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Everything posted by Enforcer57
For some reason I am really enjoying Painless being the subject of so many sodomy references. Perhaps there is something to this kharma thing. Warm butt sex......heh heh.
Well I admit to being a general dumbass again, but in my defense, I got asked to work later that evening and did not get home till outrageously late and was almost passing out as I wrote that. Lemme see what I can do here......OK, here is the post I made copied here. Damn I can't believe I didn't think of that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, I was unable to engage in misn 4 due to a bizarre F#cking malfunction caused by the continued presence of the numerous switch files we used to use when flying with outfits that hadn't incorporated 408 yet. I found that I was unable to join the fray and lead my 109 flight at the last minute, as I kept getting a message that the server had a different version of the sim (408m) than I. I had just flown with the hounds late last night, so I knew i was using the correct version, and i was at a total loss to fix it. DT, Quaz, and most anyone who had an idea tried to help, but to no avail. I still couldnt join for this odd VERY frustrating reason. It was suggested that I try using the 408 switch file, but I couldnt find the thing (it was hidden in my Il2 folder unlike the other ones it turned out). So I had to drop out, as I couldn't hold the big fight up any longer. This was EXTREMELY F#CKING frustrating and downright enraging, as I had looked forward to it so much, having missed last week due to working. I had my own flight of 109s with Psycho and JP in it, and I couldn't wait to unleash these guys on the enemy................BUT NOOOOOO, the sim wouldn't let me in. SO I discovered that my sim had reverted to 407 somehow. It later occured to me that Just before the fight, I had been deleting a bunch of stuff from my cluttered desktop, and I remembered seeing that little flash screen juist for a second before it was obscurred by something else as I was moving stuff around. Apparently, my mouse had passed over the 407 switch file icon while deleting or moving something. Im sure I did NOT double click on it, and that thing is on the opposite side from my 1946 shortcut. So apparently it goes off just getting near the damn thing. Anyway, it took about 10 min for me to figure this out, but it was too late by then. For some reason my 408 switch file wasn't listed near the rest of them when i tried to find it earlier, so I just missed out. Damn. Anyway, get rid of those desktop shortcuts to other versions of the sim, as they are a minefield waiting for you to step inside. This was not anticipated by me, as i made sure all was working properly before even showing up.....so I thought. It took me by surprise, much as Painless does. Im REALLY sorry I couldn't fly with you guys, as we had all 16 seats filled and I knew it was gonna be a big fight at some point. I got called into work a little ater on, so when my friend who is also my boss asked me if I could work tonight, I accepted. Sure wish I couldve flown today, but this damn switch file program went nuts. btw, who won?
Holy crapola .....................that is so cool. But cool stuff usually costs too much, so.......
what happens when 30mm hits Iraqi insurgents?
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
Yeah, I saw a bit of that to. Puts a whole different perspective on watching those slime get pulverized as they so richly deserve. I find my trigger finger twitching when our guys are firing. Actually, it's very likely that those guys aren't even actual Iraqis. I'd like to see some more of the predator and other drone vids. Those things are flying hundreds of attack sorties with increasing effectiveness. Be neat if they would let us volunteer to fly some of those via satellite from our homes and go hunting insurgents, preferably with the new turbine Predators that carry six Hellfires. Now THAT would be a coop. "Hey Painless, let's check that truck over there for......contact!, We're taking fire! (Whooosh, BLAM!) "Whoah, great shootin Painless! Let's get the rest of 'em before Rattler and Psycho get here!" Man, would that be a great saturday night, or what? -
what happens when 30mm hits Iraqi insurgents?
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
JP, it's even worse. The AC-130 has a 105mm howitzer, as well as a 40mm bofors, and a 25mm gat. the 105 is the biggest gun ever mounted on an aircraft. -
The allies in Italy enjoy a post-flight drink
Enforcer57 replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Jim's Place
DITTO!! I always knew those allied guys never carried any spare soap into the showers. And Cold Gambler.......I musta missed something good, as I see 4 kills to your credit. I'm impressed man. -
Once again I see I have successfully hijacked another thread. That cat firing the rifle is priceless......and somehow strangely applicable.
what happens when 30mm hits Iraqi insurgents?
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
Wow, great shooting. "Kill em". That's the thing to do with them. Those Apache guys are going to great extents to make sure they avoid killing civies. -
Man im glad the officer sheep is gonna be back flying again soon. What I loved is "that sort of thing HARDLY EVER happens". Almost makes ya wanna join the RAF. That vid is priceless to.
Heh heh.....I love it. That's one reason I hang out here, the priorities agree with me.
Heh heh Bucky, around here, you only have to worry if you drop the soap, not the aspirin.
Lots of unzipping going on around here. Sometimes you guys worry me. I think I will wait until it's finalized A real pity the panes they were working on don't seem to be in it.
Roger, Im running spyware doctor now, and am gonna get some more stuff. I suspected such as I saw what looked like a small word processor screen flash on for a fraction of a second. I go to several photography sites that are usually safe, but I got a locked up screen at one of them where I have a small portfolio listed. I have a bad feeling about that. Reformatting isnt an option right now, as I have too much stuff on here, especially photographic work that's in progress that I'm trying to promote. Ive gotten rid of such crap before, so Ill try it again. Thanx comrades. Im going to be busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs thru new yrs, so I dunno how much time Ill have to check it. Ill be offline in Atlanta 28th thru the 1st working. I really would like to execute a few of these assfaced bastages in horrific ways......i could sleep quite well afterwards......maybe sell a video of it to those "faces of death" video guys.
Ok you soap droppers, I upgraded my photography site on myspace with a crapload of photo albums. Lots of chicks, planes, chicks and planes, some you've seen before, some you haven't. I can't post the nekkid ones on there, but they come close sometimes. Samples from the past 20 yrs. Everyone can look except Painless.......He's a mean man. And Emann......the poor child, he will have his mind warped and develope lustful inclinations, so stay away young'n! Go to church and drink your milk. Well ok, Painless can look......but only once. Here's a sample. And yes, she has a thong on. I'm gonna keep adding more stuff till they tell me it's full. I had no idea you could post that much there. Only place I could find that would take that much for free. Check back sometimes, as i've got to scan some more stuff to post, including some more airshow pix. And broads to of course. I have yet to figure out how to limit the comments to be approved before they show up, so ignore any moronic taliban like statements the village idiot community will make. Here be the link. http://www.myspace.com/colonialphotog I also post event stuff on there for limited times, so when you see such (like the christmas party album at one of my jobs) those are usually temporary so folks can see what they may want copies of. Alot of nice female flesh where I work. And bah humbug. I won't get to fly next Sunday on the SEOW, so Painless will have to wait two weeks before he can kill me agian.
Not the kind you make candles out of. I would post a pic or two I've done, but I'd get yelled at by those in authority.
I can provide some of the porn.....nice guy that I am. I do make my own after all.
Heh heh. Damn right Painless. That guy is hilarious......and pretty accurate. I LMAO the whole time, as I always do when I watch him. I bet thiis doesn't get shown in too many mosques.
ok, now when i get some crap that wont respond, i try to g4et teh task manager up, but i get this smart ass bill gates type message that says the administrator has disabled it. This computer isnt on some damn network. IM THE GODDAMN ADMINASTRATOR, AND I HAVEN'T DISABLED A DAMN THING. Yes, I'm liable to disable the heart and lungs of some college boy programmer, but I can't get it to activate, and theres some crap running deosnt want to quiit, but I cant figure out what it is. Ive scanned it witi AVG and my firewall is up, but I cant find any virus etc. Any advice as to what I gotta do to enable my task manager without rebooting? Im trying to upload a bunch of photos to my photography site on myspace (which is kinda nightmarish itself, but its' got lots of room) and I dont want to interupt it if I can avoid it. And im in too much of a hurry to check the damn spelling. I just want control of my computer. That is all.
That's when it pays to be driving something like a Porche. Nothing like having a DC-10 up your kazoo.
Ditto man. And if BG tries to convince you he has a cake for you in Canada, DONT go get it.....you'll wind up digging holes in the vast tundra as an indentured servant. They can do that in Canada. Really. They can. You'll wind up on a milk carton.
Whew......OK, that worked. I just checked and they are all there, and even the I drive which holds XD olympus cards is showing up again. Man this computer freaks me out sometimes.....about like dealing with damn women; totally inconsistent, illogical, and bewildering. Thats why I come to my buds in the outfit. If I get some good shots of these chicks, Ill post some.......I did get some cleavage here and there. God I love that. Im working on em and turning on the charm, so maybe Ill have some better stuff later. My employment seems to be a target rich environment for a photographer. Much potential.