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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. Thanks Roger, the housewarming will happen shortly after we rip all the 70 year-old ungrounded electrical wiring out of the house. Ever seen the movie "The Moneypit" with Tom Hanks? I fear I have just begun the real-life version :wink: I don't know who else is within driving distance of Toronto, other than BG- it'd be kind of neat to have a get together.
  2. Some of you are probably thinking "who isthis Cold_Gambler person? And why does he think we'll miss him?" I've decided to go to Disney Land and see if I can't sabotage a ride in advance of Jensenparks' visit. :wink: Truth is on Saturday I just moved into a new house and everything is in boxes. Tomorrow my wife, my son and I are off to France for two weeks and when we get back it will take some time to get everything set up. Best regards, Angus (AKA C_G)
  3. Sweet- in that first picture it's nigh impossible to tell that they're scale models.
  4. Sounds like fun... which (if any) was your plane?
  5. http://www.khotkovo.ru/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2600&PN=1 Pretty neat-
  6. I think you just need a molex (see cord with red, yellow and 2 black wires above). If you look at you power supply unit (PSU) you'll see they're connected to your CD/DVD drives and your hard-drive. If you there's one that is not currently being used you can just connect it (with the machine off- of course :wink: )
  7. @ JensenPark: Clockwise from bottom left to bottom right- 1- Vibrating headset. 2- Leather strap with velcro; used to strap CH throttle to left leg. 3- house fan + open case = overclocking insanity 4- Trac-IR hat with active IR source powered by 9 volt battery. The geekBorg look. I've been assimilated. 5- Trac-IR1 unit (gift from BunBun) 6- LEGO biplane 7- IL2- laminated map- used once. 8- MSFFB2 (Microsoft rant) 9- Teething ring In the center: my nest of wires. There may or may not be a slice of 'zza there that's evolved and taken up residence. My CH pedals.
  8. Good Lord, I AM a slob.
  9. Very nice... does it eat up any frames? what's the hit, if any?
  10. Nice pics Amazing how we can fly this sim, in full knowledge that we are just looking at a computer monitor, but still get "into it" to the point of ducking and weaving. When I first got TrackIR I couldn't use it very well, not because I didn't have the settings right but because I was swaying around in my seat too much (truth).
  11. Interesting, VT- I tried to get the cockpit for a PK on each of my passes but most (all?) of my kills came from destroying the engines. Hm..... On the other hand, it is kindof difficult (without doing the arcade=1 setting) to know if the bullets are actually going in the 'pit, given that the 8 .303s sort of "shotgun" in a general area. Doing this mission in the Spit after the Hurri is FUN!
  12. Track sent
  13. I did head-on after head-on... it helped that the bomber's flew straight 90-180-270 headings so it was relatively easy to fly parallel and then turn back into them. On almost all passes I'd get at least a fuel leak or an engine smoking- I only killed the last one outright (engine fire + boom) all the others crashed on landing. I didn't take much damage doing the head-ons, only towards the end did my engine suffer as a result of parking on the last bombers 6. I changed my gun convergence to 100m as I typically opened up at about 70 m out. I can send you the track if you like.
  14. Woohoo! Got' em all with the peashooter... I *did* use time compression but only to speed up-
  15. Tough one :shock: My best was two kills, two down (belly-landed), one prop feathered and another with the engine smoking- with two blissfully flying on undamaged. Out of ~ 30 passes only one resulted in critical damage (burning engine).
  16. Hey my Korean buddy! I've been around for short bouts the last couple of Thursdays. I've also been on the Winds of War server a couple of times in the last week... playing with Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa in my basement. I'll be gone for a while after mid-May as I'll be in France and then we'll be moving. Then we have to get all the electrical and some of the telephone wiring re-done at the house we're moving to... so it may be a while- on the other hand; at the end of all that, I should have a dedicated computer room.
  17. I never got my TR1 unit working And there are about 1000 different commands to assign. Tried the A-10, pulled the trigger... nothing; you have to go into the weapons assignments, define A/G weapons, define Gun, define type of round firing selection, define WTF to a key. Made me want to shout "Are we there yet?!" OTOH, it's beautiful- best scenery I've seen in a sim, and very detailed models weapons, radar etc... I just don't have the patience for it :wink:
  18. Most definitely count me in- I'm really looking forward to this one. It looks very promising. Every Thursday a new update comes out, better than the previous week's. I think Fall of 2006 is optimistic, though. As a complete guess I'd say maybe Christmas '06 release date. There's a lot of work left to do, even if they are cranking out new aircraft models every week.
  19. Nevile Shute. A great writer indeed.(And a really interesting bloke aside) A misplaced pommie who came to Australia and liked it so much he stayed. "Round the Bend" was the flying one, right? Yep, that's the one; of course then... nope must not spoil :wink:
  20. I found Lindbergh's war-time diary very interesting; first his involvement with the America First Committee, then with the aircraft manufacturing industry, and finally doing testing and flying of the P-38 and Corsair in the Pacific. For fiction I highly recommend "Round the Bend" by Nevile Shute.
  21. Very very Zeus Thanks, and do keep posting pix as the project goes forward please
  22. My pleasure guys. I knew you'd appreciate the pics. There was other stuff: -his ID card, pay-book, a RAF issue correspondence case, other pictures of that same lancaster, pictures of his mates, a picture of the King and Queen apparently on a visit to the airbase, some pictures of a sea-side village. Very interesting correspondence from my grandmother in Canada to him (she was not especially happy that he'd gone overseas leaving her with my 2-5 year-old father :wink: ). I'm really hoping that we can find that large tube of reconnaissance prints; that little tube of negatives was interesting but showed essentially three photo runs: so most of the pictures overlap. That tube, as I recall it, contained any developed images of different locations.
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