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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Beebop-RIP

  1. At your service.
  2. I'm fine tuning the mod with the help of the author. My goal is to have enemy AI less accurate and friendlies a bit more so your rear gunner isn't firing at another dimension instead of the enemy. I'm also working on getting ship AA to be less deadly. Turns out the guns on the tankers come from the regular AAA Artillery menu so dumbing down the ground AAA will be necessary to get the tankers guns tamed. It's disheartening to attack a convoy and while trying to disable the destroyer you get gunned down by a tanker ship. My final goal will be to incorporate all three "Blind" mods, Aircraft Gunners, Ship Gunners and Ground AAA into a single JSGME package.
  3. I tried it in a QMB. I flew a Hurricane with default 4 X .303 against 4 Veteran He-111's. I attacked in the worst possible way, directly from their 6 o'clock. I got one in bad enough shape that he had multiple fuel/coolant leaks, broke formation and dove down and got another to drop his bombs. I was able to get in close. Convergence set at 200 meters. Hits were a lot less and not as destructive but eventually I had to bail. Before I would get toasted about 750 meters out, well beyond my old 400 meter convergence settings. With the mod I felt more like I was fighting against more human AI rather than Darth Vader's Minions.
  4. Reggie, Here you go. JSGME ready. Unzip and drop the enclosed folder in your MODS folder. GUI_Background_Mute.zip
  5. Oops. There goes my infallibility. 😆 I seldom fly German. Thanks for the correction.
  6. I'm a Mod Freak and use several, plus I have a lot more that I use depending on the situation. Here are my basic mods I use all the time and why; * GUI_Background_Mute: Gets rid of the "sounds of war" while the game is loading. *Historically Correct German Skins for BoS BoM BoK: Give me swastikas on default game skins. Does not work for Collector Planes Bodenplatte or early release Normandy skins. * ICON_NAV_Del: Get rid of al the navigation icons that can clutter the sky. Allows plane and map icons. * CloudsV14_greysky: Vastly improves the in game clouds and gives more variety. Latest is V15 but I personally like 14 myself. NOTE: Mission builders; if you use this mod and others don't you may end up giving them a low cloud ceiling where they are in soup while those using the mod are not. Always run one test with mod off if building for a mixed audience. * Cumulonimus2: Adds towering cloud banks and multiple cloud layers for some presets. There is a version 3 but again I prefer version 2. Needs to be added after the Clouds Mod. * CW_short_grass_V4: Sends in the landscaper to cut down the "Kansas whet Field" high grass. Versions available with flowers. This one doesn't have them. * Sun Size Correction: Makes the sun smaller. Instead of having a sun in near earth orbit it makes it look a bit smaller though still large realistically. Does not chnage brightness or glare. * Adjusted_Nav_light_MOD: Nav lights reduced in luminosity but still visible too far out IMO. Currently testing for long term use. * CW_British_flag: Makes the airfield banner display a Union jack instead of the Russian Star. Currently no other flag mod available. I have tried to use the various ingame flags but have been unsuccessful so far. This is the only consistent mod of it's type I am aware of. I also have mods that I enable for the Arras map when flying FC. Depending on the mission I can remove the explosions and smoke (Cease Fire Arras NML), remove the No Mans Land (Arras PrePost War), improve the river banks (Arras River Mod), add ambient smoke across No Mans Land (Arras NML ambient smoke mod). In addition I will use map repaint mods to simulate different theatres or seasons. For Kuban I might use one of 4 Kuban Winter mods that give varying degrees of snow from a light dusting to something akin to the stock 1946 Norway map. I also have repaints for Malta, 'Asia' and Off Winters WIP "Kuban_Autumn_Desert_Beta 4". Note that his mod is heavy and besides making map texture changes will change the look of trains, artillery, tanks and give you a new default skin set. It must be removed before playing on other maps as the object repaints and modified plane set are persistent throughout to game. It is still in process and is a major undertaking. Once complete I believe it will be a fairly good "Desert war Tobruk" mod for Great Battles. In addition there are some great, if not always historical, repaints for Stalingrad and Moscow that use much greener textures. ** MODS INSTALL NOTE: Some mods overwrite others in the sense that they change some files. This is most notable is when adding Cumulonimbus. It grey's out the Cloud mod because it overwrites some of the cloud textures to give you thunderheads/fronts (they don't move) and layered clouds. You must remove Cumulonimbus to remove the Clouds Mod Basically the last mod in, if it overwrites anything, is what you will see. Sometimes a different install order changes the overall look of any given mod. I have tons of other mods (Torpedo Mod, Ice Floes, various Rhineland mods) and use them depending on the mission/theatre I am flying in. None of them change gameplay (and would not be allowed by the Devs if they did) and are all Eye Candy. I know this is a lot more than you asked for but hey, that's the way I roll. LOL!
  7. Not quite sure HOW I did it but right now the game sounds are on my speakers and comms only in headset. I'm using a lightweight open style set (Plantronics Audio 60 shown below) so I can hear the speakers quite well. Noise cancelling keeps the speaker sound from being transmitted through the mic. Sadly they don't make these anymore but I still have one brand new, unopened set for if/when they give up the ghost.
  8. I've done some testing for the mod's creator and it's a real winner. Off Winters has even removed the grass to give the repaint a truly authentic look. (an additional file can be d/l'ed and installed if you want it back). Be advised that when installed it does more than change the ground textures, it repaints ground units too. Trucks, tanks and some buildings take on a desert camo, the trains become Afrika Korps trains. These are global changes (via JSGME) so if left installed other maps will have certain objects that remain painted as desert items. But all you need to do is uninstall the mod and everything goes back to game defaults. It is a wonderful mod though and, in my opinion, better that Tobruk Desert War as from what I've seen GB looks much better graphically, at least to me. It does lack the planeset and that is it's only real selling point to me. I heartily endorse using the mod when ready.
  9. After they added "Ram Air" sounds to the game I found that the best way is to set in game sound to 100% then adjust Windows sound for that application to a suitable level. So far it's worked out great.
  10. X-52 here. Used it for over 15 years now. just recently I had to replace the joystick as it finally wore out. Logitech owns them now and there are QC issues with some units. My stick replacement though is working find. I tested an X-52 Pro but like the regular version better. A couple of other guys I fly with use the VKB Gladiator Mk.II and are quite pleased with it. It's around $100 USD but is currently unavailable in the US via Amazon. Be advised though that the VKB has no rudder function. You would need separate pedals for that. Only the MkII stick is reasonably priced. The rest of the line is premium priced but of very high quality. In fact almost all controllers are still in short supply possibly because of COVID..
  11. OK. Thanks.
  12. Recently added Battle of Bodenplatte and Flying Circus, pre-ordered Battle of Normandy and Flying Circus Volume 2. On a side note, who would be the best person to talk to about the squadron? Or is there a web page here about the squadron activities? It's been a while since I visited and the site has expanded a lot. I have some questions. If someone could direct me or send me a PM or email that would be fine.
  13. LOL FT. I got pretty durn good at mission building in 1946. In Great Battles I'm tearing my hair out. (thank god i'm not going bald...but that may change) 😬
  14. Hi, it's me again. After a couple of months of flying BoS/BoM/BoK I am getting into mission making, specifically dogfight missions. I tried using the Easy Mission Generator, (a really good program by the way) but then wanted to make the missions more immersive and increase the chance of actually meeting the AI it puts in the mission, usually far away from where you are. I already have the following manuals: * Prangster's Mission Building Guide * Il-2 Sturmovik Mission Editor and Multiplayer Server Manual I also have a very simple Basic Mission Guide for SP missions which does the kind of thing I'm looking for but does not go into Multiplayer/Dogfight missions. I forgot where I got it, a link in the IL-2 Sturmovik forums. I have watched Youtube tutorials by supanova, Sktech5051, Frog, Ian Jeremiah and Vapor8bit (one of the more helpful). Here's the problem. ALL of them assume you have more than a noob's knowledge of the ME. They say things like "I connected that using Shift Key". What key? Just using the Shift key didn't do anything. I have no idea what that means. Most of what I do know so far has been like a blind man moving about in a dark room and I know that is the most common way to learn this "Made For A Rocket Scientist" mission editor. I have found a good bit of the ME manuals and video's don't work as shown and that some functions have changed such as key combo's etc. So, is there a CLEAR guide to mission making that takes you literally step-by-step on how to make a mission, showing you where to click, what to click then why to use it. I understand using Linked Entity's, adding and connecting waypoints, using timers and Translator MCU's but there is SO much more. All that I have learned has been literally, by accident. Am I asking to be lazy? After all this time isn't there a "Complete Idiot's Guide To Great Battles Mission Building"? I know it's like much of the game, a work in progress but if I could get a less frustrating way to get a handle on the ME I could deal with the incremental changes updates bring. So if I am just trying to be lazy just tell me to STFU and RTFM. I'll understand. Th' Bopster
  15. Is there a way to reset just the defaults without changing any of my personalized key binds? I ask because I changed a few settings in the default column before I realized I could use the columns on the right for personalized settings for my joystick etc.and still keep the defaults as a fallback. If I go the the key bind screen and click the grey "Default" box will that also remove my custom settings in the right columns? TIA
  16. The U-2 is an excellent plane to fly. Has a variety of loadouts including a lower wing mounted machine gun, bombs and rockets. Great for both Night Witches type missions and just general scouting missions where you can deal some damage to small ground units and trains. And it's remarkably maneuverable against even nimble German fighters. Against a single fighter I have avoided being shot down several times. With the rear facing gunner I can give an attacker a real "stinger". You should consider it in my opinion. But then I've always liked "Underdog" planes.
  17. Components: Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Moscow Battle of Kuban (all Standard editions) Collector Planes: P-40-E Spitfire Mk.Vb U2-VS Various Visual Mods, Icons, Map repaints. smokes, skies etc.
  18. First, will we be flying in 'Expert' mode? If so I still need a lot of practice. If not then I'd give it a go. My vote would be mud moving, either side.
  19. Taking on some A-20's.
  20. Figures. Kinda dumb I think because it would let others know what you have and could be helpful I directing a person to another person who has the same setup. Well that's what I get coming from M4T where we bend over backwards to help. Although I must say they seem to be a a kind of helpful lot over there. Not nearly as helpful as this kennel.? Thanks for your response.
  21. Rather than start a new thread... Another "observation I've made is although I have now bought BoM and BoK only the BoS badge appears under my avatar on the IL-2 Sturmovik forums. Not a biggie but why not? Enquiring minds want to know.
  22. Thank you. It's eactly what I was looking for. It should be called "The Simon and Garfunkel Mod". You know, 'The Sounds of Silence'. ?
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