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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. It takes a man to take a sheep from behind in wellies.. It takes a REAL man to do it with the sheep facing forward so they can kiss!!!
  2. Hows about I add it to this topic and I'll move it to the download area when I can figure out where exe's are to go I've added this to the download section too: http://www.dangerdogz.com/downloads/p13 ... fileid/263 2_IL2-JoyCtrl_1.4.2a_setup.zip
  3. Same here.. and I'm having to tear myself away and just do a chapter at a time... that bullet time reload is a gem to watch. As games go they got the story telling just sweet.. :)
  4. Well.. if I'm gonna burn it may as well look good!!
  5. This is the one of Jim taking it easy by the lake... soaking up the scenery!!! [attachthumb=1] Here's the one of the nearly but not quite night time mission from last week. [attachthumb=2] Had to turn the monitor brightness up to get to play it though.
  6. It is my favourite game and has been dusted off for a few late nights but I do hope and wish that BoB has fire similar or better to this:
  7. Great post Shadow and certainly well thought.
  8. BBloke

    eye test

    If I squint hard enough I swear I can see a beaver!! :)
  9. I was hoping to avoid those kinda things.
  10. Well I dont know the easiest way to describe it other than all 100's is more reactive but not in the sense of flicking a switch.
  11. Now you've got me thinking Carl.
  12. That tends to happen when they are large and you should get a scrollbar to slide it over to the right.
  13. I was just killing time until BG got back!! He was gone ages! Great fun Dave.. I'm blaming it all on Jim
  14. BBloke

    Hello all.

    S~ Knight.. it was good flying with you the other night.. Not like some of these.. no names mention.. comes from Scotland and steals kills.. DAVE!!
  15. BBloke

    Jim - Sorry

    LMAO.. got something about furry fluffy white things with big ears Jim I guess I lowered the tone as well... like normal... but dave cani be doonin someoney elses'plane.. bad man!!!!
  16. BBloke

    Jim - Sorry

    Hi Jim, Sorry I disappeared on TS last night I hit something and the machine did a reboot.
  17. SHEEP:
  18. Thats for the definition Klinger.. and there's me thinking it was a kinda of venereal disease or sexual aid!!
  19. Vista in 10 years will be spelt linux
  20. Nice Heads up Colin
  21. He's our Brethen Brother now Firor.. sheep seraching is pre-requist and he passed the test with flying colours. :)
  22. But what you dont know BG is that its a female sheep... LMAO.. HH pound infiltrated and take care of by a sheep with an identity crisis!!! Lambs..
  24. Being slow that I am I cannot keep up with the line long enough to click it!!! Dang new technologies..... Can't you just make it stop at the end!!!! :)
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