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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Well, you can achieve the same thing with the ship by really forcing down the rate of fire. The other problem is that you can't raise the AAA above sea level, so you can't place it on the deck. keeping the carriers and decks above sea level was a real problem for the blues wasn't it. still blew your a$$ away a couple of times, didn't we?!! West-coast hippie! :wink:
  2. Rattler

    New wingman

    Is it pining for the fjords?
  3. Thanks, Carl. Now I need to work on the one from Sunday afternoon where we flew 109's and 190's escorting Heinkels vs Spits. I took out 3 of the bombers while the other Spits were dealing with the escorts, then I did exactly what BG's post says not to do: fly into their MG arcs...PK'ed
  4. I love these kind of campaigns. Like BG said, it would be good to change campaigns every once in awhile, but I like to see them fininsh too. I guess I like fighting to the end more than the variation. Flying a DCG with the HH's was one of the best times I had many months ago! My 2 cents...
  5. It all began one fine day with 2 Me-109 G-14's flown by Sunflower and yours truly, as we went out to intercept a flight of P-63's flown by the diabolical trio of BeeBop, Emann, and Enforcer. The reds opened up on some poor, unsuspecting German army troops, obviously transporting aid material to starving French people... Rattler gets in the saddle on Emann... Which has the usual results... Luckily Emann is able to get out safely... Arthur and I have an incredible head-on encounter... Little did I know that Arthur hit me and caused a fuel leak...I would later force land only to be strafed by the AI P-63 #8... A happy Carl... A happy Pete An unhappy Carl But at least he's safe too.. While being chased by Clarke, Arthur still take s the time to ground pound...ever the consumate professional. It's those little attention to details... But not all good things end happily... Do you think he can get out from this altitude? I guess not. Still, a great flight, red. Only Clarke survived in the cockpit, but it was a fun furball.
  6. I was one of those, and don't worry Dave: it happens. I managed to get a couple of F4's just before that anyway. A great time, Glenn, and thanks! Can't wait for the next big bash, but don't rush yourself. We need to pace our gifted m8's so that they don't burn out!
  7. Rattler


    Carl, you're 1st on the list.
  8. I use 250 m convergence for both, and fly wide view (sometimes in gunsight, sometimes outside, depending if the view is appreciably better or not), and fight in normal view.
  9. Great skin, mate! Can't wait to fill it with 30mm holes...oh wait, you're the one always handing me my butt in a sling...
  10. check out this link... http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Movies/ ... index.html
  11. Put me down as a Jap/merc. I hope to be able to fly for at least one whole mission. We'll see. It depends on the Sergeant-Major of the household :wink: By the way Glenn, thanks for the training missions. I managed to get a Kate off of a carrier, and then land it again too. I have some tips for others if they wish, but I will only share with my M8's :wink: !! Not easy to fly, especially with no trim... Looking forward to it!
  12. Well, leave's been cancelled (I think BG found out I was switching his drink with Johnnie Walker Red Label...) I will be around Saturday night; hope to see someone there!
  13. I like F19_Olli72's reply to the your Ubizoo post too...
  14. I'm going camping with the family this weekend, so I assume that this will all be sorted out for the upcoming weekend, right? RIGHT?? Oh well, I've always been welomed by the Hell Hounds late Saturday nights...
  15. i'm just going thru the Castaways 1st!
  16. So that's where Duffy's been hiding: at MS! Doesn't matter anyway, I get bored very quickly of flying things that can't fire or drop bombs.
  17. Looks like we'll need to manually fly the Mistels in that one for now, Carl.
  18. Check out this link: http://www.ww2guide.com/guns.shtml#heavym I do not know the authority of this site, but the numbers seem reasonable. The slower muzzle velocities (ones by 100 m/s) seem to be the ones that drop considerably. As a former tanker, I can tell you that the modern .50 fires with a very flat trajectory to 1000m, but then drops off considerably. It is useful out to 2000m on a vehicle mount (not a pintle mount, but one with a built in sight, etc.) I was surprised at the mv of the ShVak, as in the game, this weapon seems to fire like a laser! The Safat .50 is as horrible as the 20mm FF, except the FF has its great hitting power.
  19. Top student, eh? Does that mean he gets to keep his Corsair? You flew a Corsair, right Pook? I think that a DD gong is in order, and drinks are on Pook in the Mess! Congrats, man! Semper Fi!
  20. I agree wholeheartedly, Jim. It's a great autobiography. It's one that I own as well.
  21. Yes, I saw that. Didn't they place a plaque there honouring the dead, as well?
  22. To reply to all my "fans": Rog, the laptop disappears whenever I stand up. The owl is our disciplinarian: it is especially useful for those who "dis" my ties. :twisted: As for the tie, it is cubic, not the hair. As for the hair, old habits die hard. Also, it takes 20 sec. to dry after a shower, and I haven't needed a comb since 1986!
  23. Here's one I found of me on my laptop. Don't I look all professional-like?
  24. Got the track? or it didn't happen! :wink:
  25. Rattler


    I also still fly on Warclouds, as well as Pacific Conflict occasionally. I agree with the rest of the guys: there are a hard-core group of pilots on these servers who seem to do nothing but fly, and wait for noobs to join, then mercilessly pounce on them from great heights. They are always on comms, and they do tend to hover around their friendly lines of base. There is little attempt to destroy ground targets, but that is what I still tend to do. I normally hate ground-pounding, but this is one of the only things available to do at times. Staying low, you can often take a fast 'Jabo' type, and hit your objective, then RTB.
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