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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Stukas were everywhere, throughout the war.
  2. The wind they encountered was the jetstream. Before B-29's came along, no one really knew it existed. One B-29 navigator found his plane with a negative ground speed because of it, even though their IAS was around 350 mph! The rest is meteorological history!
  3. Yeah, MadMack, I met MadMus on UK1, and noticed his Dutch accent right away, and since my heritage is also Dutch, I started to chat with him. His computer is giving him fits and he is busy with work, but is looking forward to flying again. Good pilot! Hope to see you online soon too. Many of your m8's also fly UK Ded alot, so I know many of them: Wardy, 'Mus, FlyingFinn etc...
  4. Hmmm....mine worked fine, BG. Maybe they've received word about you? I for one will try to spread the word around their site that you're OK.
  5. ~S~ Mad_Mack! I've met several of your squad mates online: MadMus is a M8 of mine from UK1, but I haven't seem him in quite some time, although I don't fly there much anymore: more on UK3.
  6. I find the sound quality worse than TS; I've tried it but didn't like it. I've got a good Long Distance plan anyway, so I don't think I'll use it again.
  7. Hey Dazza, are you going somewhere? @Enforcer: I'll be happy to beta test, when I can get online with you guys!
  8. Rattler


    I used to fly using a hat switch for panning. Since receiving a TIR from an anonymous generous Dog, my flying has gotten somewhat better. Seriously: it REALLY helps, especially situational awareness. On a full switch server, you can actually track targets!
  9. Saw it on the news last night. He sustained a broken ankle and a collapsed lung...
  10. Rattler


    I hate when that happens, Rog.
  11. I completely agree, Dazza. I keep my settings at excellent at all times now, to keep my framerates at least 30+ Really need it when the flak starts up.
  12. Rattler


    Good times............goood times.....
  13. Rattler


    Thank you again very much for that, Sged. Very professional flying not to be tempted to go after a hurt Tempest (nyuk, nyuk!)
  14. come fly cover with me then! I will happily provide escort anytime that I can find time to fly with you guys! Have fun!
  15. Did I ever mention I hate bombers and bombing?
  16. Rattler


    I was so pissed off at myself last week, I was really looking for redemtion this week. We ALL did great, guys! SEOW really is hard on low level bombers, so our results are coloured by their choice of ground attack. (As an aside: it seems they are alternating ground pounding then air to air, then ground pounding...) Still, we kept exactly to our plan, and won the battle. Our counter air worked perfectly. Thanks to Painless for the confidence in sending Sged and I down to have a look-see, and thanks expecially to Sged for watching my butt! When I saw those two dots as I was pulling back up after our recce, I was sure that it would be a furball.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvOfZSn6qAk
  18. To be honest, if you notice the whole post, it was not my work, but I Googled it from the UbiZoo. Hats off to: "Hanglands"
  19. Done and done. I now have 4.04m - 4.08m
  20. Hanglands Posted Sat September 16 2006 03:28 Hi, For lack of anything better to do, I decided to test the effective blast radii of pretty much all the ordnance available in game. When I say 'Effective' I mean the ability to destroy a truck. To test the level of effectiveness I lined up a hundred trucks spaced exactly 10m apart, with a pattern of lights leading up to the first vehicle to aid in dropping the bombs/rockets in the correct place every time. I only tested ordnance available to players, no AI only ordance (ie FAB5000) was tested. I have only tested ordnance that can be delivered with a single drop (a single click), ie single bombs and bomb pairs (all rockets are obviously pairs too). I have not tested fragmentation, or incendary devices. Some people will no doubt think "well done youve proven that big bombs do more damage than little bombs". Well, thats not strictly true, some of the results were a bit surprising, and so I retested until I was sure I had a valid result. Anyway, heres the table of results : So the statement "big bombs do more damage than little bombs" is not always true. Check the Japanese 600kg and 800kg results. the 800kg does LESS damages than the 600kg. And for many other bombloads the relationship between weight and blast radius is not always obvious. Why, for example are two SC250s not as effective as one SC500? Why is the effectiveness of 2000ks of FAB the same as 4000kg of SC? Why is the RAF/USAAF 1000lb bomb more effective than two 500lbs? Why are two SC500s only as effective as one? Why are two Japanese 250kg bombs over twice as effect as two SC250s, and over three times more effective than two FAB250s? Anyway, as an ardent bomber/Jabo-ist, this gave me food for thought. I will consider my bombloads a little more carefully. I hope someone else finds this useful. Regards.
  21. I believe that it just thunders in and is lost.
  22. I was there. I still hate bombers. I took a Zeke over their harbour with a 250 kg bomb just before they kicked us all off, and I nailed 2 P-40's on the way back! Great fun on that server! BTW: it's 4.08m now.
  23. Rattler

    IL2 Chat

    Try Sturmolog? http://www.mm-development.de.vu
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