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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Also, just in case you get kicked by an admin, here are the server rules
  2. What's this thing about a "bree-eef"?
  3. I'll scan the instruction sheet for you, John.
  4. The best part about it is its weapons pointability with the helmet sight.
  5. I've got a Queensryche CD upstairs, with Silent Lucidity on it.
  6. Just to add to the debate re: lag - we had coops today with BG hosting, and there were no problems with me being able to down planes.
  7. Thanks alot, Shades.
  8. Keep at it mate.
  9. Seriously: the code for the geezer smiley is "bg"
  10. Ha! You're older than me for a few months too! Old coots! (lol!! Anyone notice the forum php code for the geezer smiley is "bg"??
  11. Well, the decal solvent didn't work out so well.
  12. Yeah, it's the Heinkel fighter. Many think it is the influence for the Ki-61 Tony
  13. Wow! Sorry that I missed that one! I'm tempted always to join in a Betty, but I'm still not that good at it yet.
  14. I can't wait to see that one. The first one was excellent.
  15. For the instrument panel, I'm going to do what another guy did - cut out the individual guages and micro-sol them down over the raised details. It looks really sharp! [attachthumb=1]
  16. I'm also doing a 1/48 P-61 Black Widow, and a 1/24 1968 Hertz Rent-a-car Mustang GT-350.
  17. http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php ... &card2=189 This is what I upgraded with for CAN $140.
  18. I'm just reading Liddel Hart's history of WW2. Spot on, Dave - the paratroopers were basically wiped out at Crete. Hitler pretty much refused to use them again. As for "Screwball" Beurling, he was a great pilot, but an a$$ to fly with. A couple of his Sqn Comanders, JE Johnson and Hugh Godefroy dressed him down repeatedly for failure to be a team player.
  19. Here's pics of the base coat interior. Details to be done soon - when report cards are done! [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] [attachthumb=3] [attachthumb=4] [attachthumb=5] [attachthumb=6] [attachthumb=7]
  20. Picked up a Monogram Promodeler 1/32 scale Me-109 G4 Trop for 10$. [attachthumb=1] I'll be posting pics as the kit progresses...
  21. Right, BBLoke.
  22. ROFL!! Excellent comeback, and prompt too!
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