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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. I usually dont have time to watch these things, but my job lets me do alot of misn bldg, so I took an hr to watch this. I am not easily impressed by such things, but this had me in the same mood as the movie Battle of Britain did. Very well done; I guess Michal Caine, Robert Shaw, and Christopher plummer weren't available for voice work, but it held my attention and had me yelling like I was online watching Rattler and Painless wade into the 352cd
  2. Damn that Brokeback Mtn movie.......
  3. Heh heh, haven't seen that many 111s since the last time I watched the
  4. The AI seems to be inconsistent. Most of the wingmen, both friend and enemy, are just along for the ride. They usually refuse to engage anything until thier leader is killed or you tell your wingy to do something. When making missns, I have to consider that the AI wingmen of each flgiht are just drones following their leaders. It wasnt always that way. At one point, you could order your wingy to cover you, and he would. Getting them to attack ground targets is also very unpredictable to, but not as much as it used to be. There are other performance changes that are pretty good, as mentioned.
  5. Yup...that's my C.O....... Leadership thru inspiration is so...........inspiring. BTW, are those sidewinders or matra majics?
  6. whoa....that Renault is nice. Been over 10 yrs since I did a ww1 sim. And B16, where I come from, it would be a 'K' key. Heh heh.
  7. Hmmmph. A tour in the infantry mine-sweeping with his boots is in order, I say.
  8. im with Rattler.....depends on the plane. I try to use the advantage of whatever im flying. I prefer speed and firepower as my main priorities though. My problem is my gunnery. I can do better in a deflection shot than from your 6. In the seow kuban deal saturday, i was in a yak1B, and i kept getting surrounded by much faster 109s and FWs. All i could do was go defensive and make like I was playing twister with Jessica Simpson. But it worked. I made it home after countless ambushes, albeit full of holes. What i didnt like was the fact that I was so much slower than the opposition, so i couldnt go offensive or get the advantage. I survived, but i didnt kill anything.
  9. no, i used a pci card, they made a 1550 version for it, not pcie. Sunflower is helping me get this all straightened out, which wouldnt be needed if htere were just some basic instructions and warnings. Very complicated BS, but it's gettting back to normal. we got to working again despite some silly complications, but i am backing up all my stuff tonight before i try to load the drivers again. This computer is less than 18 mos old, its an hp P-4 3.02 gig, but it has only pci slots. Apparently its made just for office use , but there was no warning of such at circuiit city when i got it. Ive loaded it up with ram, but the onboard card only has 8mb of mem, which makes it kinda amazing i can evenfly at all. I intend on getting a much more modern machine by the time the new series of sims comes out, wiht agp (or whatevers current) slots and a very good card in it before i buy the thing. I was amazed that it was obsolete before i bought it. Ive been messing with this stuff for 12 yrs, and i still have no clue as to whats going on. Too many ambushes and surprises, not enough commonality. Not enough info, lousy manuals etc. I had no idea the type of slot was so important, or htat there were such limitaions. I learned everything else ive messed with.....aviation, firearms, cameras, etc. but not this stuff. It's still much more art than science. sheeesh. hopefully ill have this thing operational by this sat. the comp works, i just want the card to work.
  10. well disaster has struck. Long stry short, my computer is hopelessly obsolete,asit's Pci. Only cards for it are 256mb, so i got a x1550 for pci . I was on teamspeak with sunflower last niht installing all this stuff, new drivers etc, and all was ok everytime i rebooted. Idnloaded a windows update called .net 2.0 or something like that , as it said i neededthat to make it work. when i installed that (from MS), i restarted, andthe winxp page came up as it started etc, making all the noises and music it usually does. then it went completely blank. nadda. i restarted several times,but no go. i even left it on all night hoping it was just taking its time. It shows the win xp starting, then i have noises and sound, but no visual. I cant get into it without a screen, so............ I hope the addy i got for him is up to date. I shoulda givenhim my phone. this is a pain in the ass.
  11. thanx comrades. Gotta do a little research, but circuit city has the two aforementioned cards at 150 and 160 bucks in price, though the higher price is on the lower numbered card (X1300 v X1550), so I guess im leaning toward the 1550, because i thiink it's newer, though it's 10 bucks cheaper. Gotta do a little more research. My limit is 200, so I thiink I can get a fair amount of capability with that. I think I may let them install it just to save me the headache and minimiize the risk involved when an elephant tries to do maintenance work in a china shop. I just wanted to make sure there wasnt some bizarre glitch that didnt work right with Il-2. This is the only sim I fool with these days. (all I can remember key commands to).
  12. Ive spent about a week know trying to figure out this deal, and i cant figure the difference in some of these cards. Ive got a 1.5 yr old HP pavilion, agp slot etc, bunch of ram, but i need a decent card. I can spend no more than 200 bucks (a bit less than that hopefully), but ive noticed htat some of the 256 mb memory cards are almost as expensive as the 512mb jobs. and what pray tell, is the difference between a radeonx1300 and x1550, both with 512mb of memory? I can make no sense of the info on the box to divine such. Are the radeon cards the best for this, or does that really matter? What is the most important measure of performance? isnt it the amouint of mem they have? I just wanna bit of input so I dont wind up regretting spending about 150 clams or so. I know im gonna have to get a local computer outfit install it since i cant get the old one out (as if its welded in place). I can do that, i just wanna make sure im doing the best thing for the amount of money. thanx
  13. Well, that was very............British. I think we should challenge em to a bloody duel. We can be the Luftwaffe if htey want. Neat formation flying they do.
  14. Holy crap.....the mrlin and hispano sounds are great. And when you yanked the canopy open and looked out over the side.......that was amazing. Will add a whole new aspect.
  15. Yeah, dogs are alot smarter and aware than most give em credit for. I still miss my goofy pair of huskies. Once when I ran across an old enemy of mine while walking one of htem, she started growling at him....that's what alerted me to who he was. And this was a husky that was totall passive and liked everyone. How the hell did that dog know this maggot was on the list? And dont forget about all the war dogs in WW2 and vietnam.
  16. yeah, especially when you have objects that obviously are designed to have guns mounted on top of htem. the control towers would be nice to......but so would a weekend with Jessica Simpson.
  17. I sent a zip file to you guys. How bout letting me know if you got it. thanx.
  18. well duh....yeah, it was well below it though, and i had to scroll down to see it. Ahhhh duuhhh.
  19. well it works fine for the lights. I wish it would work for ohter objects, like the control towers. What i cant figure is how those huge cement block structures that are obviously made to support guns can be useful. I cant get anything to sit on those things. How on earth can you get a gun up there? just kinda curious. I accomplished what i needed with the lights.....looks kind odd. It took me a wihle to realize I had to do it in 3d mode....duh.
  20. anyone else notice that only part of screenies show up now. I have to dnload them to see the whole shot.
  21. ok , let me do some final organizing and checking so i can zip em up tomorwo. there are seven
  22. yeah, the history channel had a great show on that to. Would ve been a great idea, but i guess the 100 or so CVEs kinda made it redundant. Couldve launched B17s from that thing man.
  23. I'm making a coop and offline version , which will be very different. I know I'm forgetting stuff though, and I need some patsies, I mean pilots, to test some of these offline versions of this P-80 cmpn fighting the ruskies over Japan in 47. I spend way too much time on this thing (lots of time at the place I work to spaz off on the computer) and I want it to be worthwhile. I've finished 6 of the offline versions so far. thanx
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