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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. We getting all Cockney, now are we?
  2. I don't enter via HL very often (I suppose that I should to help out finding buddies.) I'll be online more often in your daytime for the summer as well, starting next Friday. Hope to fly with you again, Dave!
  3. I was on Warclouds Tuesday night when Zekes was down. What a disappointment! No one was trying to achieve mison goals. It was more like Big Top with better icon settings.
  4. You have morticians on your motorways?
  5. Just do what we did in the "B" echelon in the army - keep backing it up until it sounds expensive, then stop!
  6. Looks nice and rough, Shadow. Very authentic.
  7. AI wingmen are idiots. Enemy AI can be difficult, but often predictable.
  8. You'll have to give us a chance to fly with you to determine if there's a problem, Docktor. I believe that you and Skylord were both on Zeke's TS Axis Fighters channel the other night when I came in to say goodnight. The Zero flies very well, but not overly fast compared to '43 and later planes. It's strength is turning. I can fly at full power, open rad for quite awhile before overheating, and then drop to 106% power without overheating.
  9. I've seen the AI fly the way they should be flown, especially at ace settings. I set up a Yak-1b and an ace Me-109 G2 at 3000m, and the 109 never let me get near it. It simply climbed away every time. Boring fight, because it could never turn with me or go low either. I gave up after 10 minutes of stalemate
  10. I bet the Phantom gets its arse kicked...can't turn worth s h i t.
  11. They look like AA-11 Archers
  12. http://www.warbirdsofprey.org/modules.p ... highlight=
  13. Salute, mate! Welcome back, you mangy cur! Looking forward to flying with you again.
  14. It's about an hour and a half north past Red Deer to get to Lacombe.
  15. Wish I could come down and see you. Try the military museum. Quite well done. http://www.museumoftheregiments.ca/main/ The Glenbow museum is good too. http://www.glenbow.org/ There is an aviation museum near the airport. http://www.asmac.ab.ca/
  16. In 1991, I was training in Suffield Alberta, near Medicine Hat (for those of you not quite up on your Alberta geography, it's in the south, and known for its hot, dry summers.)
  17. Sigh.....if you don't like the weather, give it 10 minutes: it'll change....
  18. Middle of Alberta. Last week, my girls soccer team played in 24 degrees celcius weather...
  19. The fuzziness is not a blurry picture: it's snowing that hard! [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2]
  20. It doesn't take long to go from receiver or pain to dealer of death.
  21. #1: I spotted and tracked you first. #2: We merged (at a great deal of altitude, I might add - not usual territory for an A6M5), and I picked you up on the fly by, and you didn't. #3: You did not manoeuver afterwards, and I saw you slightly above me. I got into your low 6 o'clock, and slowly snuck up behind to point blank. It was so close, you had no chance. The only way to avoid those engagements in the future is to have a wingman, or, what I often do is listen for other planes coming in. I can usually hear an enemy plane approaching, unless he's really booming me from on high. You were by yourself, and I saw you first. I'm also quite used to picking up dots on full real servers now, and that helps. I was so close, you were toast. On the very next sortie, I came across Gryphon in his P-47, and blasted him into bits - 38% bullets hit, and his fuel tank exploded! (I'm normally around 4-5% bullets hitting the target.) If you're that close, there's not much chance.
  22. I use a bomb release on the throttle on my X45, and the rest of the bomb comtrols are on keyboard. Sorry for whacking you last night in your P-38: didn't know it was you (and probably wouldn't have stopped anyway!
  23. It was a 700 W power supply Rattler. Here is a quote from his recent thread on the zoo. "And I was able to purchase an OCZ 700watt GameXstream for $130 & a $25 rebate." 700W, 850W, 3000W, what's the difference - if it's more power, Quazi has it! Probably internally water cooled too....and overclocked...
  24. Quazi got himself a new 850 W power supply to run things. Should do nicely...
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