How big is your carbon footprint? Size 6? Size 11? Or are you a small industrial nation in your own living room? We're all waking up to the idea that we need to do our bit, but spending hours on our computers tapping away is not just burning the midnight oil, but also a lot of the real stuff. Well now we can all ease our respective consciences thanks to the kinetic brilliance of the Dynamo Keyboard. No longer will you be sapping the national grid of power and burning down small woods in Hampshire every time you write an email or post a blog. Simply by typing using the Kinetic Keyboard, you can power your computer using your fingers' energy. So even if you're accused of having a huge carbon footprint, you can proudly claim to have a very small carbon fingerprint. Cut down on your electricity bills and feel justifiably chuffed that you're doing your bit. ... ent=Dynamo