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Everything posted by Enforcer57
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
Just moments after Cold Gambler's heroic demise, CG's AI drone wingman makes a brilliant head on deflection pass on Painless, taking him by surprise and hitting his engine. The thought of a drone taking out Painless is unheard of, and is not expected, by us or him. Painless is dead stick, and is alarmed that he is behind our lines. He heads for the nearby lines on an Italian beach. He bellies in on what he thinks is the sandy beach surface, but is actually a shear cliff on the edge of said beach. He is highly upset that his designer Corsican knickers are going to get wet, as well as his prize argyle socks. He intends to complain forcibly to the Italian authorities upon the conquest of Italy. -
Ok comrades, here is the long awaited issue regarding misn 11 of our Italy SEOW cmpn, a hard fought campaign that seems to see saw back and forth, and has been fought tooth and nail among the illustrious pilots of the K-9 squadrons. This is presented by HH Enforcer, flying with the glorious Luftwaffe in defense of Sophia Loren and all the other hot chicks and great food on Italy. Our losses have been heavier than theirs and the battle, though certainly not one sided, has generally favored the allies despite our holding firm in most sectors. The Allies have significant naval superiority (as they did in reality) and we have flown many misns agianst their remaining King George class battleship, which was pounding hell out of German ground forces on Italy, its 14 inch guns reaching far inland. Our losses have been heavy, these attacks accounting for about half or more of our AC losses. This one ship was having a greater influence on the war than any other factor, and after the losses it inflicted during the previous misn mandated that it be taken out, regardless of cost. Bf-110s were chosen as the AC, and extensive planning went into the operation that is still classified at this point. An attack group of six planes divided into two three plane elements would attack from the stern from minimum altitude; these things are the toughest, most well defended targets in the entire theatre. Here the attack group forms up and heads out to target, with Sid following me (Enforcer) and not visible here. We have the most effective bombs and the 30mm cannon loadout. Cold Gambler volunteered for the suicide misn of scouting the enemy shipping and providing targeting info. This he did to great effect, but eventually the enemy CAP, headed by the dreaded Darth Painless (the master of the dark side), took him down. I decided then I would remember him by comforting his Italian girlfriend as often as possible; I'm nothing if not valiant and compassionate. Meanwhile, our AI Stukas were tasked with attacking enemy armor approaching our positions......of course they weren't worth a damn at this, but both sides were short of human pilots (about 11 on each side) and we just couldn't spare any humans. Where are the Cylons when you need 'em?
Im interested in the new maps some guys are making. The malta map is incredible, and they are making the Solomons and a European map that will actually let you make use of drop tanks. I also saw that somebody made a switch file that would let
Im almost done with combat comix issue 4 on misn 11 where we sank the battleship BG financed and crewed with clones of Painless. I think I figured how you got credit for shooting my keyster down after I crashlanded when DT is the only one I can see that's shooting me to pieces (before he splashes and drowns like a rat from my gunner's fire). I found a spot where a Seafire (number 1) makes a head on diving pass at me as Im escaping after DT has shot me up really bad. There are a few hits, and since the last guy that shoots someone is the one who gets credit, you got the kill. ( I had to watch this thing about 4 times to even see this event). I want to use a screenie of this as it looks pretty good, as well as a shot of the same AC destroying an AI 109. Just wanna make sure I get the ID correct.
Cool idea JP. I love those things, wish I had time to learn how to do that, as I would love to make some promo vids for cmpns.....I wonder why that hasn't been done more. And yeah, archer girl should have her own movie.....I wanna see it.
Make sure Painless gives you some instruction regarding inflating and paddling a life raft. He has considerable experience at this after the last misn, thanks to our cyborg AI drone in a 109 we recently aquired from a crashed UFO. BTW, it took me forever to learn how to take off in a Seafire without nosing over. I wonder what makes it so prone to do so while the Spits dont. The only plane I have trouble landing is the 109. That spindly outward folding landing gear on the Spit and 109 are a real pain, as they were in reality. The idea was to lighten the designs by not having a heavy wing spar to support inward folding gear.
OT:Space Shuttle awaiting go/no-go for de-orbit burn...
Enforcer57 replied to DD_Bucky's topic in Jim's Place
Man, i wish I was able to be at home to watch that. Cool. -
Holy crapola Deacon, that sounds incredible. I heard of hte slot map, which really makes me all hot and gooey, but cross channel Europe and Enland? Hoo boy. Ive been hesitant to mess wiht it since I spend most of my time in the FMB, but if I can figure out how to get a seperate version installed, that might be well worth it. Ive been kinda scared to fool with it due to some of the complications Ive heard of. Online combat with an outfit like the 352cd sounds like it could be the next best thing to getting a time machine (and immortality) and doing the real thing. Now the drop tanks and long range bombers might be able to be used realistically. This deserves some consideration. BTW, my link I had to your outfit's sight seems to go into oblivion now - could you post a link to it? I got some stuff Ive been posting regarding our current SEOW that you guys might find interesting.
If I could see the pix, I think that is an early model version with an overhang on the turret. Of course, I cant see those things in that form for some reason....dunno why. Amazing that its in such good shape. Most surviving T-34s are the later -85 model wiht an 85mm. I cant bloody remember....but if i could just see it........
Heh heh. Yeah, just wait till episode 4 of combat comix comes out. Im working on it now. Turns out that Battlewagon was crewed exclusively by 1800 clones of......Painless. Instead of bugle calls or klaxons, they played assorted Village People songs to alert the crew.
Heh heh. Good one H. A very accurate description of the folks involved in our legal system Im afraid.
Ditto man.
Ok GK, I must've overlooked that. I gotta load my scooter on a trailor and take my bike to the mtns in Jasper in just a few min,then work tonight. Ill take care of that as soon as I can. Been so long since I killed anything...... And I feel like a judge in Columbia now man.....all these barbarians gunning for me. I guess Painless and I finally have something in common other than various forms of deviant behavior. Kinda exciting that so many allied fliers and even their "owner" want to spank my bare bottom.
Yeah, the decapitations were cool, but they need more blood. Are there any wenches that need rescuing or pillaging?
Holy Crap......Im on utube!! I wanna thank my producer, my ex girlfriend that likes chix as much as I do, the broad with a HUGE rack that lives down the street from me, and Jessica Simpson for not getting knocked up yet. It sure was fun blasting all those AA gunners on the stern. That has to be the most fun ive ever had in a flight sim, even though the action I was in actually only lasted about 10 min. When I saw Tonar's B-25s heading into the fray, my reaction was initially... WTF? You guys died llike Klingons though. Ill post some great screens as soon as I gtet my new Wacom drawing tablet installed on here. Gotta get my scooter fixed first and take care of some work stuff. It wouldnt be as much fun flying this cmpn if the red guys were easy. The fact that we actually did so well in the face of such opposition is quite an accomplishment me thinks. Damn that was fun. PS.....when can I have my battleship kill marking and DT's star? I want bragging rights.
A bit larger than my 150cc scooter.........and that chick never has to worry about drowning with those built in flotation devices. The poor doggie looks very dejected.
So THAT's what that rash is......I assumed that Painless had sneaked into my house during a night when I wasn't too alert, but it was a community effort. (ouch). Im not sure what the reference to the led refers to, but i have TIR 3 and I use TIR4 software that you can dnload from thier site. I dunno if it works as well with 2, but that software is vastly more advanced than what came wiht 3, and the default setup is so good I am using that. The dead zone is close to what i programmed on the 3. It has a head graphic also that lets you see the movement of your head cmpared to the head in the plane. Really works well. I dunno if it will on 2 though. for it to work, i had to completely remove the earlier software and manually delete the folder. Anyway, TIR 3 works alot better with the new software to.....less locking up, smoother etc. Dont sue me if your computer explodes because of this suggestion, as I have retained the services of the law firm of Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe; A. Shyster, chief counsel.
Yeah, when something starts acting like a chick on here, I usually just turn off various spyware/firewall stuff and it starts acting cool again. And Rattler, it's a scooter...mopeds have pedals.......such is considered sacriledge on the scooter/moped forums I hang on...heh heh. Yea, i gotta get my cousin to look at the fuel feed problem or whatever it is. too cold to ride much anyway, as my wallet can tell.....35 bucks fuel expense vs about 7 on the scooter.
That makes me miss model bldng. i still have alot of them, some have been placed around my mothers house, but most are in boxes. I still have some I built well over 30 yrs ago when I was in high school, including a P-400 in 1/48 wiht the door open and the instruments painted with a pin. I couldnt do htat now if I had to. Not steady enough.
Never seen that man. Mine updates every day, and I can do it manually from the test interface as well. That thing works real well and has nabbed several thingies that tried to invade my machine.
trak IR shuts down when I start Il-2. The green light goes off. Hotkeys?
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Help!!
Well, before I saw this just now, I actually got it to working again.....for now. I discovered that I still had the software to both the IR3 and 4 versions, despite having removed it (?). Apparently the TIR had run on the 4 software one time, then ran on the 3 software when I restarted it later. Go figure. So I deleted it again, and this time deleted the folder again. I thought I had done that, but apparently not, or it did a resurrection thing or something. Now it starts with the 4 software, which has a much more advanced interface (man, those heads are kinda creepy but they work)l. Now it runs fine, turned off and on several times. So maybe it will stick. Im gonna consult the above forum though. tHanx for posting that. I had no idea you could use the 4 software with the 3. I think its -
trak IR shuts down when I start Il-2. The green light goes off. Hotkeys?
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Help!!
Well GD F-ing SOB......this damn thing is doing it yet AGAIN! Now Im a bit pissed. worked fine for a couple of misns, just like new. Now that I went out to do some other crap, it's doing it again. Just quit on me three times right after I started it with new sofware etc. And i am sure they wont ever have heard of this when I call tech support and that I am the only one who has ever had this happen. I'll probably be the first human male to get pregnant, and it will be without benefit of messing wiht some chick......probably the gd aliens or some such. I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that this is some kinda damn windows problem. Man I get so damn tired of all this tech crap happening to me that never happens to anyone else. My scooter has also started having fuel feed problems, and nobody in this stupid town can figure why. IM not driving it 60 miles to get it fixed, so Im just having to improvise. Some kinda friggin curse I suppose. MAN THIS SUX. Ill call em again tomorow and see what the hell is going on......im sure htey need the training in impossible situations that only happen to one guy. Maybe the dieties are punishing me for being so non PC. -
Im pretty sure it's to do with the other controls being usb and the stick being game port. My CH F16 is game port, as are my rudder pedals and throttle, but I cant use my throttle anymore because it just doesn't work right now that I have a computer with win xp (i think). I would recommend getting a USB f16 stick to match the rest of your controls. I intend to get all three when I can. I miss being able to program all the buttons for a hotas arrangement. I had to bu;y a soundcard to even have a game port on this computer.
trak IR shuts down when I start Il-2. The green light goes off. Hotkeys?
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Help!!
Ok, after re-installing a couple of times, I called those guys, and was told to dnload the latest software and install that. It was designed for TIR4, but apparently works for 3, so now it works again. Thanx for the suggestions though, but I have a poltergiest living in my cmputer methinks. And Ive scanned for viruses etc, so Im convince Im a candiate for "Ghost Hunters" on the sci fi channel.