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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Seafire F MkIII, or Seafire L MkIII?
  2. Re-centering the view is set to F12 by default.
  3. Good to hear from you again, mate! I've seen the first one, but not the second one yet.
  4. Haven't posted many screens from flying with the Hellhounds for a long time, so though I'd share... Carl and I formed up enroute to protect A-20's; Carl and I didn't see each other as we pounded Arthur [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] Such a nice skin on Arthur's "Ki-45"; Saving a German BB from the Red horde... [attachthumb=3] [attachthumb=4] 20mm gun pods do such nice damage; A very lucky hit on Arthur's wing with little E left. [attachthumb=5] [attachthumb=6] There goes his elevator; Another lucky hit as he begins his dive. [attachthumb=7] [attachthumb=8] Diving to catch Arthur (BB in view); Bye bye wing...Arthur tried to hit the BB, and just missed! [attachthumb=9] [attachthumb=10] Hard to aim this way...' There goes JP and Plan-B (his gunner) [attachthumb=11] [attachthumb=12]
  5. Dam!
  6. Very nice prints.
  7. Congrats, guys! For your birthdays, I promise to withhold firing when on your 6 at least one time the next time we fly together. Cheers!
  8. I would agree with the numbers/wingman tactics.
  9. Roger that, guys.
  10. So you'll be counting coup from now on?
  11. Different Banff...without Mossies!
  12. New tent-trailer.
  13. It was a great trip, Roger!
  14. Here's some pics from our trip... Me, Natalie, Timothy (left) and Jeremiah at the head of the Johnston's Canyon trail. [attachthumb=1] The Lower Falls [attachthumb=2] Beautiful views in Banff National Park [attachthumb=3] Resting at the Ink Pots, 7 km into the bush, and several hundred meters higher (whew!!) [attachthumb=4]
  15. Glad to hear that it wasn't too serious, Foto.
  16. Canadair CL-215T
  17. Salute, mate.
  18. No, at my rate, I'll have it done in a month or two...
  19. Take a look here for scans of my intruction sheet, John. http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a258/ ... 000025.jpg http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a258/ ... 000024.jpg http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a258/ ... 000023.jpg Hope that this helps.
  20. Ok, I finally have my own digital camera (actually, it's for my eldest boy, but he lets me use it!) Here's where I've gotten to so far... [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] Sorry about the lack of brightness on this one; played with it to get the interior detail, and it got dark... [attachthumb=3] [attachthumb=4]
  21. Our monthly average high temperature for July will hit 27 C/81 F: a new record for us.
  22. Very nice, Kelly. Thanks.
  23. 2 P-51's crashed at Oshkosh.
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