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Posts posted by Jabo

  1. Can someone give him a Karma point for this?

    You can do this m8, just find any post from Rico and click 'Salute' (just below where it says his name).

    ~S~ Jabo

    P.S. I'd like to add my own thanks to Rico for assisting me in getting started with developing some of my own skins for the planes here...

  2. Well, just found the show-stopper I was worried about. Thanks to Bill and co. there's no support for Windows Live in XP64, which means I can't play some of the newer games which need it (GTA IV for example). So I'm either going back to the 32-bit version of XP or switching to Vista, not sure which yet.

    ~S~ Jabo

  3. I bought a Belkin 'n532te' and got a bit pee'd off when I couldn't use it along with my Saitek X52 and pedals. It appears that the software it came with conflicts with the Saitek and disables the Saitek stuff....however, the profile I set up in the n52 was saved internally in the unit and after I deleted the Belkin software and plugged the n52 in to a USB all was well. I can use it along with the Saitek stuff so long as I don't have the Belkin software/driver active

  4. Cheers Crash, I'll have a mooch around. PC World have the Belkin one in store, no-one seems to stock the Saitek one, only online.

    I've tried the belkin one m8 and it works well, the fact that you have three in-game switchable modes on it means you can use it in the same way as the X52.

    ~S~ Jabo

  5. OK, just run the Black Death track on the PC to get a frame check - Low 29, Avg 52, Max 64. Don't know how that compares, but I'm pretty happy with that.

    ~S~ Jabo

    Here's a turn-up for the books...On Vista HP (32 bit) I get better framerates - Low 43, Avg 55, Max 67. Not huge gains I appreciate, but I guess because the numbers are closer together I'll be getting smoother gameplay? Of course it won't make a difference to the fact that I can't shoot worth a damn.

  6. Am I correct in thinking that IL2 only allows 4 control/key input devices? If so, does my 4xUSB setup of mouse, keyboard, X52 and rudder pedals count as the 4? I'm assuming this because the mouse and keyboard get used aswell as the other 2.


    Erm, how many hands do you have m8?

  7. Don't worry, we'll sort it out.

    I told the staff at the Red Lion to expect a bunch of beer-swilling numpties who continuously mutter about 'prop pitch', 'mixture' and 'flap settings', to which they said, 'Yeah we know, you lot were here last year." Yet again the DDz make their mark!

    ~S~ Jabo

  8. The drivers Deputy posted would not work M8, because they are for the US version of the card which is based on the Broadcom chip.

    Yours is based on the Atheros chip (we have different channels/frequencies in Europe) so you may get more mileage by using these:


    It will be a case of unzipping that, and then updating the driver and pointing to the inf file in that zip.

    It may or may not work....the post Here indicates that the OP thinks it will, and he modified the Broadcom driver inf file to work with XP64.

    But again I would venture that wired is significantly better for gaming, and with such a 'latency consistent' sensitive application as IL2 more so..

    Indeed Roger, I had forgotten that the US and European versions use different chipsets, I can confirm however that the Broadcom drivers don't work either (I tried it immediately after switching to XP64). Personally, I see little difference between wired and wireless internet connectivity - my connection speeds are if anything slower when using the ethernet port on the router - guess it's not gigabit (sigh).

    I've spoken to (argued with) Linksys tech support this morning about their miserable lack of support for a) Vista and B) XP64 - Initially they wouldn't even admit there was a problem. They wouldn't give me any indication of a time-frame for a fix either.

  9. Nope, sorry m8, this driver doesn't work. Just get the usual warning about the driver being incompatible with the hardware. No worries I'll carry on using the router with an ethernet cable.

    ~S~ and thanks


  10. Try a different player to identify if there is a problem with Media Player. I use iTunes, but Winamp is good too. I'll be offline for an hour or two while I do a 'quazi' on my PC (still trying to sort out the wireless card, but I'll check back in afterwards.

    ~S~ Jabo

  11. sry m8.

    that's why i always say that i do not know good English. no disrespect ment.

    only wanted to say that i would like to know the answer so i can help my friend Vila.

    none taken. I'll have a look through the ini files and see if I can find something to help you and Vila out.

    ~S~ Jabo

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