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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. Oh boy, I feel another photoshop opportunity rearing its head! Ask and ye shall receive... :wink:
  2. I mean all of it, but the graphics have really come through. Distinctive, fitting and humorous all at the same time. I think we all appreciate the effort. Yep. Looks fantastic and I like the subtle but intuitive links: click the pen for the forums etc... very distinctive and classy look.
  3. I'm about like Redeye: Black Death: 0:30-2:30 Min: 15 (when La-5 crashes into FW) Avg: 37 (@ 2:30) Max: 81 (@ 2:30) Resolution @ 1024 x 768 Edit: Everything on highest settings, but not on "Perfect"- haven't fiddled with the water=x settings yet. I'm using PF-Coastie's settings for my X850pro with a XP2500 overclocked to 2.15 GHz (XP3200).
  4. TS doesn't work and nothing's being hosted on :?:
  5. I hope to make it Probably around 9:30-10pm EST
  6. @ Arsenal
  7. Fan-flipping-tastic! Love the look. "Want action?" - Doubletap's favourite pick-up line
  8. Excellent read- picked up some good tips thanks
  9. I'll start the ball rolling: 2 sticks of PC2700 DDR 184-pin (same manufacturer) - Emann, I'm thinking you could use this- IL2 is much happier with 1 gig of RAM Powercolour 9600XT - bit of an old nag at this point but it does overclock fairly well, don't remember how well anymore. Items are free but receiver pays shipping . PM if interested EDIT: These items are NOT AVAILABLE any longer.
  10. I propose that we start a "junkyard/flea-market" of goodies that are left over from upgrading, for those of us who don't do Ebay and have items sitting around collecting dust and rapidly becoming obsolete. The only condition I propose is for the donors/sellers and receivers/buyers to make arrangements via PM. This thread would function basically as a classified ad.
  11. How the heck do you get the small one to stand on the larger one's back like that :?: :shock: :wink:
  12. Membership has its privileges
  14. Damn... that sounds AWESOME! I'm all about immersion and this sounds like it really kicked it up a notch. I can't really provide an answer to your last questions but I will opine that 1) the Spit's mg kickback is a little ridiculous (greater than that of the cannons :?: :!: ) and 2) there would always be a slight drone... heck- even flying a cessna you can feel the rpm change through the seat of your pants and the yoke, so I think the "repetitive drone" is realistic.
  15. Ever since my trip to Thailand I'm wary of anything that looks like this especially if it vibrates... I've said too much already :shock: Seriously though, I'm curious to know how they work- [edit: must learn to read more carefully.
  16. I've got one of the x850pros that can be BIOS flashed to open the 4 remaining pipelines. Nice rig by the way What are your BlackDeath.ntrk scores like?
  17. I thought it might be interesting to know what kind of a set-up we all have, like that if we have a problem or are thinking of upgrading we'll know who else might be able to troubleshoot/ advise. I'm a "value-rigger" (just invented that term ): I'll buy a top of the line motherboard, but everything else will be mid-range with view to upgrading components as the latest and bestest gets superceded and drops in price. My current rig is coming to the end of its lifecycle and will get replaced when BOB comes out: Asus A7N8X-X (onboard SoundStorm) AMD 1700 --> AMD 2500 512 MB PC133 --> 1 Gig PC2700 --> 1 Gig PC3200 ATI 8500 --> 9600 XT --> X850 pro 20 Gig HDD --> 20 Gig + 60 Gig HDD --> 60 + 200 Gig HDD Logitech 5.1 Z560 speakers (I think) Antec 300W dual fan (replaced a generic "300W" PSU which caused me no end of trouble before I realized it was the source of all my frustration). TIR1, CH Throttle, CH pedals, MSFFB2. My most recent purchase was the 1 Gig of PC3200, which I bought yesterday. I'm using it to overclock the 2500 to 3200 speeds (seems stable after 40 mins of continual BlackDeath track looping). At this point I've made about all the upgrades I can with this motherboard but I may still 1) flash the X850XT bios to the x850pro card I have to unlock the 4 locked pipes.... I've never done a bios-flash so I'm a little leery to fuck around with what ain't broke- 2) get an after-market CPU heatsink+fan... I've had to add some voltage to the CPU core to get it to run at a 195 FSB, whereas the RAM should do at least 200 FSB if the CPU can... It's not as if the CPU runs too hot at the moment (48-50 degrees under load) , but I'd like to push the 2500 to the 200 FSB or further if possible. PS- Quazi: I was incorrect in saying that the overclocking was not resulting in higher average FPS. Not only are my minimum FPS better, but my average FPS have increased approximately 7-10 as between XP2500 and XP3200 clocks... Happy to be proven wrong!
  18. As we lawyers like to say: "What the big print giveth, the small print taketh away" Zambian Kwachas (I've got a wheel barrel full of them here)
  19. I'm going to donate 56,426.00 Zambian Kwachas
  20. I have one in the works called "Walls of Jericho". It's a Single Player but i will modify it for co-op. Look for it around mid-week. (2/22 or 23). Cool beans Thanks Beebop.
  21. All that was missing for a complete answer were fava beans and a nice chianti. :wink:
  22. I would shatter the teacup, use a shard to slit open Director's belly and sever a length of intestine. I'd use the spoon to clean out the tube of intestine into the bucket. I'd then use the length of intestine as a siphon to empty out the bathtub. :shock: Did I pass the test :?:
  23. Operation Jericho (attack on Amiens prison) would be very . I can't think of any railway tunnels on any of the maps with mountains... I'm curious to see what solution you can come up with. It could also be used to recreate the Indiana Jones Last Crusade scene
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