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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. That's awesome! You lucky, lucky Dog, JP. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Mandatory Canadian "If they hadn't cancelled the Arrrow..." post P-S: on re-reading I should clarify that I don't mean to suggest that your post is and Arrow post. Rather, that If I had the time I would post about how if the Arrow designed for exactly the role you describe hadn't been cancelled its successor designs might have been created and suited Canadian defence needs better than fighters designed for more densely populated countries.
  3. Neat! Thanks Fruitbat.
  4. That's the shallowest flooding I've ever seen
  5. That is EXCELLENT! What an awesome way to make a x-52 have FFB! Great finish on the button box too. I bought a Logitech rumble pad at the local thrift store for additional buttons, I was also hoping that the FFB would work and would, mounted on the chassis of my chair provide further immersion. Unfortunately IL2 only provides FFB output to one device (in my case a MSFFB2), so I simply created a cradle for the rumblepad and mounted it on my desk... doesn't look anywhere near as nice as yours. What functions , if any, are you using the "thumb" axes for? Great job Crash, and thanks for sharing the progress pictures. C_G
  7. I see that he's on to our devious plan to debase the US currency... must turn up the hypno-gun to a higher setting. Seriously though, he got his point across well.
  8. Hey Kelly! Whazzup? Couldn't help but think that snow in Edmonton in June was karmic retribution for all those times you said you were going golfing in February - Some day I'll be able to fly again with you guys... I'm just waiting for the barnyard animals to fly and the seventh level of hell to freeze... oh, wait a minute, Edmonton DID just freeze... fine, I'm waiting for the 8th and 9th levels of hell to freeze. Angus
  9. Personal favourite. Actually did laugh out loud
  10. I think the German airframe body is rejecting the Russian organ, er... I mean engine. Well, I guess BG won't be buying one, after all. I suppose he'll have to settle for a used spitfire or P-51 since he's already built the airfield and all.
  11. Indeed! All Hail the Great Administrator! Thanks Rog!
  12. I went from an 18" viewSonic (flat screen) to a 25.5 viewSonic and does seem HUGE... but you get used it in regular use. In IL2 it rocks as the screen extends to a decent amount of the peripheral vision increasing immersion. I also kept the 18" and placed it to the right of the 25.5 which has given me a chance to try out TouchBuddy, amongst other things. Personally, if the 24" isn't much more expensive than the 22" I would go for it.
  13. LMAO! Good one
  14. Happy birthday, man!
  15. Thanks FT! And thanks for putting the CheckMods together... It only took 34 minutes (!!!) to fix all the issues.
  16. I'm patched up to 4.09m. I also DL'd UP 2.0 from the vault and, throwing caution to the wind, threw it into my IL2 folder... How do I know if it properly installed? Any verification I can do? thanks mates, C_G
  17. And it rocks! I finally got off my butt and tried it on my old 17" monitor. It is one neat piece of software! I haven't tried out the TB Tool Kit you made yet. I'm using Wraith's IL2 profile at the moment because it has all the trim options (rather than just the centering) and that's what I really need the most, though I really like your WBK profiles especially the comms page. Also, yours looks varry varry naice! Eventually I think I'll try making a very simple profile for myself, I don't need all the bells and whistles (as I already have a full HOTAS set-up + Logitech rumble pad as a button bay) just the last commands that are still on the keyboard so I don't have to pull it out during an IL2 session. Anyway, if any of the Dogz have an old monitor sitting around give TouchBuddy a try, it works with a mouse even if you don't have a touch screen (... must resist temptation to buy ...) and is really cool!
  18. Actually I kinda enjoyed that (OK, not the 2:30 thing) but overall it was well done, especially the voice-actor dude who really sounded like the pre-view voice guy. Fun stuff
  19. On Saturday I went to the local hobby shop with the family and my son saw an 1/72nd A-10A model kit (Hasegawa) for C$10.50. The primary attraction was that it comes with shark-mouth decals He wants to paint it in Spider-Man colours... should be a fun build with him Anyway, long-story short, I bought it and the little history on the construction sheets indicates that the A-10A does not discharge the shell casings because the amount of weight lost when firing the GAU-8 alters the center of gravity significantly, so it needs to retain the casings to mitigate the CoG changes. It's a freaking cool plane alright!
  20. As I understand it, there aren't many things in the universe that you DON'T find yourself strangely attracted to, Painless jk/ Pretty solid thumbs up from most of you on this movie.
  21. Very interesting read! Thanks for posting this!
  22. You've done a wonderful job. The house looks beautiful.
  23. My wife wants you to know that you have "just the most charming little house", Delta. I agree. It also looks like you've done a lovely job restoring/maintaining the wood/glass and detailing... shame the neighbour hasn't done the same. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, D. C_G
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