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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Fireman

  1. I too have been grabbing the FW whenever I can for co-ops.....it is usually pretty lonely being one of the few on the blue team....lol
  2. its on its way (hopefully tomorrow)....... In the past I've had my HDD partitioned into 2 drivers, so to speak.
  3. a word of caution gents, I've been through this a few times with the SST software. I used to own an X45 with the old "graphical version of the software, then moved to the X52 which uses the .pr0 extension and no graphical interface. I also know that these Saitek devices and their programming software bundles can be finicky.
  4. the 512 ddr stick failed the test........... windows did boot up on it own without any problems with just the 256megs......it's really sssslllllooooooowwwwwww, however. And since I needed a new HDD for my PC, which I was about to order anyway, I just added a 1 gig memory stick for her pc for 29.00....... Funny thing is she had a 512 and a 256 PC2700 333mhz for a total of 768....now shes gonna have a 1 gig PC3200 400mhz stick in its place.....win win, I guess for her. thanks for all your help guys...... (I wonder if the wonky PSU had anything to do with the memory stick taking a crap......)
  5. ok the 256chip says it passed (although the test seems to be carrying on.......nevermind, it looks like its re-running again...lol) gonna try the 512, but I guess I know what the results of that will be....lol windows xp isnt gonna like running on only 256meg ram.....lol
  6. Im hoping memory not mobo.......... just got back from another turkey dinner.......pulled the 512mem chip and testing the 256meg chip.........fingers crossed
  7. there is nothing on the drive I need.......I just want it work work.... I've reset the BIOS (F5 default settings) then re-ordered the boot sequence....it is recognizing the cd now currently it is running the memtest86........... it looks as though it is stopping at an error "unexpected interupt - halting cpu0" "eflag" error of some sort it was at test #8 it was testing
  8. it already is....... and so the memtest86 thingy wont load and neither will the winxp cd...... kinda screwed right now until I can get the damn pc to recognize either of those cd's so I can at least get into the os........ If I get into the bios it sometimes tell me the hangup was due to improper cpu speeds , but I dont see how this is possible.
  9. cant check ram with memtest if I cant even get into windows............ nevermind, I think the web page said it was a bootable ISO disk......... why would bad ram have anything to do with windows setup not finding that certain file upon load up (which is the error I get even when try to start normally or from last known good, btw) it ignores the fact that the winxp cd is in the drive and goes straight to the "start normally/lastknown/etc" options page........
  10. cant even get that far.... If I put the CD in and try to boot from the CD it hangs or cant find a certain file ( "\i386\ntkrnlmp.exe cannot be loaded.
  11. well.....I installed a new (600W) PSU. entered the bios to make sure everything was OK.....yep re-booted and couldnt get windows to load........... Hangs on the windows (progress bar) or re-boots and asks what I want to do (ie: last known good/safe/normally/etc/etc) cant get it to go past that........arrrrrgh
  12. well, I tried the eventviewer and there were a few red errors, most related to I/O issues. (nothing HDD related) Ran the Asusprobe and after a few minutes the monitors indicated that the CPU fan, chassis fan were not working.
  13. thanks guys...I'll check the eventviewer thingy for red warnings. and also try the memtest86 thing as well.
  14. ummm, am I missing another thread somewhere.......this is enforcer's thread.
  15. what kind of errors should I look for in the eventviewer? 300w is what it came with, but for the extra few bucks i could jump up to a 400watter.
  16. One of my computers in the house (daughters) has been randomly shutting down/re-booting, giving me the famous "windows has recovered from a serious error" message after every re-boot.
  17. due to the economy they've had to make cutbacks like everyone else....hence the name change from 3M to 2M
  18. nope, it was a Raptor.. http://aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=defense&id=news/F22Crash032509.xml&headline=F-22%20Raptor%20Crashes%20Near%20Edwards%20AFB didnt realize they had that many on the lines already.
  19. didnt one of those beasties just crash in California last week somewhere?
  20. 3M is the actual company name........paints/glues/scotch tape/etc
  21. actually, either one of those systems would be better than my current rig, with the exception of the vid cards. My current setup is a regular old AMD AhtlonXP 3700+ 64bit processor, Nvidia SLI MOBO, only 1 gig RAM, 250 gig HDD and an nVidia 7800GT 256meg vid card.
  22. they arer only 9 and 5 years old so taking them to school (or anywhere else for that matter) wont be an option.
  23. might be way off base here.but you mentioned something about SATA, etc...... I know that whenever I try to uninstall my nVidia graphic drivers from my system (I'm also using an nVidia MOBO) it asks me what I want to uninstall (ie: graphics, something to do with the bios, and a few other things, maybee SATA stuff too)
  24. Gents was looking to buy a new (maybe 2) PC for the kids..... Wasnt looking for anything too fancy. I looked at Tigerdirect.ca and just picked the "pre-made" systems there and sorted by price.
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