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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Beebop-RIP

  1. Just thought I'd pass this along. Yesterday EURO_Snoopy approached me and asked if I would be interested in joining the Mission 4 Today Admin/Moderator Team. He said he was impressed with my contributions to the community in skinning, mission building and willingness to help others in the community. Needless to say I was quite surprised! :shock: I had been visiting there lately and was impressed with the friendly, helpful atmosphere of the place as well as the expanding content they have. So I said yes. For me it's quite an honor. If you haven't been there or visited recently, you should. I think you will find the variety of missions/campaigns/skins/tools and the growing number of quality templates impressive. A movie section is planned soon. Here's a link for those who want it: http://mission4today.com/index.php Just wanted to share my good fortune with everyone. (bribes and "gratuities" accepted on a first come/first serve basis)
  2. You've been asking where those screenies came from.... Here: http://forums.netwings.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5463
  3. Probably for only 1/3 of us at best. Most of us will need to run somewhere from "Medium" to "Excellent". With all those polys it will take a rahter hefty vid card and CPU I would think to get 24+ frames in "Perfect". I'm not gonna worry about BoB (although I will probably buy it). Here's why from my point of view... One, limited planeset. Now I love the Battle of Britain but I'm used to lots-o-planes. For most, they are either not that interested in BoB alone or, like me, am spoiled by what IL-2 offers now. Two, Knights of the Sky. If Il-2 get's slow this sim will certainly be a breath of fresh air. Three, BoB will be delayed, mark my words. The hack of the .sfs files will have the 1C team working on a harder to crack system. I don't expect BoB until 2nd quarter of 07. Four, with the need to upgrade, BoB will take off slowly. And if too slow will stall and "Arthur" into the bargin bin.
  4. ....for the best looking ground objects. Here are some new screens from the SoW/BoB devs: round wheels- more roundness- even fairies...err, ferrys- Even so, Knights of the Sky looks like a really good way to go. And with the hack of the IL2 .sfs files I'm willing to bet SoW/BoB will be further delayed while Oleg and crew try and find a better way to encode the code. BTW, anyone else notice that the Ubi forums are down? I get: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@forums.ubi.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.34 Server at forums.ubi.com Port 80 It doesn't appear to be maintenance.
  5. I remember that game. I would play it for hours on end then I would take teh planes off their stands and make engine noises while I did dogfighting with them. Took me the longest time to figure out what a "Jagstaffel" was. :toothy7: Small world eh?
  6. Very, very cool! Thanks. About 2/3 of the way through it looks like one of the flying shots was taken from (possibly) a U2VS? The Sturmo didn't have any wing wires. (At least that I've seen).
  7. Oregon is a lot like Scotland. It's warm 2 days out of the year. I have my case on a TV tray next to my desk and have found that if I take the side off I get a lowering of around 10 C in temps plus I can get those dust bunnies before they reproduce! DUST KILLS PC's! Give your case a loving blowjob tonight. It will love you forever.
  8. Thanks mate. I tried that but the FMB started smoking, turned a sickly green and, well, you can figure out the rest.
  9. OK, I'm back. Yes, it can be done. Real Life: FMB Replica:
  10. Great pics! Thanks for sharing. The first one gives me an idea for the FMB.
  11. Like many things concerning FB/PF, it seems to be the individual computer configuration that determines what will and won't work. Many of our rigs are user made or modded. If we all had the same computer I'd be willing to bet there would be fewer problems and fewer solutions. At least we have an excellent "Tech Team" in the K-9's to help us all out. I'd just like to say "Thanks guys" to everyone who gives hardware/software help to us. ~S!~
  12. Although I've never had that problem my self with TSD I also use on occasion Teamspeak Overlay. It displays the room/name of speaker(s) and FPS. It can be moved around on the screen so it doesn't interfere with any text (speedbar/Throttle/rad settings. I have mine just above the speedbar. Now it could be that this program could cause the same problem as TSD but if you haven't tried it you might find it works OK for you. You can find it here: http://www.teamspeakoverlay.com/ I'd post a screensot but Quazi has the TS Servers down at the moment.
  14. I did not know that. Thanks for the link.
  15. Congratulations!
  16. The "rest of the story": yes, the mispell is deliberate
  17. Not much to add yet until I get my pics out of my camera. But let me say this, The absolute thrill of meeting people in person who initally met on the Internet, and finding out they are every bit the person they personify in the virtual world, is a reamrkable and pleasurable experience. Dubbo, Zeuscat and I had met about three years ago when Zeuscats' job sent him to Seattle for a business conference. We were able to spend an all to brief Sunday visiting the Boeing Museum and getting to know each other. Quazi was the one founder we hadn't yet met. He, like Dubbo and Zeuscat, was just like he seemed on the 'Net. What are the chances? I feel fortunate and blessed to know such fine folks. Mr. & Mrs. Quazi & son were the epitomy of "Southern Hospitality", making us feel right at home. Mr. & Mrs. Zeuscat & cats were everything nice you've ever heard about Midwestern Hospitality. Again we were made to feel right at home. A special thanks to Mrs. Zeuscat for using her "influence" to get us into the Presidential Hanger and the Research & Development Hanger before the unwashed hordes arrived. It was amazing to be in such a place virtually by ourselves. I also like to thank Mr. & Mrs. Dubbo for their continued hospitality. They are a rare breed. After what, 4 visits now, have yet to be "away" when I arrive or ask me to sleep out on the patio......of some other home. Anyway, I just wanted to publicly say "THANK YOU" to my squadmates for being who they are.
  18. Saitek is releasing a set of rudder pedals: http://saitekusa.stores.yahoo.net/proflrupe.html No date set yet for release though.
  19. Beebop-RIP

    ID this

    Umm, as the photographer, I beg to differ. That photo was taken in front of the nose looking up. Try flipping the pic and you'll see what I mean.
  20. Beebop-RIP

    ID this

    I know! I know! Pick me Monty, pick me!
  21. Homeward Bound From my co-op "Triad" Leaving Tempelhof From a mission I forgot the name of I did a long time ago. Searching For A Sign Skin I made for an upcoming film by a famous IL-2 filmaker.
  22. Got me there. OK, is this the same source Ben Aflek had read to him before doing Pearl Harbor? Unlike Hollywood I at least make some kind of attempt at accuracy.
  23. Grrr! I told her not to send a pic of the OLD processor. The Remington 'B' model typewriter was my last upgrade. (It was made in 1932 BTW) The pictured model is one of my old "Celerytron" processors I had when I got my first computer. Thomas Alva Edison made it special for me. Now you may not see a difference but the monkey is an upgrade too. The original (pictured) only had a 1 Byte cache but my new one has a 2 Byte cache, one used for the instruction at hand the second stored in his cheek for the next instruction. You'd be surprised how much faster he is.
  24. OK then. I was reading with great interest the history of the plane until I got to Bumrupture. LOL! What a great name! "Capitalist Yankee Rubbish". LOL! I should do a skin like that. Thanks for the "history" though. It was a good read. (Is your source the same one Ben Aflek read in preparation for filming Pearl Harbor?)
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