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Posts posted by Jabo

  1. I use voice activated all the time, just have to watch mic sensitivity that's all, and not eat apples when flying gunner for jabo, or sandwiches, or slurp tea, he gets up set about in flight catering for some reason.

    glad to have you fly with us sir.


    LOL, don't get me started...

    Welcome Brando - good to fly with you last Saturday.

  2. DIMM stands for Dual In-line Memory Module, and refers to the packaging type of the memory - You may remember SIMM memory a while back, obviously Single etc etc

    DDR, DDR2 and recently DDR3 have different contacts, and therefore cannot be mixed. If you have DDR now, then DDR you will need.

    The 400 refers to the clock speed the memory is rated at. In this case 400MHz. This is sometimes referred to as PC-3200.

    ~S~ Jabo

  3. Using Kaspersky at present, McAfee TP throws a wobbly with XP64

    ~S~ Jabo

    P.S. Only problem so far is that there is no driver for my Linksys WMP300N wifi card (and may not be one anytime soon as far as I can tell). Can anybody out there recommend a good wifi card (not necessarily 'N') with x64 support. It's not a huge problem as I can run an ethernet cable to my router, but I'd prefer the wifi option. Other than that, XP64 is a doozy - even my Saitek Cyborg stick has native driver support!

  4. Not sure which patch you're referring to m8, but all you should need is that 1.2Gb monster. That contains the files to patch the basic game to 4.08, includes the mod switcher, no-disk crack etc etc etc.

    Therefore, the process is;

    1) install game

    2) install 1.2Gb Mod Pack

    The other mods haven't yet been fully approved for use with DD co-ops so leave 'em out for the time being.

    Job done

    ~S~ Jabo

    P.S. Hop onto TS if you're still not certain m8, I'll be there for the next 30 mins or so

  5. I can't say I agree with the sentiment, but I do like the way he has felt the need to add 'Zionist' in brackets in front of the 'juice' just in case anyone was uncertain... Doofus.

    ~S~ Jabo

  6. As I understand it, the IL2-1946 game is also available as a paid download directly from ubisoft if you have a rapid connection. Bear in mind that you will also need to download the 352nd mod package which you can find in the Vault.

    Welcome to the pound Eraser - I think you'll like it here...

    ~S~ Jabo

  7. Possible confusion there Rog, my pre-SP1 copy of XP could not sort out my shiny new PCI-E gfx card, so I slipstreamed it with SP2 in desperation and hey presto! Everything went back to normal (still dazed and confused, but at least I could get Bill's finest installed). The next steps for me are to slipstream SP3 into the mix which will save me lots of time when I next have to do a 'Quazi' on my system (new verb for the Oxford boys there - I quazi, you quazi etc etc).

    ~S~ Jabo

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