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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. I've just taken apart an old Logitech FF USB stick which I junked ages ago (it was the fourth one that crapped out on me within a couple of weeks of purchase) so I am also going to try my hand at creating a button bay. I'm thinking 4 sliders: 3 trim + flaps 6 buttons: engine start radiator airbrakes eject supercharger next supercharger previous 8-way hat-switch: not sure... shame really, as there are 8 "buttons" available with it. Perhaps if I attach a stick to it and cut an 8-branched asterix that would work. In any case, this will have to wait until after I've moved into the house we've just bought (minimum two months away), so I look forward to seeing your efforts. Between that, the MS FF stick and CH throttle I shouldn't need the keyboard. I'll post an MS paint diagram later this evening.
  2. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Good one, ewe fuckers.
  3. Went to dinner at my Aunt's place tonight. I'd asked her if she could pull out some of his war-time stuff for me to look at. Here are some pictures: My grandfather served with 427 Bomber Squadron from '42 until '45: He worked in the intelligence section (aerial reconnaissance). Here's a picture of his kit bag, "wedge" and a cannister of undeveloped film negatives: The images on the negatives appear to be of potential targets, many bridges and a railhead next to a river. I say potential targets because there is no apparent damage to the structures and a complete absence of bomb craters; most of the footage was taken at high altitude with a camera pointed straight down, but some of the images were taken at lower altitude (~1000-2000 ft is my guess) and sideways from a position just behind the trailing edge of the aircraft. Here's a Lanc; note the sheep (below #1 engine) Here's an interesting photograph (sorry about the "flash-glare"- I suck)- it's difficult enough to see in the original but there are about 8 lancasters heading home, one of which is trailing a long plume of fuel from the starboard wing tank: This is his mess kit: And here are his medals: Nothing of great note, mostly recognition for his service. I'm quite sure there are more reconnaissance photos/negatives. I have a (mistaken?) recollection that there is a large tube (approx. 3 feet long by 2 in diameter) in my aunts basement but she didn't seem sure what I was talking about. Hope you found this of interest, sorry about the size of some of these- C_G
  4. Sorry to hear that the family's buddy passed on to the great squirrel chase in the sky, Kelly. I grew up with three pulis (Hungarian sheepdogs with the rasta-dread coat)... let's just say I got herded around a fair bit (I'm only half kidding) by them. My dad was actually hit a lot harder when they died than my sister or I, as they were really his dogs (he was definitely the "alpha male" of the household to them).
  5. :wink:
  6. Have you stopped accepting submissions for the second challenge yet? I have a track to send you.
  7. :sign4: (:sign4) Kind of appropriate that this one made it twice :spam2: (:spam2)
  8. Very useful! Thanks for the link, I made up my own list of most used objects but this is perfect-
  9. Cool! Did 'em both... edit: must learn to read! Well done Psycho!
  10. :oops: where can we get this mission? (I'm sure it's in a thread here somewhere... probably labeled "second mission")
  11. I do the [shift + Tab] fps START SHOW
  12. No problems at all getting set up No garbled sounds even with the vibration on. I haven't had a chance to try the mic out yet with the guys. IL2 sounds are still a bit anemic (I'll have to test some more to be sure it's not a question of settings) but MS Flight Sim 2004 :shock: :twisted: is simply AWESOME!!! The engines sounds are amazing with these headphones... very very good . I'm lovin' em so far
  13. I didn't know pictures of her "pre-op" had leaked out. And if she ever reads this post that WILL be what happens to me :shock:
  14. LOL Great pics Jim, the subtlety of the plumage is captured beautifully.
  15. [vaguely German accent] Tell me about your Mozer... does she vear kombat boots? Did she dizcipline you az a child? [/vaguely German accent]
  16. I was thinking of doing this a couple of months ago as well, and mentioned it to Quazi (iirc) on TS. Quazi suggested looking at how much of the RAM was actually currently being used (by bringing up the task manager-performance tab) after playing IL2, if it didn't use up all of the RAM then getting more (than the 1Gig I had) would be of no value. I tried that and found that not all of the RAM had been used even after a mission using the Leningrad map (it was close though). So I don't think IL2 really needs more than 1 Gig of RAM, but you should do that verification just in case you're "topping out". PS- an additional thought just occured to me: are you using the fastest RAM your motherboard and CPU can support? Until recently I was using PC2700 DDR (rated for 166MHz), I recently upgraded to PC3200 (200MHz) which my motherboard is rated for and which my CPU XP2500 Barton is not rated for but can run at 195 MHz. Upgrading allowed me to reach a decent (stable) overclock. Replacing your RAM with faster RAM may well be an option to consider if you are in that type of situation.
  17. Sorry to hear it Psycho... Best of luck on working things out.
  18. I thought this was going to be a thread about Jensen's family... Neat! I didn't even know there were wild turkeys in Ontario. What a difference between the wild and domesticated ones, eh.
  19. Just picked up the eDimensional audiofx headset on my lunch-hour. Now we'll be able to knock heads together (Hyuck hyuck )
  20. Last one or I won't get any work done today :shock:
  21. heehee Bill the Cat just seemed "right".
  22. Yeah, go ahead and laugh, but that bayonet there he's holding...that's about the size of it, Gents, if you know what I mean. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Besides, Cold Gambler, isn't your favorite pick-up, "You, uh, take checks?" ZING! HeyyyOOOOOOOOOOOoooo! :mrgreen:
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