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Posts posted by Jabo

  1. 70 *C is way to much. check that u have fitted your CPU cooler in the right way. sometimes can get stuck @ surrounding plastic and not sitting on the CPU how it should. another thing could be that the showing temp is wrong but not likely. At least not that much.

    In any case do not run it for more that few minutes at a time till u fix the prob. If the proc (i know this was a fact on earlier Intel processors) is really overheating the proc will shut down the computer. But i would not bet my money on it.

    What he said - While it's one thing for a GPU to get to that temperature, there's no way the CPU should be that hot.

    Couple of questions;

    Are you using the stock cooler?

    Have you removed the tape from the underside of the heatsink and then cleaned both the top of the processor and the heatsink using a suitable cleaner (I use a specialist one, but anything alcohol based should be OK)?

    Have you applied a thin layer of thermal compound (the thinner the better)?

    Have you checked fans, seating of heatsinks etc?

    There are a number of Hardware monitoring programs out there. I use CPUID Hardware Monitor which is free and will report core, GPU and HDD temps plus fan speeds and a number of other things I don't understand

  2. Nice Cuda - Similar to my recent build - I've run XP32, XP64 and Vista 32 bit on this rig so far, and been happy with all, but niggly problems have eventually seen me wind up with Vista (no DX10 in XP32, no Windows Live or DX10 in XP64 - Windows Live and DX10 in Vista) - Don't tell Jim but I occasionally play other games which prefer those things. Sad thing is Vista benchmarks slowest of the three

  3. One Q: Your windows desktop resolution is 1280x1024, and your in game resolution is 1280x960. Why is that?

    Set in game resolution to 1280x1024, and retry...

    Durrr...Not sure m8, will have a looky

    Hmm, that's an interesting point FT, as I am currently running a higher monitor resolution than usual - I wonder if switching between modes is causing this - Oh well, I'll go kick the tires and light the fires and see what happens. Will report back later

    ~S~ Jabo

  4. Every time I alt tab out something goes wonky(TS mic hiss or Freetrack lockup) or the game crashes.

    If I use the windows key it almost always works fine.

    Hmm, not tried that, but always used alt-tab before without a problem

    In your case I might try a system restore to a date before the problems surfaced but since my last suggestion caused you more problems I'll just

  5. I will ask them tomorrow about the warranty re Vista. I think it was Jabo who told me that when I suggested converting to XP. I think he also said some of the new stuff in that version of computer would not work with XP. But then I could be wrong about who said it. My memory sometimes plays tricks on me those days.

    Nothing wrong with your memory Jim, it was me. I also pointed out that when in the past we had taken machines which were pre-loaded with Vista, and tried to re-build them as XP machines, we had big problems getting drivers for the internal components (this was a particular problem with laptops, but also to a lesser extent with desktops too)

    Not sure I am crazy about using Ghost or Snapshot to take an image. I made a couple of recovery DVD discs when I took possession of this computer. Wouldn't they do the same thing?

    Yes and no

  6. Talking of classics and DT, did I ever tell everyone about the time when I pulled off this wondershot on DT...Well it went something like this.......I was in a 190 and I saw this plane try to duck down and go under my nose.

    ...........you remember it?

  7. No better I'm afraid Rog. I have found something interesting though - The problem only seems to surface when I alt-tab back to the desktop. This indicates a pretty obvious solution, but I like to be able to hop out and back into the game again while I'm waiting for everyone else to finish.

    ~S~ Jabo

  8. Set affinity for Trackview etc to other cpu core

    Sorry for being dense - how do I do this?

    Doesn't help I'm afraid - now FreeTrack doesn't work and I'm still at 10fps

    I don't understand this at all - it's been working fine for a couple of weeks without any problems - now (without changing any programs, installing anything new - it's FUBAR - not happy.

    Worth a re-install of windows or not?

    Is there a Linux version of IL2? - Only partly joking

  9. I used to have issues with choppiness (some process taking up CPU at the worst time) but I now go into task manager and set IL2FB.exe to "high" or "realtime" priority after the game starts.

    I set TS to "above normal".

    This has always made things better for me, however, a few Dogs tried that and their situation got worse.

    I'm afraid this has made things significantly worse as now FreeTrack doesn't work in the game at all and even when I put IL2 back to it's original setting, the issue with FreeTrack remains.

    I'm beginning to wonder if it might not be better just to go back to XP and stop fannying around...

    ~S~ Jabo

    Oh this is just bizarre. Without shutting the game down, I've just launched the QMB again, and I'm back to my more usual 60+ frames per sec...and FreeTrack's working fine. Changed aircraft - still fine. Changed aircraft again, back to 10 fps. WTF!!!

    LOL alt-tab out and back into game - now 60fps. Alt-tab a second time - back to 10

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