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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Beebop-RIP

  1. ...but what if the Russians had "mothballed" their old aircraft for display in Peoples Museums after the war?
  2. From: http://www.warsims.com/ The “WWI: Knights of the Skyâ€
  3. Thanks for the photos.
  4. Team Normandie proudly announces the release of the TNT D-Day Pack.
  5. Team Normandie proudly announces the release of the TNT D-Day Pack.
  6. A complete list of all objects in version 4.05. Complied by BP_Tyrl and uploaded with his kind permission. Now available at Mission 4 Today › Essential Files › Mission Building Utilites
  7. Look at the promo vids on the main page: http://www.gennadich.com/lang/en/id/69/ Promo 1 shows the engine rotating with the propeller. IIRC there were a few in-line engines but they weren't very powerful compared to what could be attained with a rotary design. Also, check out Promo 2 and see just how good water can look with this "outdated" IL-2 graphics engine.
  8. 1st time I flew online I got kicked before the mission even started.
  9. Better and better.... Mixed MG Set Standard MG Set AAA MG Set
  10. You really need to see this one.
  11. Is that why my Karma is at 0?
  12. I'll expect you to regale us with those stories as we all sit by the fire at Dubbos housewarming.
  13. Another one from the same site. http://fly-movies.com.ru/competition/movies/10/ This one mixes game footage with actual Russian war footage and some propaganda films.
  14. I found this link in the Mission Builders Thread at the UbiZoo.
  15. Nice makeover!
  16. Marco; Congratulations on becoming a Danger Dog!
  17. I will do 100 "Arthurs" this week as pennance, be sure.
  18. And here are the latest Dev Screenshots from KotS: This is looking better and better and better. I am really looking forward to it especially after seeing "Flyboys". I wanna fly WWI! And yes, that wallpaper is tre cool! Homepage: http://www.gennadich.com/
  19. Mind posting yours? Like you I'm always interested in other ideas.
  20. Should the soap be on a rope? :?
  21. Yes you are! :oops: I for one DON'T want to know! BTW Kelly, that's a nice avatar.
  22. I did. OWCH!
  23. Yeah, that was great fun. As Rattler pointed out, I am dedicated to my mission even with the "enemy" on my six. At least I didn't "Arthur", I was shot down fair and square and that IS something for me! And yes, I feel shooting up ambulances, (even if they are carrying munitions) is SO politcally incorrect! (Note to those I fly against, put a red cross on your plane and I will feel compelled not to fire upon you)..... . . . . . . . WHEN MONKEYS FLY OUT MY BUTT!
  24. Beebop-RIP


    LOL! God! You guys are a barrel of laughs!
  25. LOL! Good tracks! All I can say is your "worst" is a bit better than my best.
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