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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Hey man, I tried to respond a couple of times to your email about the SEOW maps, but it kicked it back to me. Anyway, I found the link to the malta cmpn I was referring to at M4t.
  2. Enforcer57


    I personally like DT's suggestion, as I use stuff like that all the time. May I also suggest stuff from Mony Python.......(with a heavy French accent).."you English pig-dogs!" , or "you wipiers of other people's bottums!". Of course, I use the old standby, as many vets on here can attest, ......"OH CRAP!". Just hearing that phrase creates fear and loathing (more loathing) in my fellow doggies here.
  3. Enforcer57


    I personally like DT's suggestion, as I use stuff like that all the time. May I also suggest stuff from Mony Python.......(with a heavy French accent).."you English pig-dogs!" , or "you wipiers of other people's bottums!". Of course, I use the old standby, as many vets on here can attest, ......"OH CRAP!". Just hearing that phrase creates fear and loathing (more loathing) in my fellow doggies here.
  4. (Ahem)........."I gots ta know".
  5. (Ahem)........."I gots ta know".
  6. Great to hear from our comrade Taildragger again. The rhubarbs included alot of fighter sweeps, just looking for targets of opportunity. They were done at low altitude usually and involved alot of straffing. The results were a high attrition rate for the RAF, including some of their highest scoring aces winding up in POW camps. It was an attempt in the aftermath of the early days to go on the offensive to at least an extent. They used many types of AC in these misns, but the Spit was of course the most common.
  7. Great to hear from our comrade Taildragger again. The rhubarbs included alot of fighter sweeps, just looking for targets of opportunity. They were done at low altitude usually and involved alot of straffing. The results were a high attrition rate for the RAF, including some of their highest scoring aces winding up in POW camps. It was an attempt in the aftermath of the early days to go on the offensive to at least an extent. They used many types of AC in these misns, but the Spit was of course the most common.
  8. For a reasonable amount of money, I can make him disapear.........with extreme prejudice for a small tip.
  9. For a reasonable amount of money, I can make him disapear.........with extreme prejudice for a small tip.
  10. Ditto Rattler........and Mobius, say what you really think and quite beating around the bush. I hate that kinda shit.
  11. Ditto Rattler........and Mobius, say what you really think and quite beating around the bush. I hate that kinda shit.
  12. Ouch......and I was wondering why Picard never nailed Dr. Crusher. I always suspected he did.
  13. Ouch......and I was wondering why Picard never nailed Dr. Crusher. I always suspected he did.
  14. Thank god the dudes that decide who get that fishing weight, er uh, i mean award, gave it to Al instead of that pesky old broad that was also nominated named Irena Sendler, whose only claim to fame was saving over 2500 jewish children from the Nazis in 43, and refusing to divulge info on any of them while the Gestapo was torturing her. Yup, Al deserved it more. I hope Michal moore is his running mate next time. Nothing like justice.
  15. Thank god the dudes that decide who get that fishing weight, er uh, i mean award, gave it to Al instead of that pesky old broad that was also nominated named Irena Sendler, whose only claim to fame was saving over 2500 jewish children from the Nazis in 43, and refusing to divulge info on any of them while the Gestapo was torturing her. Yup, Al deserved it more. I hope Michal moore is his running mate next time. Nothing like justice.
  16. Did you take a camera with a decent lens? If so, take pix of hot Spanish chix you encounter. You gotta be sneaky. Really sneaky. Do if for the unit.
  17. Did you take a camera with a decent lens? If so, take pix of hot Spanish chix you encounter. You gotta be sneaky. Really sneaky. Do if for the unit.
  18. ok, been a bit busy. I strongly suggest reducing the number of planes. about 24 of a particular type is about all that is really practical on most computers.
  19. ok, been a bit busy. I strongly suggest reducing the number of planes. about 24 of a particular type is about all that is really practical on most computers.
  20. It wasn't because Adam bit an apple....it was because Eve banged a reptile. They had legs back then , y'know. Don't take credit for a foul up that a chick is responsible for. There is no accounting for taste.
  21. It wasn't because Adam bit an apple....it was because Eve banged a reptile. They had legs back then , y'know. Don't take credit for a foul up that a chick is responsible for. There is no accounting for taste.
  22. Go to blazes you human Targ........If I had my batleff, it would be your last, you Federation
  23. Go to blazes you human Targ........If I had my batleff, it would be your last, you Federation
  24. methinks they have gone too detail crazy. I mean, those trains are really nice......for a train sim. If they spend that much time on side stuff like that, when are they gonna be able to do stuff like tanks, ships, etc. I think the level of detail we currently have in ground targets only needs a little improvement....a little. That stuff takes alot of time. I'd rather have a few extra planes and an expanded map than individual RR ties.
  25. methinks they have gone too detail crazy. I mean, those trains are really nice......for a train sim. If they spend that much time on side stuff like that, when are they gonna be able to do stuff like tanks, ships, etc. I think the level of detail we currently have in ground targets only needs a little improvement....a little. That stuff takes alot of time. I'd rather have a few extra planes and an expanded map than individual RR ties.
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