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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Beebop-RIP

  1. My first quiz was Obscure WWII Airplanes. Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Forgotten Battles I got 7/10.
  2. I used to use the ATI Catylst Control Center but had heard its a bit of a resource hog (can't confirm that) but do know that right clicking the desktop to get to it (or any other method for that matter) took next to forever to load up. Also, on my machine at least, some of the boxes were not fully displayed as though the window was too small. Of course it can't be resized. So I was browsing around the 'Net looking for solutions and I found the ATI Tray Tool. It does everything the CCC does an much more. Furthermore, it has a very small footprint, can run in your system tray without eating very many CPS, opens immediately and allows you instant direct access to all video card parameters without having to browse through a Windows Explorer type interface and best of all.....it's FREE! Besides all that I found an extremely useful Tweak Guide for ATI cards here: TweakGuides.com which has a link to the: ATI Tray Tools download at guru3D. Personally I love this FREE utility. There are also Tweak Guides for Nvidea Forceware and Mozilla Firefox. Just click the "System Guides" at the top of the page. I hope someone finds this useful.
  3. Most of you probably received the e-mail I sent but I'm willing to bet I don't have ALL the DD's email addys. For them here is the link: http://www.funtrivia.com/quizzes/histor ... craft.html
  4. LOL! Unfortunately even this forum has rules that prevent me from showing you what you get when you Google "jensenpark".
  5. "KABOOM!" That would be me. Thanks to fellow squadmate Zeus-cat. Dam 108 gunpods! Who's silly idea was that? Had a hella good time though.
  6. Those are real beauties BG. I especially like the double. In the States we have a similar chair called an Adirondak. A variation, suitable for rolling you inside after a lazy afternoon of Scotch: (Oops. Did I say that?) Oddly, this came up as a Google image for Adirondak: Go figure. It's Google. Seriously, good looking work mate. It's no surprise they fetch good money.
  7. Cool Carl! Thanks for the heads up! Those are some mighty awesome pics.
  8. OMFG! ROTFLMAO! It took me five minutes to stop laughing. They should put this on the "Downfall" DVD as an outake!
  9. Great Manual! Great Idea. Too bad I'll be at work then.
  10. I haven't received the missions either. I know I don't always play but my mommy and daddy make me do so many chores around the house. I'll be there this time, I promise, even if I have to run away from home!......again! :x
  11. I knew that would get the attention several of you. I have a question conerning Scotch and I couldn't think of a better place to ask but the local Dogz AA club. :wink: Tonight my guitar player, Mike, took me out for a few drinks in one of our local "British style" drinking establishments. To the sounds of a Celtic quartet we sat and drank and discussed the future plans of our band "Bittering Agent". (BTW, Saturday's gig was a roaring success with many there saying they though we were the best band of the three.) He insisted on buying me a "good" Scotch. He suggested Glenfiddich. It was quite good, much better than the American imitations of Scotch IMO. It had a nice bite and went down smooth. For the second round he suggested 15 year old Dalwhinnie. My, my, my. Even better. Much smoother. I may switch from Gin or Whiskey to Scotch. So here's the question... After a couple of sips (it was too good to just slam down in one gulp), Mike said I should put just a few drops of water in the drink and swirl it around. I did and much to my amazement it mellowed the Scotch and took the inital bite off it. Literally, just three or four drops. So I ask those of you who are Scotch affeciandos, why is that?
  12. The answer is obvious. Naturalpoint hates you! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! :twisted: It's all a big conspiracy to make you scratch your head, piss you off and force you to join Quazi in Reformatters Anonymous. Seriously though, I'll bet it was a Windows glitch. Uncle Billy's software is funny that way. Did you reboot before you went back to TIR? Often when things sometimes don't work right a simple reboot sets them straight again. When will IL-2/FB/PF be able to run on Linux? From what I've heard it's the most stable, hack-free OS around, but nobody writes for the OS, kinda like Macintosh.
  13. Thanks! The compass in the "Attack and Defese" file is great. I'm going to print it and tape it to my monitor frame. Nice X-45 profile. Does anyone have one for the X-52?
  14. Damn it looks better with each screenshot. I'll bet they will have an awesome damage model. Anyone heard about a release date. Is it the standard 1C "two weeks"?
  15. Fine. It flew away with minor damage to the rudder with the crew singing "Another One Bites The Dust" in a cockney accent.
  16. I'd love to join in if................................................ you guys would pick a time I'm not out of town or doing Joint Ops! Seriously, this looks like fun! I vote for a rerun.
  17. Ahh, the wind in your face, the sound of the engine and such immersion:
  18. JO is Fan - effin' - Tastic! More news later.
  19. How to mod a Messer: Take a perfectly good G type and attack a Wellington: and presto, a superfast, ultra uber Messer: (lawn dart that is)
  20. Congratulations Klinger, and Pooka, well done. I'm starting the next class on 2 August. Maybe I can unlearn the "Arthur".
  21. So I decided to take my car to the airport for a spin. You know, taxi around a bit on the tarmac, get the feel for the real thing so when I flew next Saturday night I'd be a better virtual pilot. Well, it seems that "Arthuring" is so ingrained in me.....well you look at what happend. A Sunday Drive
  22. Time: 1849 PDT(GMT- Ubi Forums are down, at least for me. I wonder.......... is 4.06 about to be released? Oh, that's right. DOH! "Two weeks, be sure."
  23. That shot of Remax is totally awesome! Where did he get that skin? Seriously, with a little cropping this should be sent to Screenshot Art. Oh, and about (why does every screenshot show a heading of Jensenpark has been downed by..."?, Vickie, Dubbos better half, once asked, after looking at the screen during a HH night where yet again I had 'Arthured', "Is that a default game message?"
  24. You should watch this: It's all About the Pentiums
  25. **in an Elvis voice** "Thank ya, thank ya vera mush"
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