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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. Damn, can people even survive in 40+ heat? Seems like a perfect place for solar water heaters and solar cookers. Old satellite dish? Point it at the sun (tin foil of course) and put a pan at the focal point. Hell even and old ammo box lined inside with tin foil and a glass lid would boil water in a tin cup(painted black). Even in Canada, if you put a coil of garden hose on plywood and cover it with clear plastic the water will boil. The big screen projection TV's have a fresnel lens in them as big as the screen. Think of a 3ft x 3ft magnifying glass. You can melt steel with that. If you could get the flies near that it would vaporize them. Sounds like a side business for you Trib.
  2. I use the X52. I can get the mouse cursor across the screen and into the map to cycle the map scale but I doubt you would want to look around with it. I haven't played with sensitivity or anything though.
  3. 1. First you have to get off the ground so you need a stick. 2. Then you need to see the bad guy. Some kind of head tracking. TrackIR or Freetrack. 3. Then you need to shoot him down - rudder pedals make that much easier. The rest is just for comfort - fancy stick and throttle with all the buttons. In my opinion. Start with an OK stick. Next - Track IR Then - Rudder pedals Last - Throttle(or upgrade to a stick/throttle combo like an X52). If you're even the least bit handy (can handle soldering 3 LED's to wire) a Freetrack setup can be made for less than $50, possibly a lot less($10) if you have an old webcam lying around. That would save you enough $ to have a good stick like an X52 and maybe even rudder pedals too. I've had mine for almost 2 years and in some ways it's more capable than real TrackIR. We can do things with ours that the official can't like simulate raising your seat higher for a better view over the nose. If you just want to unpack the box and plug and play, Freetrack is NOT for you.
  4. I just pushed that button for the first time ever.
  5. You should see something in your task bar ... Logitech LCD manager that says it's running. Even when nothing is running mine says LCD screen saver. You can try the "identify" button as a test, it should flash. And you may have to go to Logitech in the start menu and "run as admin".
  6. Perfesser


    Ummm... you know it's a big rock, right? Our brain is an amazing thing, look how fast it adapts to TrackIR. Now you spent a few hours teaching it about a new relationship between your ear balance and visual cues. You get out of the chair and everything is out of whack till you reboot. Too cool man.
  7. The really important thing is that it's built to last. I've used mine for at least 3 years, twice as long as any other keyboard(even expensive ones), long enough to wear the paint off a few keys.
  8. You gotta hope he was at least on his way home because if he was just getting started ......
  9. #1- it's just a good keyboard. Best backlighting I've seen. FRAPS support yes, just a counter I think. TS display, CPU/RAM monitor Clock, stopwatch, all kinds of monitoring programs. Rotate between programs by time or event. G15Manager.exe is a small C++/MFC 7.1 utility that will show information from the "eventlog.lst" file in the IL2 directory.
  10. At the time everything was going from the gameport that I thought was analog input to USB plugs and digital input. I took a look inside CH pedals at the time and lost my nerve. Though I would still enjoy the build process I just don't have the time so I'll be following your build with great interest.
  11. Too cool gec. It's the electronics end that frightens me. I picked a cross country ski machine out of the garbage a while back and was going to use it but in the end never did. Had really nice aluminum I-beams with sliding foot rests that looked like they were custom made for rudders. Sort of like this pic. At least it would have good quality sliders and bushings. There has to be a lot of Nordic Track Ski Machines out there ready for the garbage.
  12. I didn't think that was possible. I figured once the gear touched the water you'll nose in for sure.
  13. The owner of the site has rob the cash box a run off with the money. and has not paid the bill for website so this is the end of AAA. I don't much pay attention to the politics but I would love to hear the story behind that one.
  14. Thanks Roger, I'm getting in today. After the first problems I tried to come in through a Google link (http://www.dangerdogz.com) to the Dogz and was still getting the same error
  15. I think what the author is missing is humans' remarkable ability to do absolutely stupid things while still in the mindset that "nothing is going to happen to me". I will walk away as a hero and it will raise my status in the tribe/ look cool for the chicks. I once ran across traffic on an icy bridge at night on a 3 lane highway while cars were still sliding/crashing into each other at 60 mph to get a girl out of her car who was just sitting there in shock. I didn't know her, and was truly in love(first few months of our relationship with my wife of 26 yrs) with someone else at the time. It's not like I was looking for a date. Got her off to the side of the road safely and drove away home without so much as a goodbye. Only later realized I left my coat on her back. Damn near got killed and to this day I still have no idea why I did it. Funny, I can't edit my reply and when I hit reply I find I'm logged out. Must clear cookies I guess. Oh that's very funny. I hit edit, get error, hit reply, have to log in to reply and now I AM in the reply screen yet it may show up as an addition to my first post.
  16. Good for you BG. All our pollinators are in trouble and need all the help they can get. I would be interested to hear if they have any trouble like the Colony Collapse Disorder that has been so hard on bees all over the planet. We used to do the same at our place and got 50 lbs of honey every year, split between the 7 owners. 7 lbs of honey is a lot to eat. I think the guy got too old to continue and nobody took over.
  17. Mythbusters did a segment on this. Somewhere on youtube is a vid of a car being lifted by 4 hoses. They found the car had to be stripped down to the bare body for it to work. I saw the man lifter on a science show. The guy worked on it for a number of years.
  18. Homebuilts or experimentals are damn good planes these days and can be had for the same as a middle priced car but more than half are never finished by the original buyer. Today's kits make that ratio much better but still a lot of them never get in the air.
  19. Up here they just passed the "hands free" law. It will make little difference in the accident rate. Hands on the wheel means nothing if your BRAIN isn't focused on the ROAD ahead. I fail to see why they don't understand this. Damn glad you're all safe Bucky.
  20. I stumbled onto this today. It's mostly about building sim cockpits from PVC tubing. I have to admit, the PVC pipe has the right look for a sim pit. There is this cool IL 2 keyboard mod. It looks like you take a regular keyboard, mount vertical but upside down(spacebar on top), and print out a bunch of decals to overlay the keys. * Designed for the online WWII air combat pilot * You don't have to memorize endless key assignments * Use this modified keyboard in addition to your regular keyboard If I didn't already have too much to do I think I would spend the $15. http://www.rogerdodger.net/diyflightsims/il2_keyboard_mod.html
  21. My daughter just got back from a trip to France through school. She brought the usual touristy stuff back, Eiffel Tower keychains and jewelry, t-shirts and the like. For me she brought a little pencil sharpener /die cast model of an aircraft carrier(I have a matching one of a Spitfire from the warplane heritage museum) but the coolest thing she did was sneak off from her group and steal me a rock off of the Juno Beach landing site.
  22. Perfect timing! Someone broadcast that you're an experienced B5N pilot. Think Pacific .....
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