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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Beebop-RIP

  1. Here's what I use: IL2 Joy Control.
  2. Thanx for the heads up.
  3. here is THE game to tide us over... Wings of Glory Pros: Good training tutorial Good terrain graphics...considering Decent flight model...considering Instant action, no boring takeoffs or landings Excellent framerates, even with lower end machines Fast paced Cons: Spitfire overmodeled Not enough variety of aircraft, only one flyable Limited loadouts No support for custom skins No mission builder.
  4. I'm beginning to see why they scrapped the IL2 engine.
  5. All they want to do is please you..........
  6. Frior; Testing results on ship timeouts are in.
  7. This recently appeared on Mission 4 Today.
  8. On the thirteenth day of Christmas good Oleg sent to me; Thirteen Boonty's boxing Twelve Skinners Skinning Eleven Pilots Pranging Ten lots of Lagging Nine Tracers Missing Eight Huns a-Whining Seven Zeaks a-Flaming Six Guns a-Slaying F i v e
  9. "Sleep" period can be set to 99:99.
  10. I know! DROOOOL!
  11. Well.......it's made of wood isn't it?
  12. Simply amazing whether you go for the "Buck Rogers" stuff or not. Me?
  13. Nah, I was just having a "moment" there.
  14. Can anyone explain why this appeared: robbing Redmond bar-sterward when I copied and pasted the message from the UbiZoo to here?
  15. [shadow=red,left]Found this on the UbiZoo Forums-[/shadow] KNIGHTS OF THE SKY An interview with Gennadich’s Albert Zhiltsov PC Format: What was the company’s background prior to developing Knights of the Sky? Gennadich: The history of the company is relatively short. Most of the staff are avid gamers with more than ten years’ experience in sims like Red Baron, IL-2, Red Orchestra, American Army, Flanker and Lock-On: playing games professionally in teams and squads. We not only play games but participated in competitions and won several international contests. As members of squads, we became friends and we could not think of our lives without military games. In addition, most of us were professional software developers/artists, and in 2004, we finally decided that military games are the most interesting thing we like and know how to do. As professional players, we know of the specific limitations of games, inaccuracy in modelling specific features of military objects and deficiencies in gameplay which we would like to avoid – so we developed software that met our needs. Our first step in game development was Air Domination War (ADR – www.adwwar.com) online server project with a dynamic campaign feature for IL-2 players: it’s well-known to many players and has gained a solid reputation throughout the gaming world. During the development of ADW, we also developed a few minor but important utilities for Il-2 gamers. The first step made sure that we were on the right track. We then found an investor for Knights of the Sky and the project for a realistic WWI flight simulator was born. Being renowned among the simulation gaming community, we attracted the attention of software developers such as Eagle Dynamics, G5, Nikita, Nival Interactive, etc, which wanted to achieve the same results as us. This only strengthened our resolve and we formed a very strong professional team. PC Format: The marketplace is flooded with combat flight sims from WW2 to modern jet planes ala IL2/Forgotten Battles, Combat Flight Simulator 3, Wings over Europe, Lock-On, Falcon 4, etc. Do you think a WW1 sim like Knights of the Sky can attract players who are accustomed to fast planes and missiles? What can Knights of the Sky bring to the market that makes it unique? Gennadich: Well, military aviation and tanks were first used in anger during WW1, so it was logical for us to start from the beginning. And besides, the battles of WW1 are unfairly forgotten. We hope to make Knights of the Sky not just to be an advanced technical simulation of the physical properties of airplanes, but also an educational tool that will provide the player with a historical perspective. Our main goal is to let the player dive into the rich WW1 atmosphere and say afterwards, “I was there! I have seen it with my own eyes!â€
  16. Thanks for the update mate.
  17. Jude, I use ZoneAlarm.
  18. A belated
  19. I'm still running ver
  20. Only support for the current version will end in January.
  21. It's been brought up before but when I found this thread in the Ubi Paint Schemes Forum it reminded me we still can have an affect on this piece of legislation.
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