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Everything posted by Cold_Gambler
Yep, me too. Those videos look sweet
HH-Aardvark892's review of our unified installer
Cold_Gambler replied to Deacon352nd's topic in Jim's Place
Hear, hear! Bravo and thank you! -
There's a picture of two Afrika Korps guys on a bike + sidecar, covered in dust, that is pretty cool... have to find it. It's not this one (but same 2 soldiers, but a full-on view, not from their 2 o'cl)...
Cool beans, dude! I was wondering what had happened to the project...
OMFG! !!! WOW! OK... this has rendered me monosyllabic (except for that word). I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
First off, let me preface my comment with a little background: I do not disagree with Bomber Harris' decision to bomb German cities. The Germans did precisely the same (starting with Guernica, then Warsaw, then Amsterdam, not to mention the Blitz) and the only reason they didn't succeed as well as the Allies is because they didn't have the means to carry sufficient incendiary bombloads to create firestorm conditions. To quote Churchill, the German's merely reaped the whirlwind they had sown themselves. They got the "total war" the nazis said was necessary. That said, I think that Dresden is more controversial than, say, Hamburg's firebombing, is because the firebombing of Dresden came at the tail-end of the war, a mere three months before unconditional surrender. The German war machine was already in disarray at that point. As an example, the U-boats had lost their harbours in France, and got sunk by radar as soon as they popped their Zeiss-equipped periscopes up. That being the case, I think the Dresden bombing can be argued to have been unnecessary overkill. As for Attlee and Churchill getting roasted in the H of P for Dresden's bombing... well, that was just peace-time politics getting back to "normal". My 2cents.
Multi-core PCUs and IL2, is it worth assigning IL2 to one core?
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
OK, thanks Jim. Actually, when I tried it it seemed to introduce a bit of micro-stuttering. I won't bother with this anymore then. -
I looked at the guide at Mission4today to assign IL2 on its own core and everything else on the other core and figured I could test it by doing it manually via the Task Manager. I tried it and it seemed to have worked (the IL2 core was maxed, the other doing little) but I failed to see any improvement in frames... has anyone else tried it?
Look at Blackviper's site for the answer to that question JP
THANK YOU! I can't believe I forgot to scroll down- a real dummkopf indeed!
I can't remember how one activates vsync to get rid of "tearing" of canopy frames... feeling like a real dummkopf here.
My new machine is similar to what Stingray put up, except in a Cooler Master 690 case with which I'm very satisfied... of course, my only point of comparison was my previous beige crapbox so I'd probably be happy with anything. Also agree with Stingray re: the 4850 and 4870. I have the former (as does OldTimer) and we were both able to get the fan speeded up so don't heed any warnings about overheating it- once the fan is "functional" temps are not really an option and they're a sinch to OC through the CCC.
22" - 24" monitors- what've you got and how do you like it?
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
LOL, Jim... when that rat-bastard Francois left me for you, I didn't think he'd tell all. Her first name is not a family name (we got some odd suggestions from my parents that were though). Cecilia was Dawn's maternal grandmother's name, however. -
22" - 24" monitors- what've you got and how do you like it?
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
You didn't miss it because I didn't make it... ought to soon, I guess LOL, she's only over a month old now! Gisèle Cecilia Tam Patterson was born on June 24th, weighing in a 6lbs7oz. We got home the next day and have been trying to catch up on sleep/work/life ever since... Will post pics soon (before she turns 2 at any rate). -
22" - 24" monitors- what've you got and how do you like it?
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
I'm posting while taking the "night shift" on little #2, rocking her with my right foot as I type. It wasn't cheap, but still less expensive than the Samsungs I was considering- I picked it up at Best Buy for $470. There's an embarrasment of choices out there- so many manufacturers, technologies etc... and rarely any useful review (lot's of "X-screen rocks, it looks sleek and the colours are bright") of the particular model I was considering. In the end, the link Shayd gave me was determinative because I really wanted to be sure I could game with it. The site he linked allows for comparisons between monitors and uses empirical measurement to calculate ghosting and input lag. In those two areas this monitor did well. I'm not too finnicky about colour accuracy, and since my head will be mostly dead-center (TrackIR) I figured I would be satisfied with a TN screen. Also didn't need an integrated camera or USB ports. The main concern I had was the non-adjustable stand (tilt only) but it's not going to be a problem for me. This monitor is FRIGGING HUGE! It fills out so much more of my peripheral vision in IL2 than the 19" I've just replaced... -
22" - 24" monitors- what've you got and how do you like it?
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
Update: I picked up a ViewSonic XV2640W... will report on details later, but so far loving the 25.5" of widescreen goodness ) PS. narry a dead pixel -
My ghetto setup including the mutilated saitek aviator
Cold_Gambler replied to Stingray's topic in Hardware Hell
Nice one -
22" - 24" monitors- what've you got and how do you like it?
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
Nice link Shayd. There are so many options its nice someone's made it possible to have at least some comparison. Still looking... -
ATI 4850 CCC won't hold OC settings- ISSUES RESOLVED
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
Glad to hear you've got it working Yes, I do have a Foxconn x38a. I've only done a quick FSB increase to 3.33 GHz (9 X 370) which I know to be stable. I got it to go 9 X 385 but at 9 X 390 it locked up. I haven't had a chance to tweak at all. I'm unfamiliar with almost all of the BIOS terms and options... and the manual is quite useless in that regard. Have you found a guide at all? I didn't have any luck using the Fox ONE software; BSOD on launching!? -
ATI 4850 CCC won't hold OC settings- ISSUES RESOLVED
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
ATI 4850 CCC won't hold OC settings- ISSUES RESOLVED
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
Hi BadAim, same as OT, I really can't say how the 4850 itself is doing because my whole rig is new- too many variables... My experience seems congruent with his (our components are similar except for the motherboard). It does OC nicely... my mem seems tapped out at 1165 (though I have plenty of "fan speed" overhead to bring temps down further so maybe it could go further) and CCC won't let me go past 700 which my card seems quite happy to do- now that the fan is at a higher setting than the factory default of 23%. I'm very happy with the purchase now that the fan issue has been resolved. -
ATI 4850 CCC won't hold OC settings- ISSUES RESOLVED
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
I made two profiles. One is for general use for which I set the fan at 45(%) which is inaudible over my case fans (themselves quite quiet). The other is for gaming, has the higher OC and the fan is set at 55 which is audible, but not terribly so- since I wear headphones I could probably put it even higher, but since the temps are around 50 I think it's sufficient. -
ATI 4850 CCC won't hold OC settings- ISSUES RESOLVED
Cold_Gambler replied to Cold_Gambler's topic in Hardware Hell
Mystery solved with GPU-Z! The "current settings" are the typical energy saving setting when you are doing basically nothing (like looking at CCC). When a graphics intensive app starts up, the OC profile settings kick in- I tested it with IL2 (windowed) and GPU-Z recorded usage at the OC levels throughout... Me be happy. -
Hi Pooka, until recently my rig was: AMD 2500+ Barton OC to 3000+ (ie: 2.2 GHz) (so a weaker CPU than his) ATI X850pro (not sure, but I think it is better that the 7600GS) 1 gig ram (don't recall specs now) As for sound card... depending on his board he may not need one. The SoundStorm on my Asus A7N8X deluxe was fine, but if he doesn't have a dedicated sound processing chip on his board he'll probably want to pick up a card so that his CPU doesn't have to assume that load. As for the RAM... I'm kind of split on that. He'd have to dump two good 512 sticks for 2X1 gig sticks for not all that much of a performance increase (given his other components)... on the other hand DDR2 prices are pretty low these days, even for matched pairs of 1 gig sticks. In my opinion he'll definitely be able to fly online with us with his current specs... on "excellent" settings, but not on perfect, and still be able to get 20-35 fps in 95% of the missions we fly in coops. If a coop is overcast skies with lightning etc... the machine will struggle. If there are multiple objects + ships' AAA firing (think the Italy SEOW with the battles over the aircraft carriers) his machine will grind to a near-halt (5fps).... but those, honestly, are the rare exceptions with which many of the DDz with quite decent machines will have problems keeping up. So, in summary, if money is an issue- his machine, as is, will definitely allow him to join up with us or on HL but he will have to accept that "perfect" is not an option. If he doesn't have a sound chip on his Mobo, that would be my first upgrade option given how cheap they can be had nowadays (he doesn't need anything fancy like an X-Fi). Hope this helps, C_G