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Everything posted by Enforcer57
They'd make more money if they had real chix, and I don't mean Rosie Odonell clones. That does deserve an award for sneakiness though.
OK, now it's wierder. I turned off my firewall, and can now see the 2cd and 3rd ones, but that's it, regardless of how many times I come back to the thread. Makes no sense to me at all......sort of like chicks. These seem to be posted in a different manner than what I use. sigh.....
Well that is odd. I don't see them or any representation of them being there at all. Just the text with a couple of lines between them. Never had this problem on here before, but then again, it IS me....and the curse raises its head again.
Well I can't see them for some blasted reason. I guess they evaporated before I saw them. I would love to see those.
I just wanna know where the gold vault is gonna be, ala Jack Benny. This is the guard he hired:
Well, of course they will have to bring their own sheep, as I'm not sharing mine with anydamnbody. OR.........they could cut down the largest tree in the forest......... WITH A HERRING !!
Don't get too close to that stuff Buck, as they tend to go nuts (fires are all female y'know). My dad did alot of medivacs and evacs of firefighters (and civies) that got sneaked up on by this stuff. Trees exploding etc. That is a very dangerous event.
Now that's just cool. Is that spit a mk-19? Hard to tell at times.
Oh good. I look forward to meeting you again in air combat so you can scare me away. This is gonna be the new training policy for all our fighter pilots (all 5 of em) When President Hillary takes office. I think I'm gonna go join a hari krishna cult and sell very boring books in public parking lots.
I think those guys were hunting something else and got jumped by the lion. They are very bad shots btw. That's the reason one should carry a powerful sidearm when hunting. I couldnt believe they didnt hit it on the ground beside them. If you have a bolt action rifle, you don't have the luxury of missing on your first shot. They started shooting too soon (sort of like dogfighting). Very bad tactics. I've been jumped by a pack of wild dogs more than once yrs ago in my adventures in the hills around here, but the last time that happened they made the mistake of jumping a guy (me) with an AR-15 carbine with several 30 rd mags of softpoints. I won btw. I wasn't hunting, but I never went out in the woods in these hills without expecting to run into Jurassic park refugees. A wild pit bull (believe it or not) tried to jump me one night when I had the same weapon shortly after I mounted an aimpoint site which lites up the reticle. He lost to, despite the near total lack of light. He did get pretty close though. The first time was at night when I was 16, but I had my marlin goose gun (35" barrel) and my trusty 4" .38 Taurus (popgun). The shotgun was extremely effective (got two), but I put two .38 cal 158grn semi wadcutters in one HUGE dog's side as it made a pass at me and it kept going. I saved my money and replaced it with a 6" .357 mag. I won't even mention the crazy ass doberman that attacked me when I got outta my car one night here in the stix in my own damn yard.......he took all 14 9mm JHPs from the magazine and won't be attacking anyone else. The owner trained this dog to be extra mean, then turned him loose every night for him to reek havoc. I wanted to shoot the owner actually. I love dogs, but this place had a problem for a while with packs of these wild jobs running around attacking cattle and people. I usually just scared em off, but at night they do this lion imitation and you don't have time to F around with them. This was many yrs ago, and is kinda rare now. Therefore I am somewhat qualified to make such comments.
The former museum I flew with on thier C-47 and B-25J also had a nice US-2, which was an S-2 converted to a transport similiar to the C-1 (the transport version) . They traded it for a neat A-26 gun nose, complete with turrets. Those S-2s still have the original radials. Many operators (and Navies) have re-engined them with an assortment of neat turbo props. The Electra is nice to. The A-26s, Privateers, and even the 2 Mars have reached the point where they are more valuable as warbirds and are all being sold. There are alot of Surplus S-2s, early model C-130s, P-3s, availible as well. And now the conversions of old 747s and DC-10s are extremely effective and economical. My dad did the water bombing thing from Hueys and Jetrangers while flying such duty in 79. I have a neat photo a newspaper took as he lifted a bucket of water out of a lake.
While Rattler was in Banff, we were terrorizing Jasper...
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
Great scenery photography man....you got the depth of field down right (or the camera programming did). Those younguns need some serious grinning classes though.... -
It looks a bit arcadish, and i dont think they are gonna put much effort into such a thing. This fri it is gonna be abouit more mid east combat, which is my favorite subject they cover. I like watching the IAF put our equipment to good use.
Yeah, they finally came to their senses......25 yrs after the Falklands lesson. Unfortunately, I dunno where they are gonna get the pilots for the F-35B VSTOL fighters; they FOOLISHLY retired all the Sea Harriers to save money. I guess the naval aviators are all flying simulators to stay current. The RN is desperately short on ships and funds now, and they are gonna have another nasty surprise like the Falklands (somewhere) if they don't get some naval air (besides RAF Harriers that have no radar or BVR capability) back in service. It will be nice to see the RN take its place back among the world class navies of the world. Even the French have a fairly big CVN with Rafales on board, and India has a former soviet CV with Mig 29s. You gotta have a flight deck if you gonna have a sea going navy.
Yeah, I've been nearly whacked more times than i can count on my scooter by.....................dingbats. Was she hot? If she was, she can make up for it. If not, she should bring whatever friend, daughter, sister, etc that is hot to be offered to placate you.
video of the P-51 fatal crash at Oshkosh. Odd.
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Yeah, I would've probably thought it was a formation landing myself, but as the other guys say, it looks like he didn't see the other plane, although if you look closely, it appears that he was almost alongside. We know from experience flying these things that visibility is lousy in them. Ive seen two fatal accidents at airshows/fly-ins, photographed one, and that's more than enough for me. They published two of my pix I took in Fla in Air Classics July89 issue of a T-28 digging a hole straight in. I've been lucky enough not to have that happen since. -
I love riding my scooter, which i do everyday as my general transportation,and i intend on getting a much bigger one someday.....90 mpg kinda influences me on that to. Gotta drive like you expect these people to kill you. At any rate, I'm glad our attrition rate wasn't added to.
Hmmmm .........the gunner stands in front of the pilot firing backwards. I just wanna know who all is looking forward to flying with some guys crotch in thier face. Yup....definitely a Mr. Garrison moment.
Heres the link to the EAA site's video of the landing accident that killed one pilot and destroyed what appears to be a 51 modified for racing. The stock D model had serious damage, but it can be restored. I think they were trying to land in formation.......which begs to ask where the hell the local ATC was. I've never seen civilian owned planes that didnt belong to an aerobatic outfit land in formation before. A little close sometimes, but not this close. The guy taking the vid did a piss poor job as he kinda freaked when they hit. Don't really blame him, but when I saw a fatal (and spectacular) fatal crash in 88, I knew to keep my blasted camera on it as i held the
wow, this is great as usual. YOu have again done a magnificent job of keeping this alive.
Yesssss....those of us with masochistic tendencies especially are thankful for this opportunity it gives us for total satisfaction. Really alot of fun doing that thing. I would have used this: but I really don't bloody know what it means, and am a bit leary of it.
heh heh. I like the gun club. Lemme know if you need a pro photog to help with the, um, illustrations.
Hey thanx guys. I know what i got there model and prcesr wise (P4 3.-6 gighz or whatever you call it), but I wanna see if I can upgrade it as much as I can. THe paper work on these HP computers (which are all made for office work, hence the PCI only slots)is kinda sparce and generic for all of them. I can find it now.
ok, i should know this, but I wanna see how fast a P4 chip I can use in my computer, and the folks I talked to about this said they could tell me allsorts of stuff if I could just tell them what kind I had in my HP pavillion. I know its something simple, but I can't think of what it is
You coulda gotten around all that by just doing the American remedy....hit it with a hammer. and you blokes going to Aingland, I just reckon you better dang well take a camera and get some good pix. Remember, prop planes in flight need a 1/250th shutter speed to not freeze the props. Get the sun behind you if you can, and stand facing the runway and Pivot your body as they fly past....pan with em damn it. And an iso speed adjustment of 400 is usually the best, though with digital jobs iso 200 is ok usually. I need to put a sticky on here about taking aircraft photos.