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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. haven't seen that one. Did you make a track?
  2. If you install the 404-405-407 switcher in your game folder (you're using 405?) it will work just fine for switching between 404 and 405. While I was waiting for my DVD to arrive, I used Roger's 407.zip file to get 407 at the same time, and Quazi's 4.071 switcher to get online on Hyperlobby/ASE. That required some fiddling around with, but I got it to work.
  3. My copy arrived today, Roger. Thanks a bunch! Nice vidoes on the Extras disc, and my sitch files all work porperly now! Did the payment go through OK?
  4. Nice shots, Chuck!
  5. Hi all. Blizzard today, so I'm at home. I'm flying on UK2, also their TS channel, pw is noob, or n00b, with zeros.
  6. Yeah, it was me Kelly. Just looking to see if anyone was flying late at night. See you another time.
  7. I have all versions and can switch between them all: .04, .05, .07, and .071.
  8. Correct. If the video card is the problem, the screen will display "no signal." Sounds like the monitor, or a display setting issue. Have you tried booting the computer in Safe Mode?"
  9. Hey y'all. My internet went down Wed., so if I don't show up online very soon, you'll know why. If so, send Roger over to help me out... Pete
  10. I've decided to change my nick too, as Kelly keeps on bugging me about being from Alberta. From now on I will be
  11. Weather looks bad for you in Denver, M8.
  12. I can't wait to try it. It is one of my top 5 favorite planes of the war.
  13. Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy New Year.
  14. If he flys like this, is it possible to ever catch him?
  15. Shaddup all of youse buggers! I ain't got it yet, and probably won't for a few weeks..... Grrrrrrr *covers ears* La la la la la, I'm not listening to you........
  16. Ok, be honest now.... How many of you right after watching that video looked up www.datter.com ?
  17. Thanks for the help, Dogz! I will apply these changes when I get home after school.
  18. I've finally joined the modern world and replaced my GeForce 5300 PCX with an ATI Radeon X1650Pro. I know it's not the greatest, but boy what a difference it makes for me! Now: how do I get the config file to allow me to try "Perfect" mode in landscape and water and trees, etc.?
  19. S'ok, I worry me-self sometimes! I was in a weird mood this morning at school...
  20. Yes,....... Yes you are!
  21. A "coup d'etat" means literally a "cutting of the state", the head of state, the leader of the nation, ergo, a coup d'etat for the DangerDogz would require the removal/forced abdication/death of one Jim Smith aka "Blairgowrie."
  22. Happy Birthday, M8! One of the few of us that was actually alive when Pearl Harbour attack occured... Many happy returns, and like Sged said, Hartelijk felicitiert met uw verjaardag!
  23. I'll do that! Everybody else, PISS OFF! IT'S MINE! Watch it: I have guns......
  24. Just wondering: would a used Track IR 2 be better than no Track IR at all, or a waste of money? I usually can't justify the expense of new, and most guys don't seem to be selling their 3's or 4's (go figure!)
  25. I would like to get Track IR. I won't be worrying about a new set of controls when my X45 and CH pedals finally arrive
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