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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. That looks so silly ...where's the fun in that?
  2. If the shitty part was in his maths, he probably would've ended up nukin' Kiev, and bailin' out over Moscow?
  3. We've already fully enjoyed one of 'm yesterday! (Well, my personal experience was not that enjoyable... PK by AAA in the very first pass over the target... oh well... 6 minutes of flight in a 110 is still pretty enjoyable)
  4. Hey guys, we need to take some decisions regarding 'post Duxford' trip... as in some people need to book their return trip home... and need to know when to do that... Are we (who are we?) still planning to have a multiday trip to some interesting sites in the UK Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ... yeah, untill when? Do we need a separate post Duxford trip thread?
  5. A favorite: New to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKzOJfILbgo&feature=related
  6. Anyone interested in '40-'45 Radio equipment, look here: The Signals Collections It's not a museum, it's not a shop... It's quite close to my home. I should visit it some time... One thing they have that is of special interest: they have been re-constructing part of a Lancaster's cockpit: Click ... Picture of it:
  7. Zooly, See here: 'Locking External Views After Takeoff' , it's a reply I posted. Some relevant words in there: "1. Will just be trying it out. If there's just one of us in mission that states 'I hate this' or even 'I do not like this' or 'Hey, WTF?' it's back to what is was... but let's just give it a try!" So... it's all cool! My mistake of not announcing this test properly, apologies!
  8. 32-bit is 2005? Darn, just bought me a new hard disk, am now cloning the XP partition over to the new disk! Oh well...
  9. 1. Will just be trying it out. If there's just one of us in mission that states 'I hate this' or even 'I do not like this' or 'Hey, WTF?' it's back to what is was... but let's just give it a try! 2. The way I host, it is sufficient for me to change one text file, and flip one switch in the game to go from one setting to the other one. Goes for all missions I host. No need to edit each separate mission file.
  10. Thanks Kevin, that works fine that way! Will be trying it out when hosting, soon!
  11. No, won't work for Coops!. When set, pressing the F2 key for externals just throws an exception in the console: at com.maddox.il2.game.AircraftHotKeys.viewAllowed(AircraftHotKeys.java) Oh well...
  12. Cool.... wonder whether it'd work in Coops as well? Will try.... could it be our new standard, not just for events, but also for regular stuff?
  13. To be honest, apart from connecting the pots in the throttle to the Bodnar board, what you need to be doing is quite different... :o As you will not be using a G940 stick, only a throttle and pedals, you'll have to remove the electronics in the throttle completely, and connect all switches/buttons to the bodnar board as well. And the pedals. Hm, as we still have plenty of time to DX, I'll open up my throttle, and have a look inside, see how many connectors need to be created. I can also prepare wiring for connections to the bodnar board. Could then even test it with my own board... And if that looks okay, what if Jabo sends the Bu board to me? Then I can build it in the throttle, and make sure it and the pedals work.... Saves you lots of thinkin', time and soldiering...
  14. I really really have no use for the throttle...even though I've put the G940 stick back together to its original state. My lunchbox'o'slider works just fine for me... The Bodnar board goes inside the throttle, as thet throttle has no electronics on its own, apart from the pots and switches... The bodnar board will connect to your computer via USB, the switches and pots will connect to the bodnar board. Throttle has 12 buttons, two trim wheels, two sliders and two hat-switches. (And that single mode switch... which you probably can't use on the standard BU board...) Off course, you will not have the full functionalities of a G940 throttle has when connected to the G940 stick... Like that mode switch. Just PM me an adress, I'll check out shipping cost, and let you know, and then send it along its way... Edit: a power supply you will not be needing. Bodnar board gets its power via USB. And the g940 throtlle does not have anything that draws power... oh, apart from maybe the lights in the P1-P8 buttons....
  15. What about a G940 throttle? You'll only be needing Jabo's BU-board with it. But, how are we going to get the thing over there? You willing to pay for shipping? Guessing something like 20GBP? *** just guessing ***
  16. Will be there, booked room Friday, Saturday, Sunday, so will leave on Monday!
  17. Well, it'll all depend on what the thing is going to be used for! Will it simply be a 'toy', or are they going to use it for school, or other serious matters? As, for fun, 11.6" is fine, but a vertical resolution of 600 is just way too low to browse the Internet... And, I would not know what is a good machine, or a bad one. Me thinks it's all a bit moot, as a lot of the parts inside those things are all from the same makers... I'd be looking at the best/biggest screen I could get for the least amount of money... and check whether the pgup/pgdn buttons are both on the right hand side of the keyboard, because at that low resolution one will be using them a lot!
  18. +1 This isn't the same as when we changed from UP 2.01 to UP3. Its completely different. That whole shite fest was due to the difference that TEAM D put upon us whether be design or serendipity with the class file changes between 4.09 and 4.10. Since we are all now running 4.10 UP3rc4, this will be a simple patch from where we are now already. That said, it won't hurt one jot, for a few of us to test first, and then for Friar's sensible vision of events to be undertaken. The only problem i foresee, is that this uses a new apparently 'final' version of Zuti, and/but this has been the source of issues with many mis.files, so..... Massive bonuses of this patch will be the Up Updater from old, which from past recollections solved much anguish. So i'll like some others test first........ but i don't really foresee to much transitional change imo. The problem will be missions that are somehow no longer compatible with the new version, due to changed aircraft and/or object names. And loadouts. And whatnot... In that light, the troubles are still the same... What we need is a list what has changed regarding those objects... If we have that, I can change / create a tool that will automatically fix any issues... Biggest trouble is, we will only find out by running the new version, I don't think I'm gonna test over 1500 coop missions... ;-) I'll surely be very happy with the auto-updater! Oh, and +1 on what Colin said. Do some testing first, a few peeps, indivudually, share the problems, analyse them... And that 'upgrade weekend' --- splendid idea --- though me thinks it'll take a whole week or so, but not two!
  19. This year's Holiday Inn arrangement thing was brilliant... If we could have that again... would be pretty darn nice...
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