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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. LOL- I wonder if the game's forums have combine-whiners... "the tractor's turn radius is so obviously porked!"
  2. "Modeling of AAA in our new simulator means following (for example): Say, if the electricity generator of search light will be destroyed, then the search light wouldn’t work… then the effectiveness of anti aircraft guns also wouldn't be good. We are developing the simulation of ground AAA support in all areas, including radars, High Command, etc. It will work as a system: damage of one will have result in other. Also would remind that British and German radar systems will have different purpose as it was in reality." EEEEEEEEEEEEEEXCELENT!!
  3. I'm running my 4850 at perfect at 1920X1200 (25.5 inches of wide-screen heaven) w/o any hiccups My card overclocked very nicely, but I had to increase the default fan speed (from 6% (!) to 45%)... don't have the exact OC numbers but I think it's at 685 core 1200 mem.
  4. I'm just saying that in my experience the 4850 has enough power to drive IL2 at perfect without hiccups- maybe 4870 is overkill (is that ever possible? lol)
  5. i'm running a 4850 overclocked (with a E8400 and 2 gigs of RAM) and am very happy with its performance. I did, however, have to do a fan tweak as the default fan speed was VERY low and temps were high... You might consider getting a 4850 as a cheaper replacement it certainly has enough power to keep IL2 smooth.
  6. Just to add to Klinger's advice => definitely change the rudder sentivity because (unlike aileron and elevator) the default is not progressive but rather 100 from the get-go. I was also over-controlling rudder before I changed this.
  7. I'd love to see the kill marking
  8. Thank you all very much... Had a nice quiet day with the wife and kids. We went to the local cenotaph and then downtown where my wife bought me a nice leather coat for the winter Cheers, mates
  9. lol In a flash of inspiration (or complete idiocy, as is so often the case with me), I think I know WTF is on Saddam's head ! I think those are statues of Saddam getting a perm to look more like his Axis of Evil(hairdos) friend Kim- he's got one of those bowl-things at salons that go over the head- if the rest of the statues had been completed the arms would be holding outdated copies of People and Hello!
  10. This is the problem with being a dictator: Everybody's too scared of you to tell you when you're making a complete arse of yourself. Another example is Kim Jong Il's hairdo. I'm sure everyone in his entourage has excellent facial control from keeping in the constant desire to guffaw.
  11. Q4 2006?!? Woohoo.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... HEY, WAIT A DOGGONE MINUTE!
  12. Don't forget that the job may require you to stick your finger into breaches to hold back floods...
  13. JP, could you send me another case of Chardonnay? Moral victory? I think everybody came out losing this time around... well, maybe Jack Layton is enjoying the increase in NDP seats. That said, my main thought after this election is .... what a waste of $300, 000, 000.00! Nothing has changed- we'll be back at the polls within 3 years to waste another 300 mill - guaranteed.
  14. LOL-.... funny because it's true
  15. Nice one Just in time for the GIAP SEOW too!
  16. Looking forward to hearing them, JP. The P-47 pilot stories, not your homoerotic fantasies about the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, that is :-p
  17. Glad to hear it, Rattler.
  18. If you use TrackIR widescreen is not a problem as the "clipping" of the top and bottom in IL2 becomes a non-issue. I bought a ViewSonic 25.5 incher and widescreen really fills out a good portion of the peripheral vision. In my opinion, you should consider going up to 24 inches...
  19. Thanks Crash... at least I still have a whole lot of buttons
  20. I've acquired a Logitech Wingman Rumblepad at the neighbourhood thrift store and it works fine in the Logitech calibration screen but I can't seem to get the forcefeedback to work in IL2. My MSFFB2 works just fine, but I was hoping to get a little extra immersion with the pad rumbling too... but no joy Anyone know if IL2 has a limit on the number of FFB devices? or maybe only ID1 gets FFB? Any ideas/thoughts appreciated...
  21. This lucky hoserswould appear to be from Quebec (or possibly Northern Ontario)... If I'm not mistaken one of the guys says: "t'est-tu correct?" (are you OK?) and the other answers " tabernac'"
  22. LOL! That's an impressive set of toys, BG! Should a calamity occur in southern Ontario, I'm packing up the family and heading to your homestead- you've got all the equipment necessary to survive the end of civilization!
  23. Man... spoiled rotten. Blech!
  24. Very nice
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