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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. Just check that your desktop settings for text size is set to default or 100%. Right click on desktop, screen resolution, "make text and other items larger or smaller" When I exit to desktop in game the resolution is the same as the game and some icons aren't visible, I though I could work around that by changing the above setting. Didn't take effect till reboot (by then I forgot I did it) and all kinds of strange things happened to Freetrack display, some of it looked like that. Took a while to figure out.
  2. Perfesser

    TrackIR advice

    Get Track IR if you can afford it. Freetrack works as well but in addition to tweaking settings you have to get a suitable webcam and build the tracking part on your head. I'm using it with few complaints and once all the parts were gathered it took a few hours to build. Cost $40. http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index.php/topic,42.45.html
  3. I just did the same thing. I just let it install IL2 in the default. The Ubisoft folder in Program Files has almost nothing in it. 8 files The Ubisoft folder in Program Files(x86) has the game installed, maybe that's what they meant? I found some things (custom mouse button assignments) didn't work unless I "run program as administrator". I've been screwing around with any user permission settings I can find to run every thing as admin.
  4. Sid got his revenge on me too that mission. In 14 or 15 we had an aborted start but before that the Axis were slow to get in and I was at Messina as Sid was taking off in a FW and I caught him sleeping on climbout. In the last mission I had a Stuka take out my engine but I was peppering away (with the gunsight behind the stationary prop) with the last of my airspeed. I turned away and was in a nice engine out glide to ditch and Sid comes zooming in to take me apart.
  5. I was reading a book about WW1 flying aces. A (disproportionately) large number were from Carleton Place(population 10,000) . This is a small town near Ottawa Ontario. No idea why that is. Born: 23 December, 1893 in Carleton Place, Ontario Died: 9 March, 1944 in Stouffville, Ontario Confirmed Victories:10 Arthur Roy Brown was one of four aces that came from Carleton Place, during WWI. http://www.billybishop.net/brown.html
  6. Good choice. I have a P5B and 2.66. I'm thinking of upgrading to the 3.0 quad core. 4g ram minimum, Corsair makes matched pairs At least 700w
  7. For decent performance you want to have a portion of your HD clear. 10% maybe?
  8. That reminds me. Before I built this system my old one was doing all kinds of funny things. Slow loading, random reboots. Stress testing at the shop and it responded perfectly. Brig it home and hook it up .... same problems. Turns out my CH rudder pedals had an internal short that was causing everything. Maybe unplug some things and see.........
  9. I had some funky things going on for a while too. Turns out a trojan was hiding in a file and changed my AV program to permissive(lowest setting) from the highest setting. Strangely enough, Win Defender caught it after a week. The file was a Game Booster install file BTW.
  10. Perfesser


    While not an expert in such matters it seems to me they feel they're an imposition to you or they would have asked. The hardest thing for my parents was the loss of their independence ....... "oh don't worry, I don't want to be a bother". Mom ..... there's no HEAT in the house. They were simply embarrassed that someone had to do things for them. I suggest stopping by just to say hello where they mention things while just chatting ....
  11. No need to worry, by the time it's actually released it will run as an app in your i-phone.
  12. Perfesser

    I'm going RC

    I think the original AirHogs were air powered but mostly batteries now. http://www.airhogs.com/ There must be 100 different ones. Planes, ornithopters, heli's, gyros, zero-G cars..... wow. Saw this one a few days back for the first time. http://www.buyswitchblade.com/ Short duration no doubt but I'm impressed by their innovation.
  13. Perfesser


    The Pedestal campaign is being run in 4.08 modded and 2 more weeks left to completion. I'm not doing anything until it's over.
  14. Perfesser


    Really odd that I couldn't find a single reference in Google. Beep codes http://www.computerhope.com/beep.htm
  15. In keeping with the theme of the thread Leslie Neilson is Canadian.
  16. Perfesser

    I'm going RC

    For years I've been watching those Air Hogs commercials on TV. They look pretty cool and so cheap. A guy at work has a RC Piper Cub replica, wingspan 7 ft. It cost him more than a real Cub would have. I figured I would just go the ultralight route.
  17. Not sure what that means.
  18. Perfesser

    I'm going RC

    Not being an expert by any sense I would try to add some weight directly under the rotor shaft. Farther down the better, like tape some coins to the belly(no idea how much weight the thing could lift). It seems to me that would make it less responsive to the controls if it's too twitchy for you to get used to at first. Even the slightest gust of wind would be like a 50 mph wind to a small craft like that .... indoors maybe? And shouldn't a helicopter balance right at the rotor shaft?
  19. Great tale Trout. Thanks
  20. I think what he means most of all is don't use shift F12 or Alt 7. Use a letter key. I myself am amazed at how quickly vertigo took all the fun out of flying. Its cool but no thanks.
  21. My mistake FOV changer understands only keys from A-Z and as capitals.
  22. I'm sure I read something in the manual about using Shift+letter key.
  23. You could always give the freezer method a try, 500g is a lot of data to copy, might take too long.
  24. Holy crap, how is it that I've never heard of this before? An aspirin per cell in an average car battery? Only ASA I assume? I did some looking. The ASA trick is recommended as a last chance thing. The aspirin's acetylsalicylic acid will combine with the battery's sulfuric acid to produce one last charge. Just be sure to drive to your nearest service station. For a longer term maintenance kind of thing: Give your battery a little more life with this potion. Dissolve about an ounce of Epsom salt in warm water and add it to each battery cell.
  25. Bought a Raptor a while back. 150 and 300G are all I could find.
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