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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. You have obviously no understanding of how things work around here....... Instant citizenship is only available to illegal immigrants, hard working honest immigrants who want to do things the right way are endlessly hassled and extorted just like real citizens. I mean you have to get used to our way of life don't you? ROFLMAO!
  2. If you don't want/can't to build it yourself may I suggest NCIX. My current 3-yr-old rig was bought from them. They are a Canadian company and have competitive prices (they will price-match too, should you find a better price elsewhere). You can either pick up one of their selection of packages (and modify it whichever way you wish), or create your own rig with whatever components you like. For $50 they will put it together and install the operating system. I selected all the different components and had them put it together... they did a very nice job with careful cable routing. To me, it was totally worth $50 for them to put the build together rather than spend the time doing it myself. I was very happy with the build and highly recommend NCIX. I was also very happy with the customer service when I asked them, after the order had been put through, to change the vid card for a different one- they were very good at e-mailing back promptly. They also have locations throughout Canada (based in B.C.) and you might be able to save on shipping if you are willing to go pick it up yourself. Cheers, C_G
  3. I also don't want to be negative and I can't wait to get my paws on it but... This is the weirdest announcement yet from Ubi/1C... I personally have doubts as to whether this is going to be released anywhere near the March 11th date. I mean, I really do hope it will, but the video is a collage of WiP videos we've already seen; Oleg's most recent cryptic comment (from the interview posted on Sukhoi.ru) was "it's 90% done with 10% left but the last 10% is the most difficult to do". There's been no indication that it has gone Beta... and yet they intend on releasing it in less than eight weeks? It doesn't add up for me. Either this is further along then we've been told, or that release date is going to be pushed back methinks.
  4. There's a chapter, in a French book by Georges Blond (a "nom de plume") about the USS Enterprise entitled "Le survivant du pacifique" (The survivor of the Pacific), dedicated to Iwo Jima. The author describes the beach landings in extraordinary detail and I must have re-read that chapter at least a dozen times as a teen... Thanks for posting this. Salute to those brave young men who jumped from the LCs and lumbered up that beach laden down with equipment while under withering machine gun and mortar fire.
  5. I'm sure I'm not the only one taking a "wait for SoW:BoB before upgrading approach". I skipped the "i-series" intel generation and have been (im)patiently waiting for Sandy Bridge. Anandtech has an review of the new Sandy Bridge Intel "tick" chips and the verdict on the i7-2600k and i5-2500k is, in a word, AWESOME: Anandtech review here Very solid chips which OC'd to 4.4GHz on the stock air cooler! Hope others find this as interesting and exciting as I do! C_G
  6. I think this is the option I'm going to go with... It's the simplest, fastest and, most importantly, the least prone to committing an unrecoverable error. If anything does go wrong with the install, I can just erase the new drive. Thanks again everyone
  7. Holy Cow~! That's pretty crazy stuff, not much margin for error...
  8. Thanks for all your input! That's exactly what I needed to know. I don't HAVE to clean up the machine, but it is experiencing a few "quirks" that are annoying (I can't re-install a game I like). I'm going to start creating my back up disks and then do the clean-up. Thanks again, Angus
  9. Here we are at the end of 2010 and it's high time I got around to re-formatting my rig from fresh, especially now that I've received Norton Ghost from Skypup (Thanks again!). I've never [humble] done a re-format before so I could use some general advice and I've got a portable hard-drive I can transfer the necessary drivers and such to. I'd like to get a nice clean install with all the hardware drivers and basic "essential suite" of games and software on so that I'll be able to both reformat this computer and also possibly move the data over to a new rig next year. Does anyone have any general advice (or specific advice for IL-2) for me, or links to a good guide to do this? Thanks, C_G
  10. That was 2004... I was just too busy shagging, those were the "Great Sex Years" after all...
  11. It's always a great read when you post your Egyptian photo-essays. Thanks, Tribunus!
  12. The package arrived just in time for Christmas :) great timing!

    Well, I've got your address.... so something will be making its way across the border soon :)

  13. Merry Christmas everyone! So far I've built a baby stroller, a Lego Tie Fighter, assembled an RC transformer car and a knitting swift.. We're now out of AAA and AA batteries. All in all... a great day Hope everyone had a good one
  14. Thanks very much Skypup!

    How much do I owe you and can I send the money to you by Paypal?



  15. Hi Skypup,

    I wrote back to you last week, not sure if you got the message?


  16. "Guest cottage where I spent the night:" Lovely property Jim, sorry I couldn't make it.
  17. LOL! Awesome! THanks for the laughs JP.
  18. Only when it serves our purposes...
  19. ROFL It's all true... except for the part about steam baths; that was JP's idea.
  20. I don't need the boxes, nor the manuals- just the disks + validation codes. So that should make it cheaper to send :)

    Also, can I reimburse you by Paypal transaction?

    Thanks again,


  21. Hi Skypup,

    sorry for the delay... things are wrapping up for the end of year at the office and are kind of crazy.

    Yeah, I really just want the Abacus and Norton Ghost, but I understand that you would prefer to send it all as one package.

    My address is c/o Angus Patterson, 1 Keystone Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4C 1G9, CANADA


  22. Happy Birthday, Rattler... I miss getting shot down by you
  23. Thanks for the pics Kelly... I thought we looked fabulous!?! But maybe GK is right; we should have posed in swimsuits.
  24. Ouch.... There's always some time for off-line... but I'm mainly interested in Norton Ghost and the Abacus FSX add-on.
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