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Everything posted by Blairgowrie

  1. If nobody has the answer here Smash., I can post on UBI Zoo, Community Help. I had that same problem about four years ago but I can't remember the solution. Should be a simple fix though.
  2. Just noticed that Strider and Toad also got the same award. Well done lads.
  3. Public Affairs! I like that. Fifties must have heard I was lusting after Fire Salamander.
  4. He could have been thinking of O J Simpson.
  5. Don't stay away too long m8. You are sadly missed.
  6. Lots of room for another Dogz from Ontario m8. I'll send you an email shortly with some of the stuff you need to know. Welcome to the kennel sir.
  7. Hold on a bit Eraser. It is very easy to get confused with all the different files on the mod thread. I have been chatting with the Mod Czar and we are trying to sort a couple of things out. If you want to go ahead and install the mod package I suggest you use the one I posted a link for. http://www.dangerdogz.com/K9Vault/p13_sectionid/11/p13_fileid/298
  8. Yes you do but you have to use it occasionally or it will fall off. Where the heck have you been?
  9. You won't be able to d/l from the vault Eraser unless you are a Danger Dogz or a Danger Dogz guest. I'll give you guest privileges for now and you can decide later if you want to join our group. http://www.dangerdogz.com/K9Vault/p13_sectionid/11/p13_fileid/298 It should be installed directly after the DVD has installed the game. (Version 4.07m). The mod package has a self installer and you just have to make sure you set the correct path to your iL2-1946 game folder. If you need help, just holler. BTW this is a really large file but I see you use Comcast so you should be golden.
  10. I believe you are located in the US. If so you can get iL2-1946 from Go Gamer for $19.90. http://www.gogamer.com/searchresults.htm?keywords=il2&brandId=&price=&x=24&y=18&653Search=true&categoryId=444758 Best Buy and some Walmart stores also had it for sale not that long ago. If all else fails, I have two spare copies and I would be happy to send you one of them.
  11. Sorry Eraser but you are not going to find anybody with just version 3.04. Your best bet is to purchase il2_1946 DVD which is now around $20.00. In which country are you located and perhaps we can help you find the DVD?
  12. ~S~ Hollywood, Look forward to flying with you sir.
  13. Funny you should mention UPS. I ordered something from NewEgg Canada which was shipped out on December 26th via UPS. Here is a copy of the order track. It is currently between Toledo and Windsor, Ontario which is just across the border from Detroit. I think it coming via rickshaw.
  14. Kelly. That is a pretty old card you have there. Not sure you should be going any higher than the 7.11 drivers. The newer drivers are for the newer cards.
  15. What card are you using Kelly?
  16. I ran it again without FS Autostart and with a CD in the drive and this is what I got. I suspect I had an antivirus program running the first time I tried it.
  17. Good thinking Sid. I noticed that it said no CD in drive but didn't think any more of it.
  18. Now this is interesting. I ran another test and used FS Auto Start to turn some of the processes off and this was the result. Not sure why it shows only a partial test. I checked all tests.
  19. You are really going to have to move your arse to get your game loaded for Tuesday Coops. Always an exciting time m8.
  20. First Light is excellent. Just a very ordinary guy who joins up like the rest of the brave young men did.
  21. I thought about that too Logos but a 7600 would not be an improvement to what he has now. http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=574&card2=436
  22. Hi Trout, Did a quick search at New Egg, Canada and saw this http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150314 It would be a huge improvement to what you have now and there is a $30 USD rebate that goes with it. If that doesn't take your fancy then you might find something in this bunch. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010380048%204917%201305520548&name=NVIDIA
  23. I wouldn't go for anything less than a 750W PSU Nick and it would have to be a quality one like Corsair or similar . Just protects you with future upgrades. I am also partial to a X2
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