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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. Have a good one mates
  2. The only incidents where I was 90% sure there was cheating involved the "print-screen" cheat. One particular guy, always in a Japanese plane, would do the "warp dance"... but only when I was on his six. Still got him with a nice spray and pray action tho :wink: Haven't been on HL in a loooong time tho.
  3. Didn't your mother tell you that if you kept doing that it'd make you go blind? Should have listened...
  4. Just finishing Panzer Leader by Heinz Guderian. Picked it up for a quarter at a book sale at work Very interesting reading, really takes you inside the command structure of the Wehrmacht, but also to the battlefield as he very much believed that he had to be with the engaged units to command effectively.
  5. Too right! Think I'll see if I can find this here in Canada.
  6. How's about that cockpit bar covering the bottom of the Revi gunsight in the FW190? :twisted: :wink:
  7. Thanks for sharing Nice one Beebop!
  8. Yes... that and what exactly does the pubic enquiry office do? :mrgreen:
  9. I have no idea how well they work but I know that there are some 15-pin gameport to USB connectors available. Maybe that's an idea?
  10. Rockin' picture More please Also.... "little dike country" [beavisandButthead] hehe hehehehhehehhehhe heheheh..heheh...[/beavisand Butthead]
  11. Cold_Gambler

    ID this

    Indeedly-doo! I'll turn my monitor right-side up again now.
  12. Cold_Gambler

    ID this

    so..... it's not from the Millenium Falcon :?: :wink: Good eye, Rattler, especially considering that it's upside-down in Dubbo's pic.
  13. Cold_Gambler

    ID this

    Millenium Falcon?
  14. If you don't have the money to upgrade in the short-term and want to get more performance out of your rig - consider overclocking your Barton 2500, generally speaking its a very good chip with a lot of headroom for overclocking. I have the same chip and can run it at XP3200 speeds with the default AMD heatsink (!) If I push it (extra voltage) I can even run it at xp3400 speeds but I need to put a house fan next to it to stay stable playing IL2/FB/PF. If you want to OC and have never done it, drop me a pm and I'll walk you through it (you'll need to match your DDR ram first though - pick up 2 sticks of 512M DDR PC3200 (doesn't really matter which brand or timings [imo, as you don't have a top of the line machine anyways] so long as they're the same) first tho. I expect you'd be able to pick up a nice performance boost (between 5 and 10 fps, depending on the settings). PS- only once you're all sorted out and happy with the rig should you consider OC'ing. PPS: what model of Asus is your Mobo? PPPS: Asus Probe is a handy little application, despite it's er... awkward name.
  15. That one looks fine to me- 1- I don't understand why some 4 USB port dongles go for up to 40$ (18 pounds), I've seen them as low as 7$ at some clearance bins. 2- I think the main thing to watch for is that they are USB 2.0 compatible, which this one is (1.0 versions have slower data transfer speeds). 3- So long as you have a spare PCI slot left there should be no problem (you might want to open your case to make sure)- it should be very easy to install... not even any drivers.
  16. 50! :shock: :occasion9: :occasion9:
  17. Frior-one, I've done this and it improved the reception of my ancient TrackIR1- see the ugly cap on the keyboard tray: I've actually made a much nicer unit (in case the one on the cap broke), enclosed in a small clear plastic box, which I would be glad to send to you- PM me if/when you get TIR. It's basically a battery, an infrared LED, a switch, a potentiometer and a resistor (the "nicer unit" also has a coloured LED to indicate it's on, so the battery doesn't get drained by mistake). CG
  18. Excellent! Thanks Rog It will be ADSL- I should be connected at the latest "before June 6" Woohoo! As to the house construction, I believe the internal walls are wood-frame, lathe + plaster, covered with drywall. (RSJ beams?) A shopping list would be great. Linksys sounds fine, they sell them at the Staples nearby so I can pick up what I need on my lunch hour Hope to flying again soon.
  19. I'm thinking of setting up a wireless network at my new (old) home so that I can game and Dawn can email with her Apple PowerBook simultaneously, also the room I want to set up the computer in doesn't currently have a phone jack and I'd rather not have to pay thieving bast... I mean the telephone company put a jack in. Problem is... I know nothing about what I need to buy/do. Any and all advice greatly appreciated! Thanks-
  20. If money is an issue, consider getting an older model off eBay as Waldo has done. I use the first model of TrackIR (TIR1), donated to me by Bun-Bun a couple of years ago. It still works very well though I'd recommend bidding on at least a TIR2 or newer as the TIR1 has a more limited range and framerate (still OK for me, mind you- I'll upgrade only when Oleg's BoB is released). Note: while IL2 doesn't take advantage of TIR3 + Vector's or TIR4's "6DoF" (six degrees of freedom- means not only looking around, but also leaning forward, leaning left and right etc...) the future Battle of Britain sim from Oleg will (and Shockwave's remake of Rowan's Battle of Britain currently does)... so you may want to get one of the more recent models to take advantage of that feature. TrackIR is, once you have the right settings (lots of people like Charvel's settings, available at airwarfare.com [iIRC] and get used to it (took me about 2 weeks), the most important peripheral after the joystick- it's just incredibly intuitive to use and really boosts the immersion factor.
  21. If you Purse their snatches you may have more success ..... :roll: :twisted: ROFL
  22. It's nice to know my presence has been missed *warm fuzzies*. First off, a public apology to Frior One is in order. When he heard that I was going to southern france, F1 went out of his way and arranged to get me an appointment to visit a vineyard. Unfortunately I moved and was not able to access my usual email address-when I got to France I was not able to get to a computer. In short, I blew it. Sincere apologies Frior... I am really ashamed that you went to all that trouble and I didn't follow through on my end . Anyways, I did have a nice time visiting my mother who lives near Bordeaux (in a village called Hourtin)... mostly helping out in the garden and eating foie gras, rabbit, duck and boar while reducing the number of bottles in her wine cellar . I took some interesting pictures to share which I'll upload once my computer has been put back together and the internet service restored... A picture of the grave plaque for my great-grandfather killed in WW1 in October 1918, some German bunkers of the Atlantic Wall and other such stuff Sadly, my mother only showed me the "motherlode" after everything was packed. By motherlode I mean my grandfather's wartime diary covering the "drole de guerre" in '39 (Lt. with a long-range "artillerie lourde" unit) to his release from the POW camp in March '45 (he was one of the poor saps stuck in the Maginot Line) by American soldiers. He kept all sorts of documents like the telegram informing him he was being mobilized, maps etc... Unfortunately I did not have time to read through it at any length. That will have to wait for another visit. I
  23. I think it's a conspiracy by the insurance companies and electricians... for seventy + years they've insured people with "knob and tube" wiring, and all of a sudden it's too risky?? Anyhoo... I'll be signing off now- I may drop you all a line from sunny southern France-
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