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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. This is great. This is more than just grabbing a guitar and turning on a tape recorder. Lots of work went into that song, and it's very good.
  2. Well it didn't work for some reason. I looked in my manual and it mentioned unplugging it for 30 sec for ohter problems, but no mention of htis. So I unplugged it for 30 sec several times, even restarted, did virus scan, spyware etc. Nadda. So I'll try re-installing. Ive got my software disk. thanx man.
  3. Roger that. Thanx, I'll give it a try. It ran fine for a while, then I stopped flying, then turned everything back on including the sim. Boom...gone. The red lights are still on, but it's actually off. the same thing happens when I click on the internet or another folder when the IR is still on but Im out of hte sim. Sometimes it doesn't. I just wonder why it starts doing this after nearly two yrs.
  4. Ok, this happened before, but I fixed it by hitting F9 a couple of times. Now my Track IR 3 shuts down shortly after I start the sim. The red lights are on, but the green one shuts down. I have tried messing with the hotkeys and all sorts of crap, but I cant get it to function any more. Any suggestions? No I'm not gonna reformat.
  5. Those are great. I was the priest in the second one......about a million times so far.
  6. Yeah, ditto Friar. I got the email about the problems (both political and technical) caused connected to SEOW, and I gotta say that this is the BEST SEOW cmpn by far I've flown, mainly from the design level. I felt the plane selection was pretty realistic for a 43/44 scenario. The performance of guys like Rattler and Psycho (among several aces) in the 109 and FW indicate that the plane selection is not too one sided.....to me anyway. I also am impressed by the ground forces and general set up of it all. I kinda got a bit miffed by the ship quirk because I thought the SEOW engine had just mis interpreted the events. I had never seen anything just re-appear after being destroyed, so that just made no sense to me, at least until you said you saw both ships sinking. I even found a shot of the Tirpitz rotating on its own axis as it changed course and retreated.....truly odd. The interface between the two programs must cause some conflicts sometimes, but now that we know alot of this stuff, it will certainly help in the next one. I wouldn't worry too much about folks getting a bit upset sometimes........I think that's an American thing; you should see people go nuts and argue over ball games from high school to pro events;
  7. Heh heh. WHAT did you expect herr Sid? For God's sake, dont' ask anything to do with sheep, wool, mutton, lamb, Brokeback mtn, etc. The Navy's designation system was pretty odd sometimes. Like TBF and TBM were both Avengers, but one was built by Grumman and the other by GM (I think). Sorta like the difference between P-51 B and C models...it's not the canopy, it's the place where they were built. I guess they decided to put numbers in the Navy fighter designations.
  8. Heh heh. Yeah, those are pretty good. I'm gonna start using some of them.
  9. I swear, his empire is growing daily.....can't you guys see that? I feel like Rowdy Roddy Pfiefer in the movie "They live".....nobody would look through the glasses he found that allowed you to see that about a fourth of the people walking around were actually hideous looking aliens. Now BG is slowly taking over the world. Wait a minute, somebody's knocking at my door...........................BLAM! BLAM! AAAAIIIIIEEEEE.......THUD.
  10. Heh heh. I love the one with George C. Scott in "Dr. Strangelove".
  11. I don't use that attachment thingy for the simple reason that I can't see any of them....nadda. I put my stuff on photobucket and copy paste it in the text of the post. And photobucket has alot more room on it now, but these screenies are usually around 90 kb or so. Drives me nuts not being able to see all the attachments being posted, but i cant, even when I turn off my AVG firewall and spyware stuff. Go figure.
  12. Hasselhoff was too drunk and eating a hamburger to show up.
  13. Um, I think i probably shoulda posted this in the general forum so everybody can see it, like from ohter forums etc.
  14. Hey man, that's a pretty good little project they got there. Nice find.
  15. Another case of their concepts outrunning the technology.
  16. Steroid eating women.........same as meth or crack addicts. YUK.
  17. I'll say. He left out the fact that monogamy is totally deviant behavior that is not compatible with human existence. If he had any brains, he shoulda suggested that they get some of the hot single chicks in the church to join in. Yeah, that woulda been the Christian thing to do. Then they coulda hired me to punish the young ladies afterwards so they wouldn't have lustful thoughts about it.
  18. Meanwhile, I finally find the furball, and just as I arrive to assist Rattler, an AI 51 jumps me, though I was sure he was human flown at the time. I dive into a cloud formation hoping to lose him, but since he is a Borg AI pilot, he can still see me, and I cannot lose this guy no matter what I do. As I was pulling out to avoid hitting the deck, Rattler jumps the 51, forcing him to break off. I've lost count of the times he and Psycho have saved my aryan keyster in this cmpn. The Borg drone pilot is very good and climbs out back into the clouds. I couldn't believe how fast these guys climbed outta their, but I had my own problems at this point. The 51 tries to lose Rattler in the clouds, but out of the mist comes one of our most lethal pilots. His cannon fire turns the Mustang into a cloud of aluminum bits. It's kinda hard to catch these explosions at this point btw. It blew right in front of his face in a spectacular explosion. I'm sure the borg AI pilot enjoyed getting "blown" by Pete. Heh heh. He is so affectionate to allied pilots that way. This gets him a date with Sophia Loren, who lives in a village near the base. I'm sure she
  19. Klinger makes his determined attack, as he and JP are under constant attack by a never ending relay of Spits and Jugs, their gunners spraying lead at the attackers. The allies seem almost powerless to stop the Luftwaffe's best though. The fighters would make repeated passes, each plane making a run on JP then continuing to Klinger. To their credit, they flew through their own rather intense AA fire. The damage kept accumulating on the bombers, but like the light brigade in the crimea, onward they charged. Doubletap riddles JP's bomber as Klinger pulls of target after delivering his bombs. DT is able to do this since his arch enemy Psycho was absent, having flown a Stuka this misn and planting a bomb on the PoW. Rattler is still busy keeping the 51s busy, and I'm still hauling ass back to get in the fight.
  20. This is a captured photo of my bomb hit, recovered when a British combat photographer was recovered from the water by an E boat after the battle. He had been blown off the deck by later hits. I don't think any of the crew is drinking tea at this point, as they were putting a storm of steel in the air. Badaim makes a high side attack, dive bombing the ship. I was unable to determine the result from the track, as the track system doesn't always seem to record explosions and such. Badaim pulls off target after adding to the inferno on the PoW. He unfortunately is badly hit by AA, and struggles back to our nearby base. He crashlanded, but he survived to fly and fight another day. Then the He-111s arrived without escort (we didn't have any). I tried to find them as they came in, but never located them. I shoulda stayed over the ships, but the AA made that kinda hard. Here Greyknight is attacked by a gaggle of
  21. Ok, this took an obscene amount of time. Misn 9 was primarily a naval battle in the ongoing battle for Italy, with the valiant Luftwaffe eagles achieving most of thier objectives despite the rather annoying and increasing "quirks" of the SEOW program.
  22. Well hell, at least you guys made the outfit look good. I'm sure those guys are ranting about that cold blooded Brit that just comes outta nowhere. Good shootin thar Darth Painless.
  23. They should deliver her to my finishing school for proper training. I can't wait till this bitch gets knocked up. I hope she had a good time with the feminist religious fanatic that wound up running the household on that stupid ass wife swap program. Only American TV can come up wiht such crapola. That little dingbat's gonna make a great porn star in two yrs.
  24. You perves disgust me. I'm gonna go hang out with Painless.
  25. Oh c'mon Logos.....stop beating around the bush and say what you REALLY mean.
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