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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. Seems to be a trendy thing to do... on our flight back to Toronto with WestJet last friday the attendant also cracked wise. Among her comments were "in the event of cabin pressure loss Sandy's telephone number and an oxygen mask will drop down" "if you insist on smoking you must pursue your expensive and filthy habit in the designated areas of the terminal" (!! I was thinking she was pushing her luck with that one) and a series of jokes as we taxied to Terminal 3 at Pearson: -Why was the bee sad? - Because another took his honey and nectar. -What's the difference bw God and a pilot? God doesn't think he's a pilot. -What's the difference bw a jet engine and a pilot? The engine stops whining once it reaches the gate. Dawn wasn't amused but I found her mildly funny. Our reactions might have a positive correlation with the attendant's bra size, but further study would have to be carried out to determine whether the hypothesis would stand up to scientific scrutiny.
  2. I liked the "didn't like the engine conking out in mid-flight" bit
  3. Here are some plans, with materials listed, for making 4 LED IR clip: http://n.camil.chez-alice.fr/index.php For a TIR4-type software called Freetrack: http://n.camil.chez-alice.fr/index.php I read about on SimHQ here: http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2218532&page=1&fpart=1 I have not tried this software as I already have a TIR1 which still works just fine for me, but I may give it a try once Oleg's BoB is released with 6 DoF.
  4. Bwahahahahaha!!!!
  5. Bwahahaha! The profiles are hilarious!! It seems the nunnery is well supplied in PVC and spandex Well done, Frior (LOL @ your explanation of how the tradition came about)!
  6. They sure do change fast... The sleep should get better by about 3 months, until she starts teething; but every child is different. Best - C_G
  7. Look, here comes a Romeo now: "Hey Baby, how you doin'?" (my son at 2 1/2 months... feels like yesterday, and now he's almost 2:
  8. I don't know if this has been posted here yet, but here is a link to the online memoirs of an English WW2 fighter pilot from X Squadron Royal Indian Air Force, Edward Sparkes. He lived a very full life and this account is long and fascinating: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/sparkes/contents.htm I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Incidentally, Mr. Sparkes died a few years ago... RIP.
  9. Congrats FSM! Really cute little girl... thanks for sharing
  10. Sounds brilliant, FSM. I too have been following the thread at Ubi... How you can manage to convert them while taking care of a new born is a trick I'm eager to learn... How is the little one? If I recall correctly you and your wife were expecting a girl... any pictures you'd like to share? Cheers, C_G
  11. :'( Miss you already... Kiss a spitty for me
  13. There's one still flying from Hamilton, Ontario. I hear it at least once a summer... glorious and unmistakeable! I'm always running to the nearest window when I hear it
  14. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, BBLOKE! and might I add WOW! to the Gennadich promo movies
  15. might be my computer resolution but for me the "cl" combination looks an awful lot like a "d"... which gave the term hardware hell a whole new meaning
  16. DL'd the Gennadich promo 8 vid. I can hear the sound fine but no vid comes up with either media player or quicktime... I'd really love to see it- any suggestions?
  17. I am SO looking forward to this. Haven't flown WW1 crates since Red Baron 2 (never had RB3D)... ah, the endless hours spent patrolling the Western Front
  18. Monday morning (afternoon for the UK) giggle... well, made ME laugh anyway.
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