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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. Woohoo!
  2. I've taken my meds... honest! Actually, I'd like to know if any one has an answer to this too, as my 5.1 system could be better situated if not for 3 feet of missing cable length.
  3. Yo, girl~! Have I got extensions for you! Sorry... that was of no assistance whatsoever, I know. It's just the kids are finally asleep, and I've got to get my inner-idiot out sometime. OK. The idiot is back in his id-cage.
  4. I can't wait to see this !!
  5. "Stunning graphics"? For when, 1994? I might be begging to be shot down after 20 minutes though.
  6. Welcome! And thanks to you both for your posts... Magpie, Did the "caterpillar club" member tell you how he made it back? Through Spain? C_G
  7. Happy Birthday Pete!
  8. Diggin' the lights on the SuperFort Nice! Merry Christmas to all the Hell Hounds- C_G
  9. Another excellent missive from one of our resident wits. Bravo, Friar and Merry Christmas to you and yours, Angus
  10. Deputy, take an hour and look at the GPU reviews on Anantech, Abitlabs and Tom's Hardware (amongst others). The unanimous opinion with reviewers is that right now the price/performance ratio is with the ATI 4850 and 4870 series as compared to nVidia. Just my 2 cents, C_G P-S: In my view (and personal experience), a single 4850 will do you just fine in IL2/1946
  11. I'm with Sid on this one. Hi Blade, not to sound paranoid, and not to piss you off, but we do not know you.
  12. Beat me to it, GK
  13. OK- I have a thrift store around the corner for a couple of bucks I might just give it a go, though I don't know where I'll find the time to do all the contact mapping. My hat is off to you, mate! looks great. I especially like the trim wheels (those two knobs with the crank handles are trim wheels, right?) and what I interpret to be the landing gear control (black lever). The whole thing has a very "appropriate" look without being as cumbersome as a full simpit.
  14. That is MOST EXCELLENT!! Nice one, Rittercuda! How difficult was it getting all the keys and their associated wires/contacts apart? You wouldn't happen to have any pictures of the process, or links to a "how-to" guide by any chance?
  15. I'm back in TO tomorrow evening- I'll give your settings a shot and let you know how it goes
  16. I can't stand seeing the cockpit bars tearing up as I look around with TIR... that said, I'm not sure if I checked to see if this was still a problem with my new monitor- with my old 18" LCD it was really distracting (particularly since it had really bad ghosting). I don't think I bothered changing the settings since I changed monitors. At those settings even with v-sync on and with only the one 4850 I was still getting around 60 fps in Black Death (except, of course, when the LA-5 flies into the FW). I'll try taking off v-sync and see how it looks with the new components. Angus
  17. Thanks Jim, I've only done some raw Black Death track scoring in conjunction with GPU-Z in the background, I haven't done any flying to determine whether the Image Quality is better. I'd love to keep this second 4850 as it overclocked just as well as my original one. I'm in Windsor for hearings at the moment and won't be back home until Thursday, so testing will have to wait 'till then at the earliest. I'd love to get Quazi's input on the benefits of my set-up, unfortunately will be unable to send him a diagnostic test as am on laptop. Cheers mate, C_G
  18. @ BG- maybe I'm missing something (or have got it set up incorrectly) but cranking up the AA or AF doesn't seem to transfer any load to the second GPU, the 1st one just has more load. The results in GPU-Z are congruent with my Black Death fps results in that they are no different with the 2nd card than alone. @ Fireman and Jabo- I'm tempted to hold onto the card, but I don't have much time to play anything other than IL2 on a regular basis (3 year old + 5 month old). I play Rome TW here and there and SimCity 4, but the 4850 can take care of those at max settings for those. The games I would need (and presumably will be able to benefit from) the second 4850 are not out yet: Rise of Flight and SoW:BoB and won't be for at least six months... by which time the 4850s will likely be even cheaper (than $189 + tax)OR it might make sense to get a 4870 or 4870X2 at that point, depending on how the prices look. Angus
  19. Hey mates, I did some GPU testing with GPU-Z on my 4850 crossfire set up and the conclusion is that IL2 does not benefit from the second card which stays idle. I'm glad I picked it up at Best Buy- I'm pretty sure I'll be bringing it back next week. Angus
  20. I've been checking their forum for updates regularly and it keeps getting better. The airfields, the textures, the trees, the attention to detail [Finally there are windsocks! What kind of airfield has no windsock??) are just incredible! Very, very impressive!!
  21. found the solution (IL2 worked once, haven't retried yet): that worked for me and has worked for some others. Right click on My Computer Choose Properties Choose the Hardware(Tab) Choose Device Manager(button) Click the [+] next to System devices Right click on CPU to AGP Controller If you can't find this, emailing me will not help. Contact the manufacturer of your PC. Choose the Update Driver(button) Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) Choose Next(button) Select "Don't search. I will choose the driver to install." Choose Next(button) Select PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge Hit Next(button) Hit Finish(button) Reboot.
  22. I just installed a second 4850 and everything seems fine in Catalyst and in Control Panel>System>Device Manager. Rome Total War is happy but the only program that matters doesn't work?!? Using the 352nd switcher, all 4 of the versions of IL2 start the splashscreen but then get hung up at 10% - and I can't even CTL-ALT-Delete. Trying my plain vanilla (original file) IL2-1946 has the same result... I don't get why this is happening?!? I was wondering if it could be JAVA which was GK's problem... if so, how does one go about deleting the Java cache? OK I figured out how to delete Java cache. Didn't work. Cheers mates,
  23. Hey Stingray, AA= 4X ("Adaptive AA" enabled (at second notch from right) with multi-sampling selected) AF= 8X Vertical sync always on GPU @ 690, Gmem @ 1130 CPU is a E8400 at stock 3.00, I've OC'd it to 3.4 but had to add voltage and didn't notice much improvement in the Black Death so I leave it at stock. System RAM is 2 gigs of DDR3 Having said all that (and much ballyhooing in this thread that the 4850 is a fantastic card that can run IL2 without hiccups... all still true, imo)... I saw a good deal on another 4850 at Best Buy and decided (since I got a raise burning a hole in my pocket) to pick up another for Crossfire! (unfirtunately I'm having issues- see other thread) [update: Crossfire doesn't seem to do much for IL2/1946- 2nd GPU gets next to no load, I'm considering returning the 2nd 4850] Hope that info helps, C_G
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