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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Rattler

    Hello all.

    Cheers, mate, and welcome to the squad!
  2. Public salute, and +1 for the karma, mate. I always wondered who was recruiting the new help around there. Warms the cockles of me heart, it does, to know that Painless is missing out on flying to go around the burg digging up new talent. Cheers mate!
  3. **shaddup Dazza! we're serious!!**
  4. Problem is, Chris, that I can download and open the file after ne-naming it from the same source that Carl is using. It puts *.rar%20 on the extension, which we get rid of, and then it opens fine for me. It seems to be his computer's problem...
  5. Do you use any of the following programs? They use .php extensions... PHP Presentation
  6. You're a
  7. Works fine if you're in a DUKW...need a couple of extra jerry cans though... BBloke takes the UK Dangergogz ashore, enroute to BG's cottage country home...
  8. I read the note as well. Very good, Dave. I agree totally with the initial choice of targets: I always go for the highest guy in a furball, whether you can tell if friendly or not. Keep closing until you can ID friend and foe. Keep on the guy with the most E, and nail him, then continue on through and set up again. In, then out quick - make NO HARD TURNS!!!
  9. I'd rather have Lexa Doig from Andromeda: she's slready got experience in the job...
  10. Rattler


    Very cool! The last time I visited the Netherlands, I remember the M109's going off in the distance when we stayed at relatives in Vassen. They were also always rolling along the side of the highways on manouevers. So then, you were an officer?
  11. Rattler


    Shotokan karate here, but not for many years...105mm L7A1 reaches out much further...
  12. Well done, old bean! What a plane the Jug is!
  13. Join our MS FSX support group: Roger, pres.; Okie, v.p. So, the helicopter is an Apache Longbow, right? It has guns? Rockets? You can carry a pistol? Drop a grenade? No? Pheh! Useless! I'd rather go back to Jane's Longbow 2...
  14. He is also one of the "bad" guys on the Laf-a-lympics cartoons from Hanna-Barbara: not their greatest work.
  15. You guys did very well in that last mission, 352nd! I was pk'ed quite early (by CLASH I beleive - ;p ). Thanks from me as well on a great campaign!
  16. Rattler


    So, with your nic, Nightwarrior, you are a Nachtjager? Like the Bf 110 met Jazz Musiek?
  17. @ GreyKnight: Yes, a full switch or nearly full switch server really benefits from TIR and TS. I tried before I got TIR, and it was murder - mine!
  18. We can get snow here until late May...
  19. Granted, they could possibly hit something if you're VERY close, but the early 3.5's had a range of 500 m, and that's against a stationary target. With a 6 o'clock attack, your target is already moving away from you at about 200 - 250 mph, 89 - 111 m/s: it's quickly moving out of range as you launch it!
  20. Rattler


    Salute, mate. Nice to have some more Dutch blood in the squad! We'll take them all over! Oh yeah, I forgot: we Dutch are quietly subdued about our superiority... Gude dag!
  21. Last week, at the start of Spring Break, we were enjoying balmy +15 deg. Celcius temperatures, flying kites with the boys, getting bicycles out, etc., etc.
  22. I love MP! P.S. it takes 2.5 minutes to get to the good stuff: be patient!
  23. I DON'T LOVE SHEEP EITHER, KELLY!! Aw hell, I'm just going to give up... Walks to bed, muttering to self......damn Dogz! Why did I ever respond to that damn Pacific Fighters forum thread......Saturday flying my arse!! Bunch of cave-dwelling .......oh well: welcome IL46!
  24. Inspired by Dave (Delta7), I posted the following on the Zekes vs. Wildcats forum... http://www.warbirdsofprey.org/modules.p ... =5460#5460
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