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Posts posted by Jabo

  1. But I wouldn't be that crass to suggest you become a Danger Dogz. Right guys?

    No, you wouldn't Jim, but you have been known to recruit people who were just in search of a quiet pint... ;)

    Nice flying with ya tonight Roberts, even if only briefly. Hope you can join one of our regular nights soon.

    ~S~ Jabo

  2. Is anyone interested in a trip over to Normandy afterwards?

    I'm thinking of coming out again (with all the money my wife saved with my great anniversary gift...but I'm not bitter) but want to make sure I take in more than just seeing you drunks if I'm going to come out all that way.

    Just? Just!!? Well, if we're not enough for you, we're looking at RAFM Cosford on the Sunday. I suppose Normandy might be a possibility. I'd certainly like to go (if it's not too expensive)

  3. I remember reading about this company at least 6 or 7 years ago and think I remember them at that time talking about doing a 109 G model as well.

    Does the 190 use a radial BMW engine too?

    The short-nose 'A' variants use BMW 801 radials. the long-nose 'D' variants use Junkers Jumo in-line engines

    Sadly the beauty below basking in unseasonal July sunshine at Duxford back in 2007 arrived in a crate, and has yet to fly - at all.


    ~S~ Jabo

  4. No, Jabo - I googled it just awhile back, and your own English Electric Lightning could supercruise. First operational fighter to do so.

    Well, you learn something new every day. Given the age of the Lightning that's seriously impressive

    As good as it is, it was still stupid to take the F-117 out of service assuming the F-22 is gonna

    be able to do its job of selective ground attack on dangerous targets. While it no doubt can, the

    small numbers we are gonna have (less than 200 probably) mean they probalby will be busy doing

    air to air stuff.

    I thought that was the reasoning behind the JSF - The F-22 is the 'Air Dominance Fighter'

  5. I may be wrong about this, but isn't the F22 the only aircraft in service capable of 'supercruise' i.e. the ability to maintain supersonic flight without the use of reheat? Concorde could do it is well, but isn't exactly 'in service' any longer, more's the pity.

    ~S~ Jabo

  6. Very nice, now, which bit of the Battle of Britain happened in 1941?

    The whole thing, right before the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor...

    Jeez, read a book. will ya!


    Rofl DT, this'll be in the Hollywood version then? (ducks and runs for cover)

  7. Ah yes, Mark 9, built as a two-seater (not a conversion), regardless of what the Torygraph says, and served originally with the Irish air force.

    Very nice, saw it at Legends two years ago, although it didn't fly in the display.

    ~S~ Jabo - checking down the back of the sofa

  8. ~S~ Sged, yeah, you can buy a ticket on the day, it's just a bit cheaper in advance. Check the website for accepted cards, Maestro/Cirrus or Visa Debit should be OK.

    Plans for Sunday are in the firming up stage - it currently looks like RAF Museum - Cosford which is not far from Birmingham. The visit to the Shuttleworth Collection has been postponed to another time due to traffic difficulties (local county show on there on the Sunday). Lots of cool Lufty stuff at Cosford - Me-162, Me-410 anybody? Also Avro Lincoln, all three v-bombers (Valiant, Victor and Vulcan) etc etc etc. You could probably get a flight home from Birmingham International - dead easy to get to and tons of flights to continental Europe.

    Glad to hear you're heading to Duxford deskpilot - Head to the Red Lion for a swift half before heading home - beats sitting in traffic any day. The serious drinkers are getting there on Friday to get a headstart. I think the official rendezvous for Saturday is breakfast at the RL (9ish - later if I'm hungover) before heading to the airfield.

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