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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Well after a rather embarrasing 5 or so crashes to blue screen while trying to defend Normandy from the allied onslaught, I think i need a bit of help here. This thing is still telling me its the cmaudio.sys thats screwing up, and that i should check new software etc blah blah. I replaced my original sound card in my hp pavillion rt after i got it last yr so i could use my old CH F16 combat stick in a serial port (still dont have a usb one yet-id have to get pedals etc and is a bit expensive). It worked fine for mos, then it started doing this crap. the hp techs (in new dehli or islamabad I think) helped me get a bunch of stuff straightened out, and it got better....averaging only one crash per online session. Now however, its even doing this offline, even when im not flying; I was doing some photoshop stuff and it did hte same thing....thats never happened before. I just installed a free program called Skype that lets me talk long distance for free....a friend of mine in fla. and I communicate with this, and it would be nice to keep it if I could, but i dont think its directly responsible. it always says its the csaudio.sys, but when it crashed offline a few nights ago, it also had this information on the screen: Driver IRQ2 not less or equal- AFD.SYS. Address AADDE7FC base at AADD1000 I havent the foggiest idea what that is referring to . :? I also used a program a few weeks ago to clean the registry up....that reduced the number of crashes considerably, but it looks like i need to run that again. ok, after posting this originally, i ran registry repair pro again, and it corrected 197 errors, and then i defragged the registry. We'll see...... and whoever was flying that P38 and the P47 that i shot up....be glad i forgot to map my controls when i had to use a different pilot to log on. I only had a pair of 50s on my gustav. If i coulda fired my 30...... :roll:
  2. wow, thanx guys. That ATI site is a bit confusing. I wish they would speak more english. I appreciate that.
  3. ok, thanks. From what i read on the radeon page It seemed to say that the drivers werent availible. Well I learn some more. Appreciate it......that is a great deal, and is what ive needed for about a century.
  4. I got the package today, man thanks. can you email me at whisner1555@hotmail.com? I have one really dumb question involving your return addy. Also, i ordered an installation cd from ati for that. But i was wondering about the power cord to (cant really see where it attaches yet-and I gotta order one of those to). I already made a dumb post in the hdware section regarding my uncertainty. :oops:
  5. one of my squad mates sent me a very nice Radeon 9700 pro graphics card. I ordered the install cd, but it needs a power cord. I found one on the ati site that says its the power extension cable for the 9600-9800 series. it also has a 4 prong attachment piont it appears, but i dont see any point like that on the card. I seek enlightenment as to the location of where the power cord attaches, both to the card and in the computer itself. I know, duh, but my expertise is limited to stuff that you can shoot, fly, or take pictures with. :? BTW, i dnloaded the manual to this, but it doesnt seem to have much mention of the power cord set up. Didnt wanchta to think i was totally noob. :roll: these things are 18 bucks including shipping, so i dont wanna screw up. thanx....
  6. Before i got track IR i flew it all the time with the dials on. then i got ir and haveint looked back. I DO still use it offline if im doing a carrier approach and using htat little directional aid thingy. about the only way i can get on a deck without bending the machine. Track ir makes it redundant to improving the view.
  7. Ok, here i was, hurried to get home by around 2000 hrs, and just as I clicked to connect to the HH TS server, the lights went out.....here and in 1600 ohter homes in this corner of the county. Some dingbat in an expedition was too drunk to see that the rd she was on ran out and she hit one of those 80 ft tall jobs (estimate) that towers over the other ones :roll: ....it fell on the main line. Out till 0245....I was not amused. Timing was perfect. I did use the time to read up on the Alut cmpn......got some ideas for some coops, if i can just get the time. I had my leds i use as backups on my moped, so i could see ok to read. Was a long night. I got back a little late sunday to get on the DD combat tour.....so i missed out on getting my weekly fix of air combat. I hate drunken broads in SUVs. :x
  8. Another reason to carry a Glock in NY.....man that was great. I like it when he made the guy cry....
  9. yeah, i helped test the cmpn also, and I recomend you wear your long undies when you fly it.... kinda cold in that alut water. I swear i got frost bite from flying with the canopy open.
  10. I know I sure will. I loved rowans sim, but cant get it to run on win xp. was great, even if you could get tripes to fly with half the top wing gone and you could hear screams of agony in the air....was kinda neat though. Birds would fly outta the tress when you flew over them on approach. dunno when ill hve time to fly it though. At least we probably wont hve to learn many new key commands.
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