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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. For all of us, rampant inflation is going to be a fact of life. One person said "if we're lucky, our food bill this year will only double". Anything you can buy now will probably be the cheapest you'll ever get it. Buy 3 cans of beans instead of just the one you need. Buy 3 of anything that will keep instead of the one you were going to. Anything you grow will be damn near free. The old victory garden will come back in a big way. Start small if you must but start now, there is much to be learned.
  2. If nothing else that movie clip sure gets great milage.
  3. How about this squadron? This came in the mail today with this caption The British government has scrapped the Harrier fleet, and on their farewell formation flypast over the houses of Parliament they gave the government a message. Lean back a bit from your computer monitor and squint.
  4. Saw an episode of this last night on Discovery. Crazy crosswind landings and takeoffs. Looks like fun flying if you can hit Escape and refly .....if not, bring extra underwea... er ... long johns http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/flying-wild-alaska/
  5. Is the activation code stored anywhere on your computer? Registry? In order to install 4.10 I need a clean 4.09 right? So I go to install my original dl of the game from UBI. On first run it asks for the code. I've lost the confirmation mail from years ago and a mail to UBI with as much info as I can supply gets me "Thank you for contacting the Ubisoft Store. We have searched our commerce system with the information that you provided, including your email address. We were unable to locate a matching order." Hard to believe .... Now what? As a last resort I'll try to install over the UP install or the HSFX install. Didn't I read somewhere that you can remove UP by deleting the mods folder and any other UP files? This close to COD I don't want to pay to get a new copy. I knew all along this direct download was going to cause trouble down the road.
  6. Not so fast. Many times when I start the game the cursor is on the screen but I can't move it(or more often when I've gone to the desktop). Windows key out to the desktop, click on the IL2 bar on the taskbar and the game should come up with the cursor under your control. Sometimes twice ... If that isn't it or I'm not understanding the issue then I guess you're in trouble. With a new HD I'm pretty sure you'll have to perform a proper install to put stuff in the app data section and registry etc etc. You can make copies and they'll work but I think you need a proper installation.
  7. You still do. I just make sure the power cord is too short that I can no longer get up and answer the doorbell while still wearing it.
  8. That they have them probably has a lot to do with why they don't need to fight a war to defend themselves. A lot of the restrictions we now have in Canada. The rate of suicide or domestic violence hasn't changed a bit. They just use different tools. Knife murders and hangings have taken up all the slack in the numbers.
  9. That reflective tape can be found, bikes, joggers, and trailers all use the stuff.
  10. I found the LED's to be more reliable in varying light, like if you have a window in the room. Never need to adjust the sensitivity of the camera. I'm using a Freetrack setup with LED's mounted on the headset - flawless. I sort of duplicated a hat style orientation without the hat. Should be some pics here someplace in a "your IL2 rig" thread, not that it will help you any. Freetrack can also use a side mounted thing, I assume it's the same as a clip. As long as your sensitivity is high enough that you don't mask any LED's with your face it should work.
  11. There is a new study about women and how they feel about their asses; the results were pretty interesting: 30% of women think their ass is too fat... 10% of women think their ass is too skinny... The remaining 60% say they don't care, they love him, he's a good man and they wouldn't trade him for the world.
  12. Any mention of system requirements? I for one will not even think of upgrading until I have a copy in my hand. Any takers on the release being delayed? I think Vegas is running 10:1 odds on the March 22nd release date.
  13. The last few times I've done this I just bought another hard drive. Leave your "dirty" drive alone. Install the new drive as primary. Anything you have forgotten to do you can swap wires and have the old drive as primary to set up transfer programs (mail for instance). Eventually you get to the point where you feel comfortable reformatting the dirty drive as you've finished setting up the new drive.
  14. Merry Christmas to you all. I haven't been flying much but I've been a forum troll. Hoping for some spare time next year ......
  15. Damn that sucks BG. Keep your chin up as best you can. We're all pulling for you.
  16. Isn't there a "no frame" mod for the map? This looks like a custom resolution problem. Still look the same when you change it?
  17. Every time you use a regular search engine, your search data are recorded. Your search terms, the time of your visit, the links you choose, your IP address and your User ID cookies all get stored in a database. June 28, 2010 Search Engines Should Become Government Spies, Says EU Parliament I use startpage.com for searching. They don't log your IP with the search and you can even visit the results through a proxy server. They're leading the fight for consumer privacy.
  18. I'm pretty sure that at this time it's use in the US would violate the search without probable cause thing. In Canada they already have this "RIDE" program. Random spotchecks to check for drunk drivers. Block off a likely on ramp and sniff everyone for booze. Simple enough to probe every orifice while you're waiting in line.
  19. Why I Think We'll Win The War On Terrorism and the War on Freedom too. American Science & Engineering, a company based in Billerica, Massachusetts, has sold U.S. and foreign government agencies more than 500 backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in vans that can be driven past neighboring vehicles to see their contents. http://blogs.forbes.com/andygreenberg/2010/08/24/full-body-scan-technology-deployed-in-street-roving-vans/ I tried to start a new topic but kept getting that error even after logging in a few times. It seemed to fit here pretty well anyway. Watch the video on the page ... damn creepy.
  20. I only see a couple as well.
  21. Good job Erco!! It's getting a lot easier to find heirloom (non-hybrid) seeds. Use them if you can. I doubled my own this year too. I'm a lazy gardener, I look for stuff the bugs don't much bother. It's also the healthiest stuff, broccoli, collards and the like. Lots of herbs to liven up bland meals. This guy is saying that the US tried to crash an economy other than their own, or sort of to save their own. They've said for a long time the end game would begin when China bails out of US dollars - the US consumer is used up and has nothing more to offer them. Oil could be the key- oil is sold in US dollars, a war in the Middle East would increase oil uncertainty and create demand for the US dollar and prop things up. Watch for them to demonize Iran and push for a war there. "But that these days were shortened no flesh would survive" I think is the quote you wanted to post without of course scaring the poop out of everyone reading these things for the first time. It might be a good idea to search for "100 Items That Disappear First in a Disaster " and have a look down that list- see how you might fare.
  22. Our dryer caught fire a few months back (another story) and it took an entire extinguisher to put it out. Dunno the exact size but about 8" dia by 2 ft tall ABC - lots of yellow powder. It was so old I was actually surprised it worked. I did check the pressure gauge fairly regularly but it had to be 15 years old.
  23. Flight lessons for free. I hate you.
  24. I guess I'm out of the loop these days, the Cirrus must have been certified with the BRS. The 172 is a surprise. Great idea either way, must have for anyone serious about safety. Bad s**t happens, don't let it happen to you.
  25. Ballistic Recovery Chutes have been around for a long time, maybe 20 years. You can use them on experimental planes ie homebuilts. First time I've seen one in action. Pretty comforting knowing they'll work on a worst case (lost wing). If we could mod one for the P-39 I would be really happy.
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