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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. i5 2500k vs i7 2600K: 1- Do either CloD or RoF benefit from hyperthreading? (edit: I see Pooka's comment now) 2- Does the 8MB on chip cache give appreciable benefit over 6MB cache? Thanks again, Angus
  2. Thanks Rog and Jabo, So it sounds like I might be better off performance-wise putting the OS on one HDD drive and get two other high rpm HDDs set up in RAID. My main priority is not boot or initial load times but rather in-game performance speed and smoothness.
  3. Really surprised to read your reply, Rog! I was even considering getting a Z68 board for the SSD caching capability. The stuff I've read really raves about SSD used as the boot drive with a large capacity HDD for everything else (except for a few most used apps/games). Phenomenal boot and load times, best thing since sliced bread...
  4. Thanks Jabo, I should have specified that I intend to buy Win 7 64 bit and put it on the SSD boot drive. I should also have noted that my games are already on a separate HDD from my XP boot drive. From your third point I understand that my gaming software should generally be OK since it's already on that separate HDD, right? Cheers, Angus
  5. Now that the governments have given me back some of my own money (AKA, income tax refund) I'm planning a new build to last me the next 3-4 years. My current rig is: E8400 + 2 gigs DDR3 ram + 2X 4850s in CF with XP on a Foxconn MoBo (I forget which) I'm thinking of picking up: i7 2600k Asus P8p67 Deluxe B3 revision, Crucial Sata3 128 gig SSD, and Win7 I need all of the above for a new build. I know the 4850s in CF will be a choke point and they'll eventually be replaced, most likely with a Radeon 6970. I know I should also replace the 2X1 gigs DDR3 to at least 2X2 and that that won't be very expensive, but I have to keep the initial cost down. Questions: can I simply transfer over my old HDDs to the new MoBo/rig and expect the software to work? Or will I have to reload all the games and other software? Any other comments or input? Cheers, Angus
  6. So..... How are you getting on, Goth? Personally. I never installed the drivers that came with it or any 3rd party software for my MSFFB2...
  7. Fair point Goth. The stick I had before was a Logitech Wingman FFB, hardly high-end. It was garbage (I had two brand new ones stop functioning within 10 hours of use!!) but I didn't want to spend the $100 on the MSFFB, then I found the MSFFB at the Goodwill and haven't looked back. Like I said, with the exception of the trigger button the stick works as flawlessly as the day I bought it second hand. I attribute this to the fact that it has optical sensors (no possibility of spiking problems developing). From the forums, stay away from the TM Cougar, or any ThrustMaster stick that does not have Hall sensors.... I have heard only tales of woe from people with that stick. What surprises me is that they keep the stick and spend another $200+ on new gimbals and sensors to correct a stick that doesn't work out of the box... Since the stick has served me well, I've never had the need to buy another stick. That said, if I had the money I'd be very tempted to get the TM Warthog; it's had very solid reviews (google to find the indepth review at SIMHQ) and comes with a GORGEOUS dual throttle. I lust after that stick (even though it doesn't have FFB) but simply can't justify paying that kind of money... C_G
  8. Gothk, the MS FFB2 twist cannot be locked. I can't say it's ever been a problem for me in the 9 years that I've been using mine, but this is a subjective thing and what might not bother me could be annoying to you. I'm not sure what you mean by not being able to configure it for rudder; until I bought my CH pedals I had the rudder axis assigned to the twist axis- it worked fine after I fine-tuned the sensitivity. One thing that can be annoying is that there's a sensor at the front of the grip which engages the stick when you are holding this and disengages it when you are not. I personally found this annoying but I just applied a bit of tape to cover up the sensor so that it is always "engaged". As noted, I've used the stick for 9 years and, with the exception of the trigger button which stopped working (I think it may simply need to be given a bit of contact cleaner), the stick works as well as the day I bought it (for $20 at a local Goodwill!!!). As Jabo noted, there's only one hat switch on the MS FFB. Since I have TIR, I havereassigned the hatswitch to control ancillary controls such as the lights. The MSFFB (either 1 or 2) is a great stick! With respect to Win7, I understand that Jabo is correct. I'm not sure if it is still possible to modify the force feedback effects. I never felt a need to, though I understand that many people reduce the gunfire recoil effect. C_G
  9. Goth, do you have TrackIR (or equivalent) already? If you don't, and cost is an issue, I would suggest upgrading with TrackIR (or trying some of the free/low cost alternatives) first. Rudder pedals are great, I've had my CH ones for 6 years now and they've worked flawlessly, but TIR gives a lot more added value immersion-wise... I'm happy with my CH pedals, but I'm 5'6" so.... Just my 2cents.
  10. Sweet.... my Kawi Vulcan 500 is gently depreciating in the corner of my garage... I refuse to sell it so it'll stay there until 2030 when the kids are grown up and no longer depend on me to provide for them. Coincidentally, 2030 is about the time I'll be back on line to fly with you guys again, LOL <sigh>...
  11. Nice Me-109, Delta7. I've got a 1/24 Spit (the MPC kit, the moulds were bought by Airfix which is still producing it) which was a royal flashy pain in the keister to clean up prior to building... it's about 80% done, but I keep revisiting it (to sand and fill the fuselage join line post-painting) so it's taking me forever to get it done... frankly getting more than a little sick of it, LOL. I also have, in their boxes, the 1/24 Airfix 109E, and the Trumpeter 1/24 Hurricane I which both look very nice and I'm itching to get going on them, but the 1/24s take up so much space once their started that I'm holding off. I'm looking forward to having the three iconic BoB fighters built. I wish there was a 1/24 Bf-110 to complement them. Cheers, Angus
  12. Gahhh! I wish I could make it but I can't possibly commit Looks brilliant though- nice balance, lots of A2A action... <sigh> Nice work on those skins, btw... I'm sure you guys will have a ball
  13. I'm writing from a rowboat in the middle of Lake Ontario. There's a commune in upstate New York that will be hiding me for the next four years. I'll be working in their greenhouse growing patchouli for their line of organic perfume. They don't have an internet connection and I can't take this rowboat with me I'll miss you guys and my beloved country, but it's a small price to pay for freedom from the oppression of Harper's Conservative Canada.
  14. First time I hear of Operation Manna, neat! Rattler, thanks for sharing your parents' stories and your own
  15. Good stuff, Dave... Glad you got it sorted out in the end. Sorry to hear you had to upgrade just about everything to get it running though...
  16. If they don't get their *excrement* together by the time of the North American release, they're going to get killed by the game review sites. So far Check6 and that German review site have been very fair in the circumstances (basically stating that this is a prematurely released sim with promise and holding off on in-depth reviews to let 1C get a decent patch out) but I don't think 1C can expect to be treated with kid-gloves for much longer... Sorry to hear of your troubles D7... it must be insanely exasperating. The only thing I can suggest is to give Rise of Flight a try if you haven't already With your new rig components RoF should really shine. It looks great on my obsolescent E8400 + crossfired 4850s + 2 gig Ram machine and that's with most of the graphics settings on medium. Best wishes, C_G
  17. Absolute beauty, Funflak Congrats!
  18. Really nice Propnut! Is the TM Warthog all that and a bag of chips?
  19. Hey Friar, I'm in the same boat tech-wise. I should be able to buy a new MoBo/CPU/SSD and probably new vid card within the next 6 months, so I'll likely wait until I can do that first. That said, from what I'm seeing on the banana forums, people with mid-range rigs are getting somewhat similar experiences to those with high-end machines so it certainly sounds as if the problems are software related rather than hardware limited. I'm confident that 1C will put out some patches in the next few weeks that will result in significant improvement in performance. I hate to say it, but it does seem, for whatever reason, that Cliffs was rushed out the door. Again given 1C's record, I think 90% of the issues currently plaguing early adopters will be ironed out by the time you and I have saved up the money to upgrade... I'm tempted to buy it anyway, just to fly 1vs1 over the channel in FMB to get used to the new FM. Cheers, C_G Well, there's a butcher bird on the boxtop so there better damn well be one in the game! Seriously, what's up with that?
  20. I don't have a rig really capable of handling ClOD at the moment, but the problems on release actually have me thinking I may buy it earlier than I'd planned to, as a vote of confidence in 1C. I'm sure that the issues will be addressed, and that with improvements in hardware ClOD will reveal itself to be a worthy successor of the IL2 series. C_G
  21. You mean to say that my "extend flaps + hard right rudder + hard left elevator + close radiator+ reduce throttle+ turn on nav lights+ fire cannon + make cuppa tea + zoom out view + full elevator trim" macro won't work anymore? THAT'S IT, I'm cancelling my pre-order! Despite all the hubbub, I'm confident based on past support that 1C will be issuing a series of patches that will correct 80% of problems within 2 months... My primary concern is that they do so PRIOR to the North American release; if they don't the game review sites are going to eviscerate ClOD, imho. That would be a real shame... There seems to have been a confluence of a slightly pre-mature release, and an (overly) ambitious number of features to future-proof the product... this later point is actually a "silver lining" as I expect that in 5 years we'll have the hardware to play this new engine in all it's glory and be truly blown away. As has been stated, when the Berlin map came out, the hardware available was simply incapable of keeping up. I'm not surprised that the same is true of London in ClOD. I imagine that in 5 years we'll be able to fly over a non-slideshow London with some traffic on the streets and a full-blown Blitz being flown over the roof-tops. I do plan to get ClOD once I've bought a new rig in the next six months. In fact, I may order ClOD now so as to provide 1C with some support. Bit of a shame about the whole release boondoggle, but in the end I'm sure it will all come out OK. C_G
  22. Thanks for sharing Arthur. Nice pics in deed. That Video Options interface reminds me a bit of the ROF options ! MT Thanks Arthur, Very promising indeed. The rig the reviewer used is quite similar to my own in specs, so it's nice to know I won't HAVE to upgrade immediately. I also like that he states that it's a stable build, even though it's not the final one. It's a little difficult to be 100% sure, but it seems that (at higher experience levels at least), the gunners are still snipers and continue firing even when the aircraft is on fire. Cheers, C_G
  23. Me= so jealous! Enjoy your new rig
  24. WOW~! I hear it gets awful mileage though...
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