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6. RIP
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    United States

Everything posted by Beebop-RIP

  1. The best Mastercard ad ever.
  2. How big is your carbon footprint? Size 6? Size 11? Or are you a small industrial nation in your own living room? We're all waking up to the idea that we need to do our bit, but spending hours on our computers tapping away is not just burning the midnight oil, but also a lot of the real stuff. Well now we can all ease our respective consciences thanks to the kinetic brilliance of the Dynamo Keyboard. No longer will you be sapping the national grid of power and burning down small woods in Hampshire every time you write an email or post a blog. Simply by typing using the Kinetic Keyboard, you can power your computer using your fingers' energy. So even if you're accused of having a huge carbon footprint, you can proudly claim to have a very small carbon fingerprint. Cut down on your electricity bills and feel justifiably chuffed that you're doing your bit. http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/dynamo-g ... ent=Dynamo
  3. Beebop-RIP


  4. I did some testing. A Ubi forum member brought up that the draw distance would be compromised by putting in the 4.08 .dll's.
  5. So you don't like the look of the "new" water in the beta? I didn't. I lost the foam in poorer weather conditions and the water was a featureless black. (conf. settings: water=2 w/ ATI 9800XT) Here's your solution...(requires separate install of 4.09b1m) First, rename the il2_core.dll and il2_corep4.dll something else. (I made them xil2_core....) Then copy/patse the 4.08 il2_core.dll and il2_corep4.dll inot your 4.09b1m install. Viola! the "old" water returns! WOO-HOO!
  6. Too Effin' cool!
  7. Logos, DT, thanks for the compliments.
  8. Happy Thanksgiving! Again, during mission building I discovered that I didn't have a skin I liked.
  9. Delta, Is this what you wanted? If this meets your approval PM me an e-mail addy and it's on it's way.
  10. Your wishes are my command.
  11. Delta, How is this?
  12. I've been a bit busy becoming addicted to skinning and here are the results: French B-26 BC2: Template by IMME (thanks) Markings/Paint by Beebop Available at: Mission 4 Today Bretagne B-26: Template by IMME (thanks) Metal by Morgoth (thanks) Museum photos provided by vtrelut (many thanks) Paint/markings by Beebop Availalbe at: Mission 4 Today French Vichey Maryland: Template/paint/markings by Beebop from the Void (thanks 1C) Availalbe at: Mission 4 Today Tribute Wellington: Especially commissioned by Flat Spin Man.
  13. Delta, I'll be glad to make the modifications you requested.
  14. Delta, I'll be glad to make the modifications you requested.
  15. Thanks everyone. BadAim, Thank you for the compliment but it's not my work.
  16. Thanks everyone. BadAim, Thank you for the compliment but it's not my work.
  17. I did this at the request of Fighterduck of the Ubi forums.
  18. I did this at the request of Fighterduck of the Ubi forums.
  19. Painless, I am in GMT-8 or the Pacific Time Zone USA.
  20. Painless, I am in GMT-8 or the Pacific Time Zone USA.
  21. Painless, I'd be glad to help.
  22. Painless, I'd be glad to help.
  23. Just downloaded another new map, the Red Bull course in Budapest: This is more of a timing course but lots of fun.
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