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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler

  1. Absolutely loony! They've been at it since 2004
  2. Wunderbar! Danke schoen! (sorry, still in SEOW mode)
  3. Hey mates, since Crash bought a second TIR unit I asked him if he would be interested in parting with his old one. He has agreed to do so, but indicates that to activate 6DoF he has to send an email to NaturalPoint from his email address. Naturally, this is somewhat problematic. Does anyone know what NP sends when the activation request is made? Do they just send a file, and if so can Crash simply forward the file to me? Any ideas/insight? Cheers, C_G
  4. Nice tight formation there!
  5. Happy Birthday in advance, mate
  6. Do we have a :green-with-envy: smiley?
  7. Happy B-Day Crash! I don't think I've had the pleasure of flying with you yet.
  8. +1 for making a "Squad" donation. I'll make an additional contribution to our coffers in the next couple of days.
  9. LOL!
  10. Thank you Drinksky! Much appreciated!
  11. Anyone know how to confirm if a PSU is not providing power to all the rails?
  12. Hmmmm... thanks Roger. I figured the PSU was probably OK given that there's some power... I'll have to ask my f-i-law what the symptoms of death were.
  13. My father-in-law's P4 (I'm not exactly sure what it is) died on him (unclear on circumstances of demise) and I asked if he had thrown it out as he'd already bought a new machine. He hadn't and as it is a rather nice Antec ATX case, I asked if I might have it to replace my crapola cheap box I've had since 2001 that has seen me through two motherboards and countless other upgrades. I took out almost all the components in the Antec case with the exception of the PSU,
  14. Which model LG did you end up going for, JP?
  15. Notwithstanding my previous post on this subject, I've reset my convergencies for the Me109 G2 for the Italy SEOW to 500 and 500 as I find that I can get better "over the nose" deflection shots. This likely works for that aircraft, rather than others, because the mgs and cannon are on the nose rather than wing-mounted.
  16. "who had died 24 days earlier"!! If it had worked, I wonder how much longer they would have tried to pull that stunt!
  17. So... only the high-class whores then, eh?
  18. WHOA! Unbelievable how Intel has been upping the ante of late... I'm not even bothering to consider AMD for my next rig. Not only are these chips solid out of the box, but they overclock like demons.' C_G
  19. Funny... I've been thinking of a monitor upgrade myself. My father-in-law gave me his old 19" LCD (ViewSonic) which has replaced my 18" CRT. It's nice that it takes up less space on my desk and I can move it right up to the edge for IL2 sessions... but it has horrible ghosting issues (yes, I know... gift horse) so definitely look for low refresh rates. You might want to look at the X-bit labs reviews on 20" and 24" LCD monitors, the reviews are a bit long-winded but tend to be more objective than other sites, imho: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/other/ Here's a roundup of monitors by size: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/other/display/lcd-guide-f2007.html X-Bit labs reviewed the LG Flatron L226WTQ (22") here: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/other/display/22inch_8.html#sect0 In summary, great GtG (grey to grey) response time but not so great Response Time Compensation: "It has an LCD panel with Response Time Compensation. It is indeed a very fast monitor but this speed is accompanied with visual artifacts that are perfectly noticeable in games as well as at everyday work. The L226WTQ is so far the worst monitor from this aspect. We’ve never had a monitor with an RTC error average of higher than 25%. The color temperature setup hasn’t improved since the previous model: gray is still bluish in comparison with white. Note: Users have reported that the RTC mechanism is set up better in later revisions of the monitor’s firmware (in version 1.14 and later) but you can’t find out the monitor’s firmware version without entering its service menu." Another site I look at for tech info is Anandtech.com: http://www.anandtech.com
  20. Coming together nicely Gman!
  21. Found this in my web wanderings: http://www.ravenart-graphics.com/mustang/ Hope you like Damn nice work if you ask me.
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