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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Angus, you bastard! Don't worry, Stephan. No hard feelings! Now, let's get to some serious flying!
  2. BTW: I've never heard of a Tiger or any tank other than a Churchill Crocodile pulling a fuel trailer. You wouldn't catch me dead pulling a trailer of any kind! For long distances, tanks were put on truck transporters or railed. Anyway, enough on this topic for me, unless anyone wants to discuss it further?
  3. I understand, and I've even seen that footage from a post on the forum before. Without secondary confirmation, I challenge anyone to tell me what vehicles those were on the ground. Again, just because someone says something on the History channel, I don't have to believe it! I've taught armoured vehicle recognition for 12 years in the Army, and I can't tell what they are. Not trying to show you any disrespect, Stephan, but it seems quite unlikely.
  4. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Been watching Charles Durning lately as Tommy's Dad on Rescue Me. I have personally fired .50 AP at 10mm rolled homogenous armour, and it barely made a dent (0 deg. incidence 100m range.) If anyone claims to have taken out a tank with a machine gun, let me get into my old tank (Leopard 1), they can get into their plane, and we'll duke it out. I'll bet I win! Don't believe all the stuff you see on the net! I would even doubt 20mm hispanos or 30mm mk 108's would do much. Maybe a mk. 103 30mm, but only the AP rounds, not HE. BTW, the guy was in a Firefly: all of their tanks were Fireflies, as their divisional commander, General Worthington, wanted them to have the best available as they were an in-front of the front lines divisional recce regiment.
  5. You find them right next door, often enough. This is a fellow from my regiment in WW2, the South Alberta Regiment. As the link states, he was a mechanic, and a militia (reservist) volunteer. http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=history/secondwar/citations/currie Quite a guy. Met his wife and grand-daughter in 1987. Great mess-dinner that one was! My brother commandeered the Lt. Gov.'s limo for an hour!
  6. Here's one I was mentioning to the guys last night (24 June) as we were busy trying to attack/defend a carrier in drydock: "Terror In The Starboard Seat" by David McIntosh. Great read about Mossie F/B operations. I believe that I even have it around somewhere, but in our last 4-5 moves it has become inextricably packed. "The late Dave Mcintosh will be remembered for this terrifying, hilarious, bittersweet account of his experiences in the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War. As the starboard-seat navigator for a JewishAmerican de Havilland Mosquito pilot hell-bent on single-handedly defeating the Nazis, the author was wellplaced to appreciate the harsh realities of war."
  7. I'm getting worried that my machine will not do well with BoB. I hope that I will not be left out when it does come along...(I'm not holding my breath for Fall of 2006 either!)
  8. S'ok. You ought to see the things I read at school sometime by 15-18 yr old students! You'd think they're completely illiterate (they might use the term illegitimate, and think it was correctly used; you get the picture.) I'll stop correcting now: sorry, it's in my nature as a teacher.
  9. Isn't a peddle what people do from town to town, as in "No peddlers or vagrants"? I use a Saitek Cyborg Evo, so a twist rudder. I do not like the ergonomics of the stick, but it responds well.
  10. that's a Darwin Award urban legend. There's almost no way for someone to proberly mount one of those to the roof or any part of a car and have it remain mounted. A funny story though. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/enc1/jato3
  11. Rattler

    ID this

    Florida has a Hurricane? What mark? We need a road trip to see it! :joker:
  12. Rattler

    ID this

    It was the B-18 I was thinking about, competitor to the B-17. One of the ugliest pieces of crap I've ever laid eyes on IMHO. Definitely a candidate for "if it looks right, it is right"; in this case, it is NOT right!
  13. Rattler

    ID this

    Martin (?) B-18
  14. If someone is at altitude with Nav lights on, they are fair game. If someone has Nav lights on, and expecting not to get shot, they should also be: 1) Below 1000m 2) Heading toward an airfield 3) Not shooting at anything I also want to state that Nav lights are not a "stop shooting me" ticket in mid-fight. If you have had enough, evade and run or bail. I would support a "no strafing chutes" clause. I would add this to the "nav lights" issue: if you enter a dogfight, you may not use the nav lights to disengage at any time, even if you're winchester or bingo fuel, near your base, above or below 1000m. Once you pick a fight, or agree to defend yourself, there's no turning back. You can't start shooting at someone, and then just say "ok, i want to go home now!" That being said, the gentlemanly rule of not blasting away at a flamer or dead-engine plane is still up to the individual. I hope to be available early enough to join you guys Friday!
  15. Doh, stupid brain! See what a head cold does to you in the Spring!
  16. Woah, you have to explain that one to me.... :?
  17. As long as I get a Rafale, I will be French. Vive la difference! Vive la chevaliers du ciel!
  18. I just editted myself into the list(s), as my soccer game was moved to Thursday. I should be able to make it to fly, albeit a little later (7:00 pm MST ok?)
  19. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT! WHO LET THE DOGS OUT! (I see a theme song/opening menu song to fly by in the offing....) There, BG, loud enough for ya? Sorry I missed you all yesterday. I tried getting in, but the IP was wrong, then I tried getting on TS, but no one welcomed me . Then I needed to help my son make a school project, and then sing a solo at church and then, and then, and then, you ge the idea. Hope to see you guys some other time!
  20. Probably in, and I'll be Axis.
  21. Just what is an "ideal" BoB computer? I don't know if mine will run it or not, and that will definitely be a limiting factor.
  22. Not running on my laptop at school. Will check at home later. Seems to allow for remote access/control through FTP, doesn't it?
  23. I always ensure that i recycle my aluminium! They were able to turn that lovely machine into thumbtacks later. For the Fatherland! Gott mit uns (or is that mittens, i neve remember!)
  24. No problems, Dave. We've all become frustrated at times from different things. Your post just reinforces the kind of M8 you are: a gentleman. ~S~ sir!, and until next time!
  25. No problem! Here's my own apology: sorry to take so long to reply here, as I only looked at the forums today, first time in 1-2 weeks(?)
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