? This thread begins in the middle of a rant against JensenPark! Where's the previous dirt and accusations?
  22. I'll help out, dude. Send 'em my way...
  23. I agree, Rog. Unfortunately, in a case like Rob's he doesn't want to talk and requires quite a bit of psych. counselling. I think that it'll take a lot of the Afghan vets a long time to talk about their experiences. My brother's supposed to go in the new Leopard 2's next year - his tasking this year was nixed by Ottawa....bloody Reg. Force vs. Reserves games....
  24. I talked to my brother (still in the Army reserves in Edmonton, in my old unit), and I found out that one of our buddies, a MCpl R. McCue, was standing next to a female artillery Captain when she was killed in action near Kandahar. He's now completely messed up. Her death was not a usual one - don't ask for details (seriously - freaked me out when my brother told me.)
  25. This is where I still go, but they have no search engine either. Tough to find if there are alot of skins in the section. http://www.flying-legends.net/php/downloads/
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