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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. Fascinating indeed!
  2. Just keep it alive until it is his birthday
  3. Happy Birthday BG! I hope you have a good one )
  4. Well done on your build Smash! Now you have a better rig AND a ton of new knowledge and insight into how it all works- feel's great don't it? C_G
  5. 1/24th Airfix Mossie!!
  6. Thanks guys! I sure miss flying with you but it doesn't look like I'll be able to for a while... I got some music and books from my lovely wife and.... Trumpeter's 1/24th Hawker Hurricane :-D (FANTASTIC model) for myself to join the 1/24th MPC Spitfire (horrible 1970's model--- spent 4 hours trimming flash from it) and the 1/24th Airfix Bf-109E (very nice model) to complete my BOB fighter set in 1/24th. I can't do them to the standards you guys can but I'm having fun. I took advantage of the day off yesterday to install a micromotor in the Spit's RR to spin the prop, and spray-paint the bottom... the other two are going to stay boxed until the Spit is done.
  7. I would think it is fibre optics right to front door. Whether it is cable or phone would not make a difference. You will only get this in areas of very high density. Well, I'm very dense so why is my connection crap? Huh?
  8. Was that vid taken on the occasion of the recreation of a dambuster raid? Interesting point about the sound!! Very surprising, living in Toronto I have heard the Lancaster based in Hamilton fly above and it has that rich deep sound... nothing like the vid!
  9. not FFB
  10. As an aside, I like that the videoplayer's volume goes up to 11. I mean, it's one louder than 10.
  11. Where's JP with the sexual innuendo?
  12. Man... between this puppy and the Logitech 940 it's going to be a tough choice for those able to shell out that kind of dime for a FFB control set up. + for the Saitek: all metal construction; + for Logitech: comes with rudder.
  13. Very interesting CaptJAck, thanks for that.
  14. Thank you all for your thoughts mates. Much appreciated.
  15. Hey all, as you know I haven't been very active of late. I went on an extended vacation to visit my mother in France this summer . The day after returning to Canada (on Tuesday August 18th) my mother admitted herself to a hospital in Bordeaux after suffering a transient "micro-stroke" which left her with left-sided hand and facial paralysis for 15 minutes. After several days of tests she was released for the weekend with further testing scheduled for Monday. In the night of Saturday-Sunday she suffered a massive stroke while sleeping and died. I flew back to France for her funeral and help my sister take care of matters there, but there still remains a lot to be taken care of. The long and short of the matter is that I have to catch up on a lot of work and have to keep an eye on properties 6000km away as best I can and consequently won't have much time to spend with my DDz mates. Once I have a chance to catch up, I'll have some interesting (I think) items to share (curious from WW1, pictures of my grandfather who was incarcerated in an Oflag during WW2, that sort of thing)...
  16. I'm sorry... I've stopped thinking about the helo... helly... heli--- those things with wings that whirl... UUUMMMMMPPPPPHHHHH! Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! Sweet mother is she fine.
  17. LOL, good one. All joking aside, I like the P-39 as it has a nice punch but the only guy I've seen fly it to its full potential is our own DoubleTap. I clearly remember him seriously pissing me off with that plane on a DDz DF server two years ago...
  18. Thank you to BadAim, Jediteo and Tribunus for your replies... as I said, interesting thread.
  19. Interesting thread... I've seen this topic in several different forums but they've always devolved into shit-storms by page 2- so kudos to all posters. Quick question from a gun ignoramus to TRIBUNUS: I was surprised by your comment re: tumbling vs poking round wounds... I thought it was only in Hollywood movies that someone could take a round in a limb without a hitting a bone (say through the upper thigh) and "stay in the fight" Arnie-style. Is it incorrect to think that any wound other than a graze would incapacitate an opponent to the point they could no longer stay in the fight?
  20. Yep, we all have periods when life gets in the way of the DDz... I am currently half-way through an extremely hectic five-week stint of tanning in a French beach resort. Sometimes I lift my glass and look out over the waves and wonder, can I do it? Can I keep on doing it? Can I really finish this bottle of Bordeaux all by myself... and just as I'm about to give up on it all, it happens. Writing from the golden beaches of Atlantic SW France, Warm_Gambler
  21. Bloody hell... now I may not get any work done today...
  22. Bloody hell... now I may not get any work done today...
  23. NICE FIND, Kelly!! Entertaining read too: LOL
  24. NICE FIND, Kelly!! Entertaining read too: LOL
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