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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. LOL. It's my Scottish blood- we're born with a genetic twitter feed for free stuff
  2. Guess I'm the first! W00T! Unless you already got PMs. (Note, that's PMs - not PMS) Let me know and we'll sort out the details Angus
  3. LOL
  4. LOL! That's the spirit, Jim!
  5. Well done, Jabo!
  6. Very cool! Thanks for that
  7. "Spinning Propellers" are the least of our concerns...
  8. Sure thing! I'll be out of town on Nov. 1st and 2nd but after that works for me. The kids are doing great!
  9. No. I'm only (partially) joking. They're a barrel of laughs and I'm sure I'll be missing these days when they morph into surly teens who'll want nothing to do with me. I'm dying to get back into the game but there's literally no time... so I fly an off-line campaign mission once in a blue moon. I do sit my son on my lap occasionally and fire up IL-2 for him to "fly" a QMB attacking waves of TB-3s in a Me-262 with unlimited ammo = WHEEEEE!
  10. I am, LOL. I've been gone so long I'm still running the 352nd mod switcher... I've been gone so long that Dogz I don't even know post threads about how they're back... I've been gone so long I'm still using gameport devices... Oy vey... if only it weren't true. That's what you get for having children in the prime of your simming life. <sigh> C_G
  11. Hehe!
  12. ARGGGHHHHH! Cut to the quick again~!
  13. Good one BG, ROFL!!
  14. Jim, glad to hear you're OK. Take it easy buddy... Angus
  15. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
  16. Thanks for sharing Kelly. Have you got Jensen and Park into IL-2 yet or are you hogging your computer to yourself? C_G
  17. Thanks for sharing that JP! Good to see your using your dark powers in hotel management for good causes
  18. Ah kool, I'll have to try that. Thanks, that's a great help. By the way, Touchbuddy is a really cool app. I love it. I use my old 18" LCD + mouse off on the side in FSX to park all map, nav eq't and radios. A big +1 from me
  19. Thanks for the replies... I hadn't thought about upgrading the machine's OS and doubling up the RAM while continuing to use the same MoBo + E8400. That's an interesting avenue since those parts could be re-used in a new build centered around an i7 CPU and MoBo... doing that would also mean reformatting killing two birds with one stone. When it comes time for a new build I could re-use: the case + PSU, the vid cards, the (new) RAM, the (new) OS, the HDDs, and all the various peripherals... meaning basically that I'd only need to buy the MoBo and CPU (though I'll probably be tempted to pick up a SSD as well). Gentlemen, thank you all very much for your input... one of these days I hope to get IL-2 '46 uptodate and fly again C_G
  20. I agree. I'm running an E6600 at stock 2.4 ghz, an Nvidia 9800gt 512mb, 2gig of ram on windows XP. Frame rate is locked to the refresh rate of my 22" monitor so I get a consistent 60fps in perfect mode. Everything looks great. When BoB comes out I'm hoping it'll run it too. If not then I plan to upgrade my processor to an E8400!!!! Thanks for confirming my suspicions that the machine is fairly well balanced at the moment. It's working fine at the moment. Saving my money for a new i7 and MoBo in a year's time is the way to go In the meantime, a general clean-up of the rig is in order. I may even update Il2, LOL... Thanks, C_G
  21. Great advice, Snacko, thanks! I haven't done a reformat since I got this machine... it's just such a pain. I do defrag about once every 2-3 months though. I haven't tried FSAutoStart. All those are free, I'll definitely get FSAutoStart and defrag... Is there an easy (and relatively non-time consuming) way of re-formatting? C_G
  22. I bought my current rig about 2 years ago, I'm not planning to get a new rig for at least another year (more likely 2012) and I'm wondering what I might upgrade... Current components (to the best of my recollection): Foxconn socket 775 board (don't remember the name) e8400 dual core (OC'd to 2.9GHZ, iirc) 2 X 4850 in crossfire 2 X 1 gig ram XP I've had a quick look and it seems like if I were to upgrade it would have to be both the CPU and the graphics cards because (I think) changing the CPU or the GPUs only would result in the other component becoming a bottleneck. I believe my machine is relatively well balanced as-is, though perhaps the 2 X 4850s may be waiting for the CPU a bit. If that is correct, I'm not sure that going to a quad core 775 socket is going to do much better. On the other hand, It doesn't make much sense to me to upgrade both those components as that would push it easily >$500. Over $500 I'd rather accept lower performance for the time being and use that money for the next computer... Am I generally correct that these are my options, or am I missing something? If I'm right it seems like it's best wait and eventually build a rig centered around a new MoBo+i7 core. Thanks for any and all input! C_G
  23. Speaking of which, anybody remember Raybanjockey?
  24. Hmmmm... it's in NZ$ ! So it's about C$ 26, 400. If I sell my retirement savings plan (the mutual funds of which seem to be terminally circling around the porcelain throne) I can afford this puppy! Maybe I can sail it to BC if I pop it on a Zodiac and stick a mast on it. WOOT! Life's dream here I come!
  25. It's a travesty!! That wheat is totally undermodelled! I'm an expert in 1940s UK wheat varieties and it's obvious that that field is INCORRECT! It completely destroys the immersion factor for me to see this ersatz wheat in the sim. I demand that Oleg immediately flagellate the person who designed the wheat sheaf model. If SoW:BoB is released with this wheat I will NOT buy the game. I would love to support Oleg but I will simply not buy the game if this error is not corrected! .... What'dya mean this isn't the Il2 1C board? Thanks for the pics. Lovely countryside.
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