Hey Stingray,
AA= 4X ("Adaptive AA" enabled (at second notch from right) with multi-sampling selected)
AF= 8X
Vertical sync always on
GPU @ 690,
Gmem @ 1130
CPU is a E8400 at stock 3.00, I've OC'd it to 3.4 but had to add voltage and didn't notice much improvement in the Black Death so I leave it at stock.
System RAM is 2 gigs of DDR3
Having said all that (and much ballyhooing in this thread that the 4850 is a fantastic card that can run IL2 without hiccups... all still true, imo)... I saw a good deal on another 4850 at Best Buy and decided (since I got a raise burning a hole in my pocket) to pick up another for Crossfire! (unfirtunately I'm having issues- see other thread) [update: Crossfire doesn't seem to do much for IL2/1946- 2nd GPU gets next to no load, I'm considering returning the 2nd 4850]
Hope that info helps,